15 Sample Letters of Objection to Child Support Order

Child support orders are legal obligations that require non-custodial parents to provide financial support for their children.

While these orders are meant to ensure the well-being and proper care of the child, there may be instances where a parent feels the need to object to the terms or conditions of the order.

Sample Letters of Objection to Child Support Order

Crafting a well-written letter of objection is crucial to effectively communicate your concerns and present your case to the relevant authorities.

In this article, we will explore 15 sample letters that demonstrate how to articulate your objections clearly and persuasively, increasing the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

Letter One: Incorrect Calculation of Income

Subject: Objection to Child Support Order – Case No. [Case Number]

Dear [Child Support Agency],

I am writing to formally object to the child support order issued on [Date] in the case referenced above. After carefully reviewing the order, I have determined that there has been an error in the calculation of my income, which has resulted in an inaccurate and excessive child support obligation.

The order states that my monthly income is $[Amount], which is significantly higher than my actual earnings. I have enclosed copies of my recent pay stubs and tax returns, which demonstrate that my monthly income is $[Actual Amount]. I kindly request that you review this documentation and recalculate my child support obligation based on my correct income.

I understand the importance of providing financial support for my child, but I believe that the support order should be based on accurate information and reflect my true ability to pay. The current order places an undue financial burden on me and hinders my ability to meet my own basic needs.

Please consider this letter as my formal objection to the child support order and my request for a modification based on the correct income information. I am willing to provide any additional documentation or evidence needed to support my claim.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a prompt resolution and a fair adjustment to my child support obligation.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter Two: Change in Employment Status

Subject: Objection to Child Support Order – Case No. [Case Number]

Dear [Child Support Agency],

I am writing to object to the child support order issued on [Date] in the case referenced above. Since the issuance of the order, there has been a significant change in my employment status, which has greatly impacted my ability to meet the current child support obligation.

On [Date], I lost my job due to [Reason, e.g., company downsizing, layoffs]. Despite my diligent efforts to secure new employment, I have been unable to find a position that offers a comparable salary. As a result, my income has been substantially reduced, and I am currently earning only $[Current Income] per month.

The current child support order was based on my previous income and does not take into account my current financial situation. I am struggling to meet my own basic living expenses and cannot afford to maintain the same level of child support payments.

I have enclosed documentation that verifies my job loss and current income, including my termination letter and recent unemployment benefits statements. I kindly request that you review this information and modify the child support order to reflect my current financial circumstances.

I am committed to providing for my child to the best of my ability, but the current order is not sustainable given my employment situation. I am willing to work with the child support agency to determine a fair and reasonable support amount based on my current income.

Please consider this letter as my formal objection to the child support order and my request for a modification based on my change in employment status. I am available to provide any additional information or documentation needed to support my request.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter. I look forward to a prompt review and adjustment of my child support obligation.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter Three: Incorrect Calculation of Parenting Time

Subject: Objection to Child Support Order – Case No. [Case Number]

Dear [Child Support Agency],

I am writing to object to the child support order issued on [Date] in the case referenced above. After reviewing the order, I have noticed that there has been an incorrect calculation of my parenting time, which has resulted in an inaccurate determination of my child support obligation.

The current order states that I have [Number] overnight visits with my child per year, which is significantly lower than the actual amount of time I spend with my child. In reality, I have [Actual Number] overnight visits per year, as evidenced by our agreed-upon parenting plan and visitation schedule.

The amount of parenting time I have with my child directly affects the calculation of my child support obligation. The incorrect calculation in the current order has resulted in an inflated child support amount that does not accurately reflect my level of responsibility and involvement in my child’s life.

I have enclosed a copy of our parenting plan and a detailed log of my overnight visits with my child over the past year. I kindly request that you review this documentation and recalculate my child support obligation based on the correct number of overnight visits.

I am fully committed to supporting my child and believe that the child support order should be based on accurate information and a fair assessment of my parenting time. The current order places an undue financial burden on me and does not properly account for the time and resources I dedicate to caring for my child.

Please consider this letter as my formal objection to the child support order and my request for a modification based on the correct calculation of my parenting time. I am willing to provide any additional documentation or evidence needed to support my claim.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a prompt resolution and a fair adjustment to my child support obligation.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter Four: Failure to Consider Shared Parenting Arrangement

Subject: Objection to Child Support Order – Case No. [Case Number]

Dear [Child Support Agency],

I am writing to object to the child support order issued on [Date] in the case referenced above. The current order fails to consider the shared parenting arrangement that I have with the other parent, resulting in an inequitable and burdensome child support obligation.

Under our shared parenting agreement, my child spends equal time with both parents, and we share all major expenses related to our child’s care, including medical costs, education expenses, and extracurricular activities. The current child support order does not adequately reflect this arrangement and instead calculates my obligation as if I were a non-custodial parent with limited parenting time.

The failure to consider our shared parenting arrangement has resulted in a child support amount that is disproportionate to my actual financial responsibilities and the time I spend caring for our child. This places an undue financial strain on me and does not accurately represent the equal contributions made by both parents.

I have enclosed a copy of our shared parenting agreement and documentation of the expenses we incur for our child’s care. I kindly request that you review this information and recalculate my child support obligation to reflect our shared parenting arrangement and the equal distribution of expenses.

I am committed to providing for my child and believe that the child support order should be based on a fair and equitable assessment of our shared parenting responsibilities. The current order does not align with the principles of shared parenting and unfairly burdens one parent over the other.

Please consider this letter as my formal objection to the child support order and my request for a modification based on our shared parenting arrangement. I am willing to provide any additional documentation or evidence needed to support my claim.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a prompt review and adjustment of my child support obligation to reflect the true nature of our shared parenting arrangement.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter Five: Inappropriate Imputation of Income

Subject: Objection to Child Support Order – Case No. [Case Number]

Dear [Child Support Agency],

I am writing to object to the child support order issued on [Date] in the case referenced above. After reviewing the order, I have determined that there has been an inappropriate imputation of income, which has resulted in an inflated and unreasonable child support obligation.

The current order imputes an income of $[Imputed Amount] to me, which is significantly higher than my actual earnings. This imputed income is based on assumptions and speculations about my earning potential rather than my real financial situation. I have made diligent efforts to secure employment and maximize my income, but I have been unable to achieve the level of earnings assumed in the order.

Imputing income without a valid basis places an undue financial burden on me and sets an unrealistic expectation for my ability to pay child support. It fails to consider the challenges I face in the current job market and the limitations on my earning capacity.

I have enclosed documentation that demonstrates my actual income, including recent pay stubs, tax returns, and evidence of my job search efforts. I kindly request that you review this information and recalculate my child support obligation based on my true financial circumstances.

I am committed to supporting my child to the best of my ability, but the current order’s imputation of income is unjust and does not reflect the reality of my financial situation. I am willing to provide any additional documentation or evidence needed to support my claim.

Please consider this letter as my formal objection to the child support order and my request for a modification based on my actual income. I am hopeful that a fair and reasonable child support amount can be determined based on my real financial circumstances.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a prompt review and adjustment of my child support obligation.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter Six: Failure to Consider Other Dependent Children

Subject: Objection to Child Support Order – Case No. [Case Number]

Dear [Child Support Agency],

I am writing to object to the child support order issued on [Date] in the case referenced above. The current order fails to consider my obligation to support other dependent children, resulting in an excessive and disproportionate child support amount.

In addition to the child covered by this support order, I have [Number] other dependent children for whom I am financially responsible. These children reside with me and rely on me for their daily needs, including food, shelter, clothing, and other necessities. The current child support order does not take into account the financial obligations I have towards these other children.

By failing to consider my other dependent children, the current order places an undue financial burden on me and my household. It stretches my limited resources thin and makes it challenging to provide adequately for all of my children’s needs.

I have enclosed documentation that verifies the existence and dependence of my other children, including their birth certificates and proof of residency. I kindly request that you review this information and recalculate my child support obligation, taking into account my responsibility to support all of my dependent children.

I am committed to fulfilling my parental duties and providing for all of my children to the best of my ability. However, the current child support order does not fairly distribute my financial obligations and places an unreasonable burden on me and my other dependents.

Please consider this letter as my formal objection to the child support order and my request for a modification based on my obligation to support other dependent children. I am willing to provide any additional documentation or evidence needed to support my claim.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a prompt review and adjustment of my child support obligation to reflect a fair and equitable distribution of my financial responsibilities.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter Seven: Extraordinary Medical Expenses

Subject: Objection to Child Support Order – Case No. [Case Number]

Dear [Child Support Agency],

I am writing to object to the child support order issued on [Date] in the case referenced above. The current order does not adequately address the extraordinary medical expenses incurred for our child’s care, resulting in an inequitable distribution of financial responsibility.

Our child has been diagnosed with [Medical Condition], which requires ongoing medical treatment, specialized care, and costly medications. These extraordinary medical expenses are not covered by insurance and place a significant financial strain on both parents.

The current child support order does not specifically address how these extraordinary medical expenses should be shared between the parents. As a result, I have been bearing a disproportionate share of these costs, which has created an undue financial burden on me.

I have enclosed documentation that verifies our child’s medical condition and the associated expenses, including medical bills, treatment plans, and receipts for medications. I kindly request that you review this information and modify the child support order to include a fair and equitable distribution of the extraordinary medical expenses.

I am committed to ensuring that our child receives the necessary medical care and treatment, but I believe that both parents should share this responsibility in a balanced manner. The current child support order’s lack of provisions for extraordinary medical expenses unfairly burdens one parent over the other.

Please consider this letter as my formal objection to the child support order and my request for a modification to address the extraordinary medical expenses. I am willing to work with the child support agency and the other parent to determine a reasonable and fair allocation of these costs.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a prompt review and adjustment of the child support order to ensure that our child’s medical needs are met equitably.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter Eight: Incorrect Determination of Paternity

Subject: Objection to Child Support Order – Case No. [Case Number]

Dear [Child Support Agency],

I am writing to object to the child support order issued on [Date] in the case referenced above. The current order incorrectly identifies me as the father of the child in question and imposes a child support obligation on me.

I have reason to believe that I am not the biological father of the child named in the support order. I have not had a paternity test conducted, and I was not given the opportunity to challenge paternity before the order was established.

Being wrongfully identified as the child’s father and being subjected to a child support obligation for a child that may not be mine is a serious matter that requires immediate attention. I am requesting that a paternity test be conducted to conclusively determine whether I am the biological father of the child.

I have enclosed an affidavit stating that I dispute paternity and outlining the reasons for my doubts. I kindly request that you review this information and take the necessary steps to establish paternity through genetic testing.

If the paternity test confirms that I am not the biological father, I request that the child support order be immediately terminated, and any payments made under the order be refunded to me. If the test establishes that I am the father, I am willing to fulfill my parental obligations and work with the child support agency to determine a fair and appropriate support amount.

Please consider this letter as my formal objection to the child support order and my request for a paternity determination. I am willing to cooperate fully with the process and provide any additional information or documentation needed.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a prompt resolution and a fair determination of my parental rights and responsibilities.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter Nine: Incorrect Calculation of Child Care Expenses

Subject: Objection to Child Support Order – Case No. [Case Number]

Dear [Child Support Agency],

I am writing to object to the child support order issued on [Date] in the case referenced above. After reviewing the order, I have determined that there has been an incorrect calculation of the child care expenses, resulting in an inflated and unreasonable child support obligation.

The current order includes child care expenses of $[Amount] per month in the calculation of my child support obligation. However, this amount does not accurately reflect the actual cost of child care incurred by the custodial parent.

I have conducted research and obtained documentation showing that the average cost of child care in our area for a child of similar age is significantly lower than the amount used in the support calculation. The inclusion of an inflated child care expense has resulted in an overstated child support amount that does not fairly represent the true costs associated with our child’s care.

I have enclosed documentation that supports my claim, including market research on childcare costs in our area and quotes from local childcare providers. I kindly request that you review this information and recalculate my child support obligation using a more accurate and reasonable estimate of the child care expenses.

I am committed to contributing to my child’s care and well-being, but I believe that the child support order should be based on realistic and verifiable costs. The current order’s incorrect calculation of childcare expenses places an undue financial burden on me and does not reflect the actual expenses incurred.

Please consider this letter as my formal objection to the child support order and my request for a modification based on the correct calculation of child care expenses. I am willing to provide any additional documentation or evidence needed to support my claim.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a prompt review and adjustment of my child support obligation to reflect a fair and accurate assessment of the child care costs.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter Ten: Failure to Consider Travel Expenses for Visitation

Subject: Objection to Child Support Order – Case No. [Case Number]

Dear [Child Support Agency],

I am writing to object to the child support order issued on [Date] in the case referenced above. The current order fails to consider the substantial travel expenses I incur for visitation with my child, resulting in an inequitable financial burden.

As a non-custodial parent, I am committed to maintaining a strong and meaningful relationship with my child through regular visitation. However, due to the significant distance between my residence and the child’s primary residence, I incur considerable travel expenses each time I exercise my visitation rights.

These travel expenses, which include transportation costs, lodging, and other related expenses, are not taken into account in the current child support order. As a result, I am bearing the full financial responsibility for these visits, which places an undue strain on my resources and limits my ability to provide for my child in other ways.

I have enclosed documentation that demonstrates the extent of my travel expenses, including receipts for transportation, lodging, and other related costs. I kindly request that you review this information and modify the child support order to include a fair and reasonable allocation of the travel expenses associated with visitation.

I am committed to being an active and involved parent, but the current child support order’s failure to consider the financial impact of travel expenses creates an inequitable situation. By addressing this issue, the child support order can better reflect the true costs of maintaining a strong parent-child relationship across a distance.

Please consider this letter as my formal objection to the child support order and my request for a modification to include travel expenses for visitation. I am willing to work with the child support agency and the other parent to determine a fair and practical solution.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a prompt review and adjustment of the child support order to ensure that the costs of visitation are equitably shared.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter Eleven: Failure to Consider Special Needs of the Child

Subject: Objection to Child Support Order – Case No. [Case Number]

Dear [Child Support Agency],

I am writing to object to the child support order issued on [Date] in the case referenced above. The current order fails to consider the special needs of our child and the associated financial implications, resulting in an inadequate and unrealistic support amount.

Our child has been diagnosed with [Special Need/Disability], which requires specialized care, therapy, and accommodations. These additional expenses are not adequately addressed in the current child support order, placing a disproportionate financial burden on the custodial parent.

The costs associated with our child’s special needs, including medical treatments, therapy sessions, adaptive equipment, and specialized education, are substantial and go beyond the scope of regular child-rearing expenses. The current child support order does not take these unique circumstances into account and fails to provide sufficient support to meet our child’s needs.

I have enclosed documentation that verifies our child’s special needs, including medical reports, therapy recommendations, and itemized expenses related to their care. I kindly request that you review this information and modify the child support order to include a fair and appropriate allocation of these additional costs.

Both parents have a responsibility to contribute to the well-being and development of our child, and this includes sharing the financial obligations associated with their special needs. The current child support order’s failure to address these unique circumstances creates an undue hardship for the custodial parent and may compromise our child’s access to necessary care and resources.

Please consider this letter as my formal objection to the child support order and my request for a modification to adequately address the special needs of our child. I am willing to work with the child support agency and the other parent to determine a support amount that ensures our child receives the care and support they require.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a prompt review and adjustment of the child support order to reflect the true costs of meeting our child’s special needs.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter Twelve: Incorrect Calculation of Health Insurance Costs

Subject: Objection to Child Support Order – Case No. [Case Number]

Dear [Child Support Agency],

I am writing to object to the child support order issued on [Date] in the case referenced above. After reviewing the order, I have determined that there has been an incorrect calculation of the health insurance costs, leading to an inaccurate and inflated child support obligation.

The current order includes health insurance costs of $[Amount] per month in the calculation of my child support obligation. However, this amount does not accurately reflect the actual cost of providing health insurance coverage for our child.

I have obtained documentation from my health insurance provider that shows the true cost of adding our child to my health insurance plan is significantly lower than the amount used in the support calculation. The inclusion of an overstated health insurance cost has resulted in an inflated child support amount that does not fairly represent the actual expenses incurred.

I have enclosed the relevant documentation from my health insurance provider, including the premium breakdown and the specific cost of covering our child. I kindly request that you review this information and recalculate my child support obligation using the accurate health insurance costs.

I am committed to ensuring that our child has adequate health insurance coverage, but I believe that the child support order should be based on factual and verifiable expenses. The current order’s incorrect calculation of health insurance costs places an unfair financial burden on me and does not reflect the true cost of providing coverage for our child.

Please consider this letter as my formal objection to the child support order and my request for a modification based on the correct calculation of health insurance costs. I am willing to provide any additional documentation or evidence needed to support my claim.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a prompt review and adjustment of my child support obligation to reflect a fair and accurate assessment of the health insurance expenses.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter Thirteen: Failure to Consider Seasonal Income Fluctuations

Subject: Objection to Child Support Order – Case No. [Case Number]

Dear [Child Support Agency],

I am writing to object to the child support order issued on [Date] in the case referenced above. The current order fails to consider the seasonal fluctuations in my income, resulting in an unrealistic and burdensome child support obligation during certain months.

I am employed in a seasonal industry, and as a result, my income varies significantly throughout the year. During peak seasons, I earn a higher income, but during off-seasons, my earnings are substantially lower. The current child support order is based on an average income calculation that does not accurately reflect the reality of my seasonal work.

By failing to account for the seasonal nature of my income, the current order places an undue financial strain on me during the off-season months when my earnings are reduced. This makes it challenging for me to meet my child support obligations consistently and maintain my own basic living expenses.

I have enclosed documentation that demonstrates the seasonal fluctuations in my income, including pay stubs, tax returns, and employment contracts. I kindly request that you review this information and modify the child support order to include provisions for adjusting the support amount based on my actual earnings during different seasons.

I am committed to providing for my child’s needs, but the current child support order’s failure to consider the variability of my income creates an inequitable and unsustainable situation. By implementing a seasonally-adjusted support arrangement, both parents can contribute fairly to our child’s well-being while taking into account the realities of my employment.

Please consider this letter as my formal objection to the child support order and my request for a modification to address the seasonal fluctuations in my income. I am willing to work with the child support agency and the other parent to determine a fair and practical solution.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a prompt review and adjustment of the child support order to ensure that my obligations align with my actual earning capacity throughout the year.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter Fourteen: Incorrect Imputation of Overtime or Bonus Income

Subject: Objection to Child Support Order – Case No. [Case Number]

Dear [Child Support Agency],

I am writing to object to the child support order issued on [Date] in the case referenced above. After reviewing the order, I have determined that there has been an incorrect imputation of overtime or bonus income, resulting in an inflated and unrealistic child support obligation.

The current order includes an imputed amount of $[Amount] per month for overtime or bonus income in the calculation of my child support obligation. However, this imputation is based on assumptions and historical data that do not accurately reflect my current employment situation and earning capacity.

Overtime and bonus income are not guaranteed and are subject to various factors beyond my control, such as company policies, economic conditions, and project availability. Imputing this additional income as a regular and consistent part of my earnings creates an unrealistic expectation and places an undue financial burden on me.

I have enclosed documentation from my employer that confirms the variable and discretionary nature of overtime and bonus income in my current position. I kindly request that you review this information and recalculate my child support obligation based on my base salary and any actual, verifiable overtime or bonus income earned.

I am committed to supporting my child to the best of my ability, but the current order’s incorrect imputation of overtime or bonus income sets an unrealistic standard and does not fairly represent my true earning capacity. Basing the child support calculation on my actual, dependable income will ensure a more equitable and sustainable support arrangement.

Please consider this letter as my formal objection to the child support order and my request for a modification based on the correct assessment of my overtime or bonus income. I am willing to provide any additional documentation or evidence needed to support my claim.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a prompt review and adjustment of my child support obligation to reflect a fair and accurate evaluation of my income.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Letter Fifteen: Failure to Consider Incarceration or Involuntary Unemployment

Subject: Objection to Child Support Order – Case No. [Case Number]

Dear [Child Support Agency],

I am writing to object to the child support order issued on [Date] in the case referenced above. The current order fails to consider my current situation of incarceration or involuntary unemployment, resulting in an unrealistic and unattainable child support obligation.

As of [Date], I am currently [incarcerated/involuntarily unemployed] and have no source of income. My ability to meet the child support obligations outlined in the current order is severely limited, if not impossible, given my current circumstances.

[If incarcerated:] My incarceration has prevented me from earning an income and has placed significant restrictions on my ability to provide financial support. The current child support order does not take into account the reality of my situation and the limitations imposed by my incarceration.

[If involuntarily unemployed:] I have been actively seeking employment but have been unable to secure a job despite my best efforts. The current economic conditions and job market have made it challenging for me to find stable employment and generate an income sufficient to meet the child support obligations.

I kindly request that you review my current situation and modify the child support order to reflect my inability to pay due to incarceration or involuntary unemployment. I am willing to provide any necessary documentation, such as proof of incarceration or evidence of my job search efforts, to support my claim.

I understand the importance of providing for my child’s needs, but the current order’s failure to consider my circumstances creates an impossible and unjust situation. I am committed to fulfilling my parental responsibilities to the best of my ability, but I require a child support order that is fair, and realistic and takes into account the limitations imposed by my current situation.

Please consider this letter as my formal objection to the child support order and my request for a modification based on my incarceration or involuntary unemployment. I am willing to work with the child support agency to explore alternative arrangements or defer payments until my circumstances improve.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a prompt review and adjustment of the child support order to reflect a just and achievable obligation given my current situation.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]


Objecting to a child support order requires careful consideration and a thorough understanding of the unique circumstances surrounding your case.

By crafting a well-written letter of objection, you can effectively communicate your concerns, provide supporting evidence, and request a fair and equitable modification to the existing order.

When drafting your letter, be sure to clearly state the specific reasons for your objection and provide relevant documentation to support your claims.

Whether it’s an incorrect calculation of income, a change in employment status, or a failure to consider special circumstances, your letter should present a compelling case for why the current order is unjust or unrealistic.

Remember to maintain a respectful and professional tone throughout your letter, as you are seeking to work collaboratively with the child support agency to find a mutually agreeable solution.

Be open to providing additional information or documentation if requested and be willing to engage in further discussions to reach a fair outcome.

If you are unsure about any aspect of your child support order or the objection process, consider seeking the advice of a qualified legal professional specializing in family law.

They can help you understand your rights, assess the merits of your case, and guide you through the necessary steps to challenge the order effectively.

Ultimately, the goal of objecting to a child support order is to ensure that the financial responsibilities of both parents are fairly distributed and that the best interests of the child are upheld.

By advocating for a just and equitable support arrangement, you can contribute to your child’s well-being while also protecting your financial stability and ability to provide for their needs.