15 Sample Cover Letters for Asylum Application

Fleeing persecution, war, or violence in one’s home country is a harrowing experience that no one should have to endure.

For those seeking asylum in a foreign land, the application process can be a lifeline to safety and a brighter future.

A well-crafted cover letter is a crucial component of any asylum application, as it provides an opportunity to tell your story and make a compelling case for why you deserve protection.

Sample Cover Letters for Asylum Application

In this article, we will explore fifteen sample cover letters that showcase the diverse experiences and circumstances of asylum seekers from around the world.

These examples will serve as a valuable resource for those embarking on their own asylum journey, offering guidance and inspiration as they navigate this challenging process.

Cover Letter One

Subject: Asylum Application – Political Persecution in Venezuela

Dear Asylum Officer,

I am writing to formally request asylum in the United States due to the political persecution I have faced in my home country of Venezuela. As a vocal critic of the current government and an active participant in peaceful protests, I have been targeted by the authorities and subjected to threats, intimidation, and physical violence.

In the past year, I have been arrested and detained on multiple occasions for exercising my right to free speech and assembly. During these detentions, I have been interrogated, beaten, and denied access to legal representation. The government has also launched a smear campaign against me, labeling me a traitor and a threat to national security.

Fearing for my life and the safety of my family, I made the difficult decision to flee Venezuela and seek protection in the United States. I believe that if I were to return, I would face further persecution, imprisonment, and possibly even death at the hands of the government.

I implore you to grant me asylum and the opportunity to rebuild my life in a country where my fundamental rights will be respected and protected. Thank you for your consideration of my application.


[Your Name]

Cover Letter Two

Subject: Asylum Application – Religious Persecution in Pakistan

Dear Asylum Officer,

I am a Christian woman from Pakistan, and I am seeking asylum in the United States due to the severe religious persecution I have experienced in my home country. As a member of a minority faith, I have faced discrimination, harassment, and violence at the hands of both state and non-state actors.

In recent years, the persecution against Christians in Pakistan has escalated, with an increase in forced conversions, blasphemy accusations, and targeted attacks on churches and individuals. I have personally been threatened with death by local extremist groups for refusing to convert to Islam and have been forced to flee my home and go into hiding.

Despite the grave risks I face, the Pakistani government has failed to protect me and other members of my faith. In fact, the authorities have often been complicit in the persecution, turning a blind eye to the abuses and even participating in them.

I am seeking asylum in the United States because I know that here, I will be able to practice my religion freely and without fear. I hope that you will grant me the protection I so desperately need and allow me to start a new life in a country where I can live in peace and dignity.


[Your Name]

Cover Letter Three

Subject: Asylum Application – Gender-Based Violence in El Salvador

Dear Asylum Officer,

I am a survivor of gender-based violence from El Salvador, and I am writing to request asylum in the United States. For years, I have been subjected to severe physical, sexual, and emotional abuse at the hands of my partner, who is a member of a powerful gang in my country.

Despite my repeated attempts to seek help from the authorities, I have been met with indifference and even victim-blaming. The police have refused to investigate my case or provide me with any protection, telling me that domestic violence is a private matter and that I should try to work things out with my abuser.

Fearing for my life and the lives of my children, I made the difficult decision to escape El Salvador and seek safety in the United States. I know that if I were to return, my abuser would find me and likely kill me for having the audacity to leave him.

I am asking for your compassion and understanding in granting me asylum. I want nothing more than to live a life free from violence and abuse, and I believe that the United States is the only place where I can find the protection and support I need to heal and rebuild my life.


[Your Name]

Cover Letter Four

Subject: Asylum Application – Political Persecution in Eritrea

Dear Asylum Officer,

I am an Eritrean journalist seeking asylum in the United States due to the political persecution I have faced in my home country. As a reporter for an independent news outlet, I have been targeted by the government for my critical coverage of human rights abuses and political repression in Eritrea.

In the past year, I have been arrested and detained multiple times for my work, subjected to brutal interrogations and torture by the authorities. The government has also shut down my news outlet and banned me from practicing journalism, effectively stripping me of my livelihood.

Eritrea is one of the most repressive countries in the world, with no freedom of the press, no political opposition, and no independent civil society. Journalists like myself who dare to speak out against the government face severe consequences, including indefinite detention, forced labor, and even extrajudicial killings.

I am seeking asylum in the United States because I know that here, I will be able to continue my work as a journalist without fear of persecution. I hope that you will grant me the protection I need to carry on my mission of exposing the truth and holding those in power accountable.


[Your Name]

Cover Letter Five

Subject: Asylum Application – Sexual Orientation Persecution in Uganda

Dear Asylum Officer,

I am a gay man from Uganda, and I am writing to request asylum in the United States due to the persecution I have faced on the basis of my sexual orientation. In my country, homosexuality is criminalized, and LGBTQ+ individuals face severe discrimination, violence, and even the threat of imprisonment or death.

I have personally experienced this persecution firsthand. When my family discovered my sexual orientation, they disowned me and forced me out of our home. I have been subjected to physical attacks and death threats from members of my community, and I have been unable to find employment or housing due to discrimination.

The Ugandan government not only fails to protect LGBTQ+ individuals but actively participates in their persecution. Politicians and religious leaders regularly incite violence against our community, and the police often arrest and detain individuals suspected of being gay.

I am seeking asylum in the United States because I know that here, I will be able to live openly and authentically without fear of persecution or violence. I hope that you will grant me the protection I need to build a life free from discrimination and abuse.


[Your Name]

Cover Letter Six

Subject: Asylum Application – Political Persecution in China

Dear Asylum Officer,

I am a political activist from China, and I am writing to request asylum in the United States due to the persecution I have faced for my pro-democracy activism. As a vocal critic of the Chinese Communist Party and an organizer of peaceful protests, I have been targeted by the authorities and subjected to surveillance, harassment, and arbitrary detention.

In the past year, I have been arrested multiple times for my political activities and held in secret detention facilities, where I have been interrogated, beaten, and deprived of sleep and food. The government has also pressured my employer to fire me and has threatened my family with retaliation if I do not cease my activism.

China is a one-party state with no tolerance for political dissent. Activists like myself who advocate for democracy, human rights, and the rule of law face severe consequences, including long prison sentences, torture, and even forced disappearance.

I am seeking asylum in the United States because I know that here, I will be able to continue my fight for freedom and justice without fear of persecution. I hope that you will grant me the protection I need to carry on my mission of building a more democratic and equitable China.


[Your Name]

Cover Letter Seven

Subject: Asylum Application – Religious Persecution in Iran

Dear Asylum Officer,

I am a member of the Baha’i faith from Iran, and I am writing to request asylum in the United States due to the severe religious persecution I have faced in my home country. As a minority religion, the Baha’i community in Iran has long been subjected to discrimination, harassment, and violence at the hands of the government and society at large.

I have personally experienced this persecution in the form of being denied access to higher education, being fired from my job, and being subjected to arbitrary arrest and detention. The government has also confiscated my family’s property and has threatened us with further retaliation if we do not renounce our faith.

The persecution of the Baha’i community in Iran is systematic and state-sponsored. The government regards the Baha’i faith as a heretical sect and has taken steps to eradicate it, including banning Baha’i organizations, destroying Baha’i holy sites, and imprisoning Baha’i leaders.

I am seeking asylum in the United States because I know that here, I will be able to practice my faith freely and without fear of persecution. I hope that you will grant me the protection I need to live a life of dignity and peace.


[Your Name]

Cover Letter Eight

Subject: Asylum Application – Gang Violence in Honduras

Dear Asylum Officer,

I am a young woman from Honduras, and I am writing to request asylum in the United States due to the severe gang violence I have faced in my home country. As a resident of a neighborhood controlled by a powerful gang, I have been subjected to extortion, threats, and physical violence for refusing to comply with their demands.

The gang has repeatedly threatened to kill me and my family if we do not pay them “protection” money, and they have made good on these threats by attacking my brother and burning down my family’s business. The police are either unwilling or unable to protect us, and in some cases, they are even complicit in the gang’s activities.

Honduras has one of the highest rates of gang violence in the world, with gangs controlling entire neighborhoods and even infiltrating the government. For people like me who live in gang-controlled areas, there is no escape from the constant threat of violence and extortion.

I am seeking asylum in the United States because I know that here, I will be able to live free from the constant fear of gang violence. I hope that you will grant me the protection I need to build a safe and stable life for myself and my family.


[Your Name]

Cover Letter Nine

Subject: Asylum Application – Political Persecution in Russia

Dear Asylum Officer,

I am a Russian opposition activist, and I am writing to request asylum in the United States due to the political persecution I have faced for my criticism of the Putin regime. As a vocal advocate for democracy and human rights, I have been targeted by the authorities and subjected to surveillance, harassment, and arbitrary detention.

In the past year, I have been arrested multiple times for participating in peaceful protests and have been subjected to brutal beatings and torture while in police custody. The government has also launched a smear campaign against me, labeling me a foreign agent and a traitor to Russia.

Under Vladimir Putin’s authoritarian rule, political opposition and dissent are not tolerated. Critics of the regime face severe consequences, including long prison sentences, forced psychiatric treatment, and even assassination.

I am seeking asylum in the United States because I know that here, I will be able to continue my fight for a free and democratic Russia without fear of persecution. I hope that you will grant me the protection I need to carry on my mission of exposing the abuses of the Putin regime and advocating for the rights of the Russian people.


[Your Name]

Cover Letter Ten

Subject: Asylum Application – Ethnic Persecution in Myanmar

Dear Asylum Officer,

I am a member of the Rohingya ethnic minority from Myanmar, and I am writing to request asylum in the United States due to the severe persecution and violence I have faced in my home country. As a Rohingya, I have been subjected to discrimination, segregation, and even genocide at the hands of the Myanmar military and government.

In August 2017, the Myanmar military launched a brutal crackdown on the Rohingya community, killing thousands and forcing more than 700,000 to flee to neighboring Bangladesh. During this campaign of violence, my village was attacked, and many of my friends and family members were killed or disappeared.

I was able to escape to Bangladesh, but the conditions in the refugee camps are dire, with limited access to food, water, and medical care. The Myanmar government has also made it clear that Rohingya refugees are not welcome to return, and those who have attempted to do so have faced further violence and persecution.

I am seeking asylum in the United States because I know that here, I will be able to live free from the threat of genocide and ethnic cleansing. I hope that you will grant me the protection I need to rebuild my life and advocate for justice for my community.


[Your Name]

Cover Letter Eleven

Subject: Asylum Application – Domestic Violence in Guatemala

Dear Asylum Officer,

I am a survivor of severe domestic violence from Guatemala, and I am writing to request asylum in the United States. For years, I suffered physical, sexual, and emotional abuse at the hands of my husband, who is a prominent member of our community with close ties to the police and local government officials.

Despite my repeated attempts to seek help from the authorities, I was met with indifference and even victim-blaming. The police refused to investigate my case, telling me that domestic violence is a private matter and that I should try to reconcile with my abuser.

When I finally found the courage to leave my husband, he and his family members began stalking and threatening me, vowing to kill me for bringing shame upon their family. I know that if I were to return to Guatemala, my life would be in grave danger.

I am seeking asylum in the United States because I know that here, I will be able to live free from the constant threat of violence and abuse. I hope that you will grant me the protection I need to heal from my trauma and build a new life for myself and my children.


[Your Name]

Cover Letter Twelve

Subject: Asylum Application – LGBTQ+ Persecution in Egypt

Dear Asylum Officer,

I am a transgender woman from Egypt, and I am writing to request asylum in the United States due to the severe persecution and violence I have faced on the basis of my gender identity. In my country, LGBTQ+ individuals face widespread discrimination, harassment, and even the threat of imprisonment under laws that criminalize homosexuality and “debauchery.”

As a transgender woman, I have been subjected to brutal physical attacks, sexual violence, and death threats from both strangers and family members who view my identity as a disgrace to our culture and religion. I have also been denied access to education, employment, and healthcare due to discrimination.

The Egyptian government not only fails to protect LGBTQ+ individuals but actively participates in their persecution, with police often arresting and torturing those suspected of being gay or transgender. I know that if I were to return to Egypt, I would face severe violence and the risk of imprisonment or even death.

I am seeking asylum in the United States because I know that here, I will be able to live openly and authentically as my true self without fear of persecution. I hope that you will grant me the protection I need to build a life free from violence and discrimination.


[Your Name]

Cover Letter Thirteen

Subject: Asylum Application – Political Persecution in Nicaragua

Dear Asylum Officer,

I am a student activist from Nicaragua, and I am writing to request asylum in the United States due to the political persecution I have faced for my opposition to the Ortega regime. As a leader of the student movement that began in April 2018, I have been targeted by the authorities and subjected to surveillance, threats, and even torture.

During the government’s brutal crackdown on protesters, I was arrested and detained for several weeks, during which time I was subjected to beatings, waterboarding, and other forms of torture. The government has also expelled me from my university and has threatened to arrest me again if I continue my activism.

Under the authoritarian rule of President Daniel Ortega, political dissent is not tolerated in Nicaragua. Opposition activists, journalists, and human rights defenders face severe consequences for speaking out against the regime, including arbitrary detention, torture, and even extrajudicial killings.

I am seeking asylum in the United States because I know that here, I will be able to continue my fight for democracy and human rights in Nicaragua without fear of persecution. I hope that you will grant me the protection I need to carry on my mission of building a more just and equitable future for my country.


[Your Name]

Cover Letter Fourteen

Subject: Asylum Application – Female Genital Mutilation in Somalia

Dear Asylum Officer,

I am a young woman from Somalia, and I am writing to request asylum in the United States due to the threat of female genital mutilation (FGM) that I face in my home country. In Somalia, FGM is a widely practiced cultural tradition, with an estimated 98% of women and girls having undergone the procedure.

As a young girl, I narrowly escaped being subjected to FGM when my family fled Somalia due to the ongoing civil war. However, now that I am of marriageable age, my father is pressuring me to return to Somalia and undergo the procedure as a prerequisite for marriage.

I cannot in good conscience submit to this practice, which I know to be a grave violation of my bodily autonomy and human rights. FGM can lead to severe health complications, including chronic pain, infections, and even death, and it is a form of gender-based violence that seeks to control and suppress women’s sexuality.

The Somali government has failed to take adequate steps to protect girls and women from FGM, with the practice remaining widely accepted and even encouraged by religious and cultural leaders. I know that if I were to return to Somalia, I would be at high risk of being forced to undergo FGM against my will.

I am seeking asylum in the United States because I know that here, I will be able to live free from the threat of FGM and other forms of gender-based violence. I hope that you will grant me the protection I need to build a life where my body and my choices are respected and valued.


[Your Name]

Cover Letter Fifteen

Subject: Asylum Application – Environmental Activism in Brazil

Dear Asylum Officer,

I am an environmental activist from Brazil, and I am writing to request asylum in the United States due to the threats and violence I have faced for my work defending the Amazon rainforest and the rights of indigenous communities. As a vocal critic of the Brazilian government’s policies of deforestation and land grabbing, I have been targeted by powerful business interests and corrupt politicians who seek to silence me.

In the past year, I have received numerous death threats, and my home has been vandalized and broken into multiple times. I have also been physically assaulted by armed men who warned me to stop my activism or face the consequences.

Under the administration of President Jair Bolsonaro, environmental activists and indigenous leaders in Brazil face severe risks for their work, with many being killed, disappeared, or forced to flee their homes. The government has actively rolled back protections for the Amazon and has encouraged the expansion of mining, logging, and agribusiness in the region, often at the expense of indigenous rights and environmental sustainability.

I am seeking asylum in the United States because I know that here, I will be able to continue my fight for the Amazon and for the rights of indigenous peoples without fear of violence or retaliation. I hope that you will grant me the protection I need to carry on my mission of building a more just and sustainable future for Brazil and the world.


[Your Name]


These fifteen sample cover letters for asylum applications demonstrate the wide range of circumstances and experiences that can lead individuals to seek protection in the United States.

From political persecution and ethnic violence to gender-based discrimination and environmental activism, these stories highlight the urgent need for a fair and humane asylum system that provides safety and refuge to those fleeing harm in their home countries.

While each asylum seeker’s story is unique, they all share a common thread of courage, resilience, and hope in the face of unimaginable adversity.

By granting asylum to those who need it most, the United States can live up to its highest ideals as a beacon of freedom and a champion of human rights around the world.