15 Sample Letters of Complaint Against a Police Officer

Picture this: you’re going about your day, minding your own business, when suddenly you find yourself on the receiving end of police misconduct.

Whether it’s excessive force, abuse of power, or simply unprofessional behavior, dealing with a rogue police officer can be a frustrating and intimidating experience.

But you don’t have to suffer in silence. By writing a letter of complaint, you can bring attention to the issue and hold the officer accountable for their actions.

Sample Letters of Complaint Against a Police Officer

In this article, we’ll provide you with 15 sample letters of complaint against a police officer, covering a range of scenarios and situations.

These letters will serve as a starting point for crafting your complaint, ensuring your voice is heard and your concerns are addressed.

Let’s get started.

Letter 1: Excessive Use of Force

Subject: Complaint Against Officer John Doe, Badge #1234

Dear Chief of Police,

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against Officer John Doe, Badge #1234, for the excessive use of force during an incident on June 1, 2023, at approximately 2:30 PM.

While walking home from work, I witnessed Officer Doe violently arrest a young man who appeared to be complying with the officer’s commands. The officer slammed the man against the ground, causing visible injuries to his face and body. Despite the man’s pleas for help, Officer Doe continued to use unnecessary force throughout the arrest.

I believe Officer Doe’s actions were not only excessive but also a violation of the young man’s constitutional rights. I request that an immediate investigation be conducted into this incident and that appropriate disciplinary action be taken against Officer Doe.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 2: Racial Profiling

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Jane Smith, Badge #5678

Dear Internal Affairs,

I am writing to file a complaint against Officer Jane Smith, Badge #5678, for engaging in racial profiling during a traffic stop on July 15, 2023, at approximately 9:00 PM.

I was driving home from a friend’s house when Officer Smith pulled me over, claiming that I had failed to signal a turn. However, I am confident that I have used my turn signal properly. During the stop, Officer Smith questioned me aggressively, asking if I had any drugs or weapons in the car. She also made several inappropriate comments about my race and appearance.

I believe that Officer Smith’s actions were motivated by racial bias and that she had no legitimate reason to pull me over or question me in such a manner. I request that an investigation be launched into Officer Smith’s conduct and that she be held accountable for her discriminatory behavior.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 3: Failure to Respond to Emergency

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Mike Johnson, Badge #9012

Dear Chief of Police,

I am writing to file a complaint against Officer Mike Johnson, Badge #9012, for failing to respond to an emergency on August 3, 2023, at approximately 11:30 PM.

I called 911 to report a domestic violence incident occurring in the apartment next to mine. I could hear screaming and what sounded like physical altercations. When Officer Johnson arrived on the scene, he knocked on the door but left after receiving no response. He did not attempt to investigate further or ensure the safety of those involved.

I am deeply concerned that Officer Johnson’s inaction may have put the victim(s) of the domestic violence incident at risk. I request that an investigation be conducted into Officer Johnson’s handling of the situation and that he receive additional training on responding to domestic violence calls.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 4: Inappropriate Conduct

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Sarah Brown, Badge #3456

Dear Internal Affairs,

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against Officer Sarah Brown, Badge #3456, for inappropriate conduct during a public interaction on September 12, 2023, at approximately 3:00 PM.

I was walking through a public park when I observed Officer Brown engage in a heated argument with a group of teenagers. During the exchange, Officer Brown used profane language and made several derogatory comments about the teenagers’ appearances and backgrounds. Her behavior was not only unprofessional but also served to escalate the situation unnecessarily.

I believe that Officer Brown’s conduct was unbecoming of a police officer and that she failed to uphold the standards of professionalism expected of law enforcement. I request that an investigation be launched into Officer Brown’s behavior and that appropriate disciplinary action be taken.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 5: Lack of Probable Cause

Subject: Complaint Against Officer David Lee, Badge #7890

Dear Chief of Police,

I am writing to file a complaint against Officer David Lee, Badge #7890, for searching for my vehicle without probable cause on October 8, 2023, at approximately 6:00 PM.

I was stopped by Officer Lee for allegedly speeding, although I believe I was driving within the posted speed limit. During the stop, Officer Lee asked to search my vehicle, claiming that he had reason to believe I had illegal substances. Despite my objections, Officer Lee proceeded to search my car without my consent or any apparent probable cause.

I believe that Officer Lee’s actions violated my Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures. I request that an investigation be conducted into Officer Lee’s conduct and that he be held accountable for his actions.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 6: Failure to Provide Medical Assistance

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Michael Davis, Badge #2345

Dear Internal Affairs,

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against Officer Michael Davis, Badge #2345, for failing to provide medical assistance to an individual in need on November 20, 2023, at approximately 8:30 PM.

I witnessed an elderly man collapse on the sidewalk and call 911 for help. Officer Davis was the first to arrive on the scene, but instead of providing immediate medical attention, he spent several minutes questioning bystanders and writing in his notebook. Despite my repeated pleas for him to help the man, Officer Davis did not attempt to administer first aid or CPR until paramedics arrived several minutes later.

I believe that Officer Davis’s failure to provide timely medical assistance put the elderly man’s life at risk and demonstrated a lack of concern for public safety. I request that an investigation be conducted into Officer Davis’s actions and that he receive additional training on emergency response procedures.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 7: Unlawful Detention

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Emily Wilson, Badge #6789

Dear Chief of Police,

I am writing to file a complaint against Officer Emily Wilson, Badge #6789, for unlawfully detaining me on December 5, 2023, at approximately 1:00 PM.

I was walking through a public park when Officer Wilson approached me and demanded to see my identification. When I asked why she needed to see my ID, she became agitated and told me that I was being detained for suspicious activity. Despite my repeated requests for an explanation, Officer Wilson refused to provide any justification for my detention and held me for over an hour without cause.

I believe that Officer Wilson’s actions violated my constitutional rights and amounted to an unlawful detention. I request that an investigation be launched into Officer Wilson’s conduct and that appropriate disciplinary action be taken.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 8: Mishandling of Evidence

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Robert Thompson, Badge #4567

Dear Internal Affairs,

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against Officer Robert Thompson, Badge #4567, for mishandling evidence in a criminal investigation.

I was the victim of a burglary on January 10, 2024, and Officer Thompson was assigned to investigate the case. During the investigation, I learned that Officer Thompson had failed to properly secure and document several key pieces of evidence, including fingerprints and surveillance footage. As a result, the evidence was deemed inadmissible in court, and the charges against the suspect were dropped.

I believe that Officer Thompson’s negligence in handling the evidence directly led to the failure of the prosecution and denied me justice. I request that an investigation be conducted into Officer Thompson’s actions and that he be held accountable for his misconduct.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 9: Failure to Intervene

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Sarah Davis, Badge #8901

Dear Chief of Police,

I am writing to file a complaint against Officer Sarah Davis, Badge #8901, for failing to intervene in a situation involving excessive force by another officer on February 15, 2024, at approximately 4:30 PM.

I witnessed Officer Davis’s partner, Officer Michael Johnson, use excessive force while arresting a suspect. The suspect was not resisting arrest, but Officer Johnson repeatedly struck the individual with his baton, causing visible injuries. Despite being present during the incident, Officer Davis did not attempt to stop her partner or de-escalate the situation.

I believe that Officer Davis had a duty to intervene and prevent the use of excessive force by her fellow officers. Her failure to do so makes her complicit in the misconduct. I request that an investigation be launched into Officer Davis’s actions and that she be held accountable for her failure to act.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 10: Improper Use of Taser

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Daniel Moore, Badge #2345

Dear Internal Affairs,

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against Officer Daniel Moore, Badge #2345, for the improper use of a Taser on March 22, 2024, at approximately 7:00 PM.

I was a witness to an incident in which Officer Moore used his taser on an unarmed individual who was not posing a threat to the officer or others. The individual was already on the ground and had his hands raised in surrender when Officer Moore deployed his taser, causing the man to convulse and scream in pain.

I believe that Officer Moore’s use of the taser was excessive and unjustified given the circumstances. I request that an investigation be conducted into Officer Moore’s actions and that he receive additional training on the appropriate use of force and de-escalation techniques.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 11: Failure to File Report

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Jennifer Anderson, Badge #6789

Dear Chief of Police,

I am writing to file a complaint against Officer Jennifer Anderson, Badge #6789, for failing to file a report after responding to a call on April 3, 2024, at approximately 9:30 PM.

I called the police to report a suspicious person lurking around my neighborhood. Officer Anderson arrived on the scene and spoke with the individual in question but did not take any further action. When I followed up with the police department several days later, I was informed that no report had been filed regarding the incident.

I believe that Officer Anderson’s failure to document the incident and her interactions with the suspicious person represents a dereliction of her duties as a police officer. I request that an investigation be launched into Officer Anderson’s conduct and that she be held accountable for her failure to follow proper reporting procedures.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 12: Lack of Professionalism

Subject: Complaint Against Officer William Davis, Badge #1234

Dear Internal Affairs,

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against Officer William Davis, Badge #1234, for a lack of professionalism during a traffic stop on May 10, 2024, at approximately 11:00 AM.

I was pulled over by Officer Davis for allegedly running a stop sign, which I dispute. During the stop, Officer Davis was rude, dismissive, and condescending towards me. He made several sarcastic comments about my driving abilities and refused to listen to my explanation of events. His behavior was unprofessional and made an already stressful situation even more unpleasant.

I believe that Officer Davis’s conduct during the traffic stop was unbecoming of a police officer and failed to meet the standards of professionalism expected of law enforcement. I request that an investigation be conducted into Officer Davis’s behavior and that he receive additional training on proper communication and customer service skills.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 13: Failure to Investigate

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Emily Johnson, Badge #5678

Dear Chief of Police,

I am writing to file a complaint against Officer Emily Johnson, Badge #5678, for failing to investigate a reported crime on June 18, 2024, at approximately 3:00 PM.

I called the police to report a theft from my business, providing Officer Johnson with surveillance footage and a detailed description of the suspect. However, when I followed up with Officer Johnson several weeks later, she informed me that no progress had been made on the case and that she had not yet reviewed the evidence I provided.

I believe that Officer Johnson’s failure to investigate the reported crime promptly demonstrates a lack of commitment to her duties as a police officer. I request that an investigation be launched into Officer Johnson’s handling of the case and that she be held accountable for her inaction.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 14: Improper Use of Authority

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Christopher Brown, Badge #9012

Dear Internal Affairs,

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against Officer Christopher Brown, Badge #9012, for improperly using his authority to intimidate and harass me on July 22, 2024, at approximately 6:30 PM.

I was engaged in a peaceful protest when Officer Brown singled me out and began to question me aggressively. He demanded to see my identification and threatened to arrest me for disorderly conduct, even though I was not engaging in any illegal activity. Officer Brown’s behavior was intended to intimidate me and discourage me from exercising my First Amendment rights.

I believe that Officer Brown’s actions represent an abuse of his authority as a police officer and a violation of my constitutional rights. I request that an investigation be conducted into Officer Brown’s conduct and that appropriate disciplinary action be taken.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 15: Failure to Protect

Subject: Complaint Against Officer Michael Wilson, Badge #3456

Dear Chief of Police,

I am writing to file a complaint against Officer Michael Wilson, Badge #3456, for failing to protect me from a violent assault on August 5, 2024, at approximately 10:00 PM.

I was walking home from work when I was attacked by an armed assailant. I managed to break free and ran towards Officer Wilson, who was on patrol nearby. Despite my pleas for help and the visible injuries I had sustained, Officer Wilson did not attempt to apprehend the assailant or provide me with any assistance. Instead, he told me to go home and file a report at the station the next day.

I believe that Officer Wilson’s failure to act in the face of a clear threat to my safety represents a dereliction of his duties as a police officer. I request that an investigation be launched into Officer Wilson’s conduct and that he be held accountable for his failure to protect and serve.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]


Filing a letter of complaint against a police officer can be an intimidating process, but it is an essential step in holding law enforcement accountable and ensuring that they uphold the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.

By using these sample letters as a guide, you can effectively communicate your concerns and seek justice for any misconduct or impropriety you have experienced at the hands of a police officer.