15 Sample Letters of Rejection After Interview

The job search process can be an emotional rollercoaster, filled with highs and lows.

One of the most challenging aspects is dealing with rejection after an interview. You may have felt confident and well-prepared, only to receive a polite but disappointing email informing you that the company has decided to go with another candidate.

Sample Letters of Rejection After Interview

In this article, we will explore 15 sample letters of rejection that highlight the various reasons why a job application may be turned down after an interview.

These letters can provide insight into the hiring process and help you learn from the experience, ultimately leading to success in your job search.

Letter One: Lack of Relevant Experience

Subject: Job Application – [Position Title]

Dear [Candidate Name],

Thank you for taking the time to interview with us for the [Position Title] role at [Company Name]. We appreciate your interest in our company and the opportunity to learn more about your skills and experience.

After careful consideration, we have decided to move forward with another candidate whose qualifications and experience more closely align with the specific requirements of this position. While your background is impressive, we were looking for a candidate with more direct experience in [specific skill or industry].

We encourage you to continue exploring opportunities that match your unique skills and experience. Please keep an eye on our company’s job openings, as we would be happy to consider you for future positions that may be a better fit.

Thank you again for your time and interest in [Company Name]. We wish you the best of luck in your job search and future professional endeavors.


[Hiring Manager Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Two: Insufficient Technical Skills

Subject: [Position Title] – Application Update

Dear [Candidate Name],

We would like to express our gratitude for your participation in the interview process for the [Position Title] role at [Company Name]. It was a pleasure to learn more about your professional background and achievements.

After evaluating all the candidates interviewed, we have determined that we require a candidate with a more extensive technical skill set in [specific technical area]. While your overall qualifications are solid, we needed someone with more hands-on experience in [programming language, software, or tool] to meet the demands of this role.

We appreciate the time and effort you put into your application and interview. Please do not hesitate to apply for future openings at our company that may better suit your expertise.

Thank you once again for your interest in joining our team. We wish you success in your continued job search and professional growth.

Best regards,

[Hiring Manager Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Three: Cultural Fit Concerns

Subject: [Position Title] – Interview Feedback

Dear [Candidate Name],

Thank you for interviewing with us for the [Position Title] position at [Company Name]. We enjoyed the opportunity to discuss your qualifications and learn more about your career goals.

After much deliberation, we have decided to pursue other candidates who we believe are a stronger fit for our company culture and work environment. While your skills and experience are commendable, we did not feel that your work style and values aligned as closely with our team dynamic and organizational philosophy.

We understand that finding the right cultural fit is crucial for both the candidate and the company to ensure long-term success and job satisfaction. We encourage you to continue seeking opportunities that resonate with your personal and professional values.

Thank you for considering [Company Name] as a potential employer. We appreciate your interest and wish you the best in your future endeavors.


[Hiring Manager Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Four: Inadequate Communication Skills

Subject: Interview Results – [Position Title]

Dear [Candidate Name],

We appreciate your taking the time to meet with us and discuss the [Position Title] role at [Company Name]. It was a pleasure learning more about your background and qualifications.

After careful consideration, we have decided to move forward with candidates who demonstrated stronger communication skills during the interview process. The ability to articulate ideas clearly and effectively is crucial for success in this position, as it involves frequent interaction with [clients, colleagues, or stakeholders].

While your technical skills and experience are noteworthy, we believe that excellent communication abilities are equally important for this role. We encourage you to continue developing your communication skills through courses, workshops, or practical experience.

Thank you again for your interest in joining our team. We wish you success in your job search and future professional growth.

Best regards,

[Hiring Manager Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Five: Lack of Required Certifications

Subject: [Position Title] – Application Status

Dear [Candidate Name],

Thank you for taking the time to interview with us for the [Position Title] position at [Company Name]. We appreciate your interest in our organization and the opportunity to learn more about your qualifications.

After reviewing your application and considering the information shared during the interview, we have decided to proceed with candidates who possess the required certifications for this role. The [Position Title] position requires a valid [certification name] certification, which is essential for ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations.

We understand that you are actively working towards obtaining this certification. We encourage you to complete the certification process and consider reapplying for future opportunities at our company that align with your updated qualifications.

Thank you again for your interest in [Company Name]. We wish you the best in your certification journey and future career endeavors.


[Hiring Manager Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Six: Overqualification Concerns

Subject: Interview Feedback – [Position Title]

Dear [Candidate Name],

We would like to express our appreciation for your participation in the interview process for the [Position Title] role at [Company Name]. It was a pleasure to learn more about your impressive background and accomplishments.

After careful consideration, we have determined that your qualifications and experience exceed the requirements of this entry-level position. While we value your expertise, we are concerned that this role may not provide the level of challenge and growth opportunities that align with your career trajectory.

We believe that you would be better suited for a more senior-level position that can fully utilize your skills and experience. Unfortunately, we do not have such a role available at this time.

We encourage you to continue seeking opportunities that match your qualifications and career aspirations. Thank you again for considering [Company Name] as a potential employer. We wish you success in your job search and future professional endeavors.

Best regards,

[Hiring Manager Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Seven: Mismatch in Salary Expectations

Subject: [Position Title] – Application Update

Dear [Candidate Name],

Thank you for taking the time to interview with us for the [Position Title] position at [Company Name]. We appreciate your interest in joining our team and the opportunity to discuss your qualifications.

During the interview process, we had the chance to discuss your salary expectations for this role. Unfortunately, there is a significant gap between your desired salary range and our budgeted compensation for this position. While we value your skills and experience, we are unable to meet your salary requirements at this time.

We understand the importance of finding a role that aligns with your financial goals and career aspirations. We encourage you to continue exploring opportunities that can offer the compensation package you are seeking.

Thank you again for considering [Company Name] as a potential employer. We wish you the best in your job search and future professional endeavors.


[Hiring Manager Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Eight: Incomplete Interview Process

Subject: [Position Title] – Interview Process Update

Dear [Candidate Name],

We would like to thank you for your participation in the initial interview for the [Position Title] role at [Company Name]. We appreciate your interest in our organization and the time you invested in the process.

After reviewing the interview results, we have decided to move forward with candidates who have completed all the required interview rounds, including [technical assessments, case studies, or panel interviews]. Unfortunately, we were unable to schedule the remaining interview components with you due to [timing constraints, scheduling conflicts, or other reasons].

We understand that the interview process can be time-consuming, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. We encourage you to keep an eye on our company’s job openings and consider applying for future positions that align with your qualifications and availability.

Thank you again for your interest in joining our team. We wish you success in your job search and future professional endeavors.

Best regards,

[Hiring Manager Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Nine: Lack of Enthusiasm or Passion

Subject: Interview Feedback – [Position Title]

Dear [Candidate Name],

Thank you for taking the time to interview with us for the [Position Title] position at [Company Name]. We appreciate your interest in our organization and the opportunity to learn more about your background and qualifications.

During the interview process, we sought candidates who demonstrated genuine enthusiasm and passion for the work we do and the industry we serve. While your skills and experience are commendable, we did not perceive the level of excitement and motivation we were looking for in a candidate for this role.

We believe that a strong sense of passion and dedication is essential for long-term success and job satisfaction. We encourage you to continue seeking opportunities that truly inspire and motivate you, aligning with your personal and professional interests.

Thank you again for considering [Company Name] as a potential employer. We wish you the best in your future career endeavors.


[Hiring Manager Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Ten: Inability to Meet Work Schedule Requirements

Subject: [Position Title] – Application Status

Dear [Candidate Name],

We would like to express our gratitude for your participation in the interview process for the [Position Title] role at [Company Name]. It was a pleasure to discuss your qualifications and learn more about your professional background.

During the interview, we discussed the work schedule requirements for this position, which include [specific work hours, shift rotations, or overtime expectations]. Unfortunately, based on the information you provided, we determined that your availability does not align with the scheduling needs of this role.

We understand that work-life balance and personal commitments are important factors when considering a job opportunity. We encourage you to continue seeking positions that offer the flexibility and schedule that best suit your needs.

Thank you again for your interest in joining our team. We appreciate the time and effort you put into your application and interview. We wish you success in your job search and future professional endeavors.

Best regards,

[Hiring Manager Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Eleven: Lack of Specific Industry Experience

Subject: Interview Results – [Position Title]

Dear [Candidate Name],

Thank you for taking the time to interview with us for the [Position Title] position at [Company Name]. We appreciate your interest in our organization and the opportunity to learn more about your skills and experience.

After careful consideration, we have decided to move forward with candidates who have more specific experience in the [industry name] industry. While your overall professional background is impressive, we were looking for someone with direct experience and a deeper understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities within our industry.

We understand that transitioning to a new industry can be challenging, and we encourage you to continue seeking opportunities that align with your transferable skills and career goals. Consider gaining industry-specific experience through internships, volunteer work, or professional development courses to strengthen your future applications.

Thank you again for considering [Company Name] as a potential employer. We wish you the best in your job search and future professional growth.


[Hiring Manager Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Twelve: Inadequate Problem-Solving Skills

Subject: [Position Title] – Application Update

Dear [Candidate Name],

We would like to thank you for your participation in the interview process for the [Position Title] role at [Company Name]. It was a pleasure to discuss your qualifications and learn more about your professional background.

During the interview, we presented several hypothetical scenarios and problem-solving exercises to assess candidates’ critical thinking and decision-making abilities. While your technical skills and experience are noteworthy, we did not feel that your approach to problem-solving aligned with the level of analytical thinking required for this position.

We believe that strong problem-solving skills are essential for success in this role, as it involves navigating complex challenges and finding innovative solutions. We encourage you to continue developing your analytical and critical thinking abilities through practical experience, workshops, or educational opportunities.

Thank you again for your interest in joining our team. We appreciate the time and effort you put into your application and interview. We wish you success in your future professional endeavors.

Best regards,

[Hiring Manager Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Thirteen: Limited Growth Potential

Subject: Interview Feedback – [Position Title]

Dear [Candidate Name],

We appreciate your taking the time to interview with us for the [Position Title] position at [Company Name]. It was a pleasure to learn more about your qualifications and career aspirations.

After evaluating your background and the information shared during the interview, we have determined that this role may not provide the long-term growth and advancement opportunities you are seeking. While your skills and experience are impressive, we believe that your career goals and growth potential may be better served in a different role or organization.

We value your dedication to professional development and career progression. We encourage you to continue seeking opportunities that align with your long-term aspirations and offer the growth trajectory you desire.

Thank you again for considering [Company Name] as a potential employer. We wish you success in finding a role that matches your career goals and provides the advancement opportunities you seek.


[Hiring Manager Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Fourteen: Lack of Adaptability

Subject: [Position Title] – Application Status

Dear [Candidate Name],

Thank you for taking the time to interview with us for the [Position Title] role at [Company Name]. We appreciate your interest in our organization and the opportunity to learn more about your background and qualifications.

During the interview process, we assessed candidates’ ability to adapt to change and work effectively in a dynamic environment. While your skills and experience are commendable, we had concerns about your ability to thrive in our fast-paced and constantly evolving workplace.

We believe that adaptability and flexibility are crucial traits for success in this role, as our company operates in a rapidly changing industry. We encourage you to continue developing your ability to embrace change, think on your feet, and adapt to new challenges.

Thank you again for considering [Company Name] as a potential employer. We appreciate the time and effort you put into your application and interview. We wish you the best in your future professional endeavors.


[Hiring Manager Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Fifteen: Insufficient Leadership Experience

Subject: Interview Results – [Position Title]

Dear [Candidate Name],

We would like to express our gratitude for your participation in the interview process for the [Position Title] role at [Company Name]. It was a pleasure to discuss your qualifications and learn more about your professional background.

After careful consideration, we have decided to move forward with candidates who have more extensive leadership experience relevant to this position. While your overall skills and experience are impressive, we were looking for someone with a proven track record of managing teams, driving projects, and making strategic decisions.

We understand that developing leadership skills takes time and opportunity. We encourage you to continue seeking roles that allow you to take on greater responsibilities, mentor others, and demonstrate your leadership potential.

Thank you again for your interest in joining our team. We appreciate the time and effort you put into your application and interview. We wish you success in your career growth and future leadership opportunities.

Best regards,

[Hiring Manager Name]

[Company Name]


Receiving a rejection letter after an interview can be a disappointing and frustrating experience. However, it is essential to view these letters as valuable feedback and opportunities for growth.

By understanding the common reasons for rejection, such as lack of relevant experience, insufficient technical skills, or cultural fit concerns, you can identify areas for improvement and take proactive steps to strengthen your candidacy for future opportunities.

Remember that a rejection is not a reflection of your overall worth or potential as a professional. It simply means that this particular role was not the right fit at this time.

Use the feedback provided in these letters to refine your job search strategy, enhance your skills, and continue pursuing opportunities that align with your strengths and career goals.

Stay resilient, maintain a positive attitude, and keep pushing forward. With persistence, self-reflection, and a commitment to personal and professional growth, you will find the right opportunity that recognizes and values your unique talents and contributions.