15 Sample Letters of Rejection of Goods

When a business receives goods that do not meet its expectations or requirements, it is crucial to address the issue promptly and professionally.

Rejecting goods can be a delicate process, as it involves communicating dissatisfaction while maintaining a positive business relationship with the supplier.

Sample Letters of Rejection of Goods

In this article, we will explore 15 sample letters that demonstrate how to effectively reject goods, highlighting the reasons for the rejection and proposing suitable resolutions.

Letter One: Incorrect Product Specifications

Subject: Rejection of Goods – Order #12345

Dear [Supplier Name],

We recently received the shipment of [Product Name] (Order #12345) on [Date]. Upon inspection, we have discovered that the delivered goods do not meet the agreed-upon specifications outlined in our purchase order.

Specifically, the [Product Name] received has [Specification Discrepancy], which differs from the specifications we provided. As a result, these goods are not suitable for our intended use and do not meet our quality standards.

We kindly request that you arrange for the prompt collection of the rejected goods and issue a full refund for the order. Additionally, please ensure that any future shipments adhere strictly to the provided specifications to avoid similar issues.

If you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to a satisfactory resolution.


[Your Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Two: Damaged Goods

Subject: Rejection of Goods – Order #67890

Dear [Supplier Name],

We are writing to inform you that the shipment of [Product Name] (Order #67890) received on [Date] arrived in a damaged condition. Upon opening the packages, we found that a significant portion of the goods had visible damage, rendering them unsalable and unfit for use.

We have documented the damage with photographs, which are attached to this email for your reference. The extent of the damage suggests that it likely occurred during transit due to improper packaging or handling.

We are rejecting the entire shipment and request that you arrange for the immediate collection of the damaged goods. Please issue a full refund for the order and provide us with a revised timeline for the delivery of replacement goods in pristine condition.

We value our business relationship and trust that you will address this issue promptly to minimize any further inconvenience. Please keep us informed of the progress and provide us with the necessary tracking information for the replacement shipment.


[Your Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Three: Late Delivery

Subject: Rejection of Goods – Order #24680

Dear [Supplier Name],

We regret to inform you that we are rejecting the shipment of [Product Name] (Order #24680) that arrived on [Date]. The goods were delivered significantly past the agreed-upon delivery date, which was [Original Delivery Date].

The delay in delivery has caused substantial inconvenience and disruption to our business operations. We had made arrangements based on the expected delivery date, and the late arrival of the goods has rendered them unusable for our current needs.

As per our contract, we are exercising our right to reject the late shipment and request a full refund for the order. Please arrange for the prompt collection of the rejected goods at your earliest convenience.

We understand that unforeseen circumstances can occasionally impact delivery schedules. However, we expect our suppliers to communicate any potential delays proactively and work towards minimizing the impact on our business. We hope that you will take the necessary steps to prevent similar occurrences in the future.

Please confirm the receipt of this letter and provide us with the details for the collection of the rejected goods. We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Four: Incorrect Quantity

Subject: Rejection of Goods – Order #13579

Dear [Supplier Name],

We have received the shipment of [Product Name] (Order #13579) on [Date]. However, upon inspection, we discovered that the quantity of goods delivered does not match the quantity ordered.

Our purchase order clearly stated a required quantity of [Ordered Quantity], but the shipment contained only [Received Quantity]. This discrepancy is unacceptable, as it impacts our inventory management and ability to fulfill customer orders.

We are rejecting the entire shipment and request that you arrange for the immediate collection of the incorrect quantity of goods. Please issue a full refund for the order and provide us with a revised timeline for the delivery of the correct quantity of [Product Name].

We value accuracy and attention to detail in our business dealings. We trust that you will review your order fulfillment processes to prevent similar errors from occurring in the future.

Please confirm the receipt of this letter and provide us with the necessary details for the collection of the rejected goods. We look forward to a prompt resolution of this issue.


[Your Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Five: Quality Control Issues

Subject: Rejection of Goods – Order #24680

Dear [Supplier Name],

We are writing to inform you that we are rejecting the shipment of [Product Name] (Order #24680) received on [Date] due to significant quality control issues.

Upon inspection, we found that a substantial portion of the goods did not meet our quality standards. The specific issues we identified include [Quality Issue 1], [Quality Issue 2], and [Quality Issue 3]. These defects render the goods unsuitable for our intended use and do not align with the quality expectations set forth in our agreement.

We have documented the quality control issues with photographs, which are attached to this email for your reference. We kindly request that you arrange for the prompt collection of the rejected goods and issue a full refund for the order.

We expect our suppliers to maintain strict quality control measures to ensure that the goods delivered meet or exceed our specifications. Please review your manufacturing and quality assurance processes to identify and address the root cause of these issues.

We value our business relationship and hope to continue working together. However, we must emphasize the importance of consistent quality in the goods we receive. We trust that you will take the necessary steps to prevent similar quality control issues in future shipments.

Please confirm the receipt of this letter and provide us with the details for the collection of the rejected goods. We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Six: Incorrect Labeling or Packaging

Subject: Rejection of Goods – Order #80808

Dear [Supplier Name],

We have received the shipment of [Product Name] (Order #80808) on [Date]. However, upon inspection, we discovered that the labeling and packaging of the goods do not comply with our specified requirements.

Our purchase order clearly outlined the necessary labeling and packaging instructions, including [Labeling Requirement 1], [Labeling Requirement 2], and [Packaging Requirement]. The goods received have incorrect or missing labels and do not adhere to the packaging guidelines we provided.

Proper labeling and packaging are essential for the safe handling, storage, and distribution of our products. The non-compliance with our requirements poses potential risks and hinders our ability to efficiently process and sell the goods.

We are rejecting the entire shipment and request that you arrange for the immediate collection of the incorrectly labeled and packaged goods. Please issue a full refund for the order and provide us with a revised timeline for the delivery of goods that meet our labeling and packaging specifications.

We trust that you will review your labeling and packaging processes to ensure compliance with our requirements in future shipments. Please confirm the receipt of this letter and provide us with the necessary details for the collection of the rejected goods.

We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to a satisfactory resolution.


[Your Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Seven: Non-Compliance with Safety Standards

Subject: Rejection of Goods – Order #13579

Dear [Supplier Name],

We regret to inform you that we are rejecting the shipment of [Product Name] (Order #13579) received on [Date] due to non-compliance with the required safety standards.

Upon inspection, we discovered that the goods do not meet the necessary safety certifications and regulations specified in our purchase order. The specific safety issues we identified include [Safety Issue 1], [Safety Issue 2], and [Safety Issue 3]. These non-compliances pose significant risks to the safety of our customers and our business.

We prioritize the safety and well-being of our customers above all else. The goods received cannot be sold or distributed without the required safety certifications and approvals.

Please arrange for the immediate collection of the rejected goods and issue a full refund for the order. We also request that you provide us with a detailed explanation of the steps you will take to ensure that future shipments comply with all the necessary safety standards and regulations.

We take safety compliance seriously and expect our suppliers to do the same. We trust that you will address this issue promptly and implement the necessary measures to prevent similar occurrences in the future.

Please confirm the receipt of this letter and provide us with the details for the collection of the rejected goods. We appreciate your immediate attention to this critical matter.


[Your Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Eight: Incorrect Product Type or Model

Subject: Rejection of Goods – Order #24680

Dear [Supplier Name],

We have received the shipment of [Product Name] (Order #24680) on [Date]. However, upon inspection, we discovered that the goods delivered do not match the product type or model specified in our purchase order.

Our order clearly stated the requirement for [Specified Product Type/Model], but the shipment contained [Received Product Type/Model] instead. This discrepancy is unacceptable, as the incorrect product type or model does not meet our business needs or customer requirements.

We are rejecting the entire shipment and request that you arrange for the immediate collection of the incorrect goods. Please issue a full refund for the order and provide us with a revised timeline for the delivery of the correct product type or model as specified in our original purchase order.

We expect our suppliers to pay close attention to the product specifications provided in our orders to avoid such errors. Please review your order processing and fulfillment procedures to ensure that the correct product types and models are shipped in the future.

Please confirm the receipt of this letter and provide us with the necessary details for the collection of the rejected goods. We look forward to a prompt resolution of this issue.


[Your Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Nine: Expired or Near-Expiry Goods

Subject: Rejection of Goods – Order #80808

Dear [Supplier Name],

We are writing to inform you that we are rejecting the shipment of [Product Name] (Order #80808) received on [Date] due to the expired or near-expiry status of the goods.

Upon inspection, we found that a significant portion of the goods have either already expired or are too close to their expiration date to be sold or used effectively. The specific details of the expired or near-expiry goods are as follows: [Expiry Details].

As per our agreement, we require goods with a minimum remaining shelf life of [Minimum Shelf Life] to ensure that our customers receive fresh and usable products. The goods received do not meet this requirement and cannot be accepted.

Please arrange for the prompt collection of the rejected goods and issue a full refund for the order. We also request that you review your inventory management and shipping processes to prevent the delivery of expired or near-expiry goods in the future.

We rely on our suppliers to provide us with products that meet our quality and freshness standards. We trust that you will take the necessary steps to address this issue and ensure that future shipments comply with our shelf-life requirements.

Please confirm the receipt of this letter and provide us with the details for the collection of the rejected goods. We appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Ten: Unauthorized Substitution

Subject: Rejection of Goods – Order #13579

Dear [Supplier Name],

We have received the shipment of [Product Name] (Order #13579) on [Date]. However, upon inspection, we discovered that the goods delivered were not the exact products we ordered, but rather unauthorized substitutions.

Our purchase order specified the required products, including [Product 1], [Product 2], and [Product 3]. The shipment received contained [Substituted Product 1], [Substituted Product 2], and [Substituted Product 3] instead. These substitutions were made without our prior knowledge or approval.

We cannot accept unauthorized substitutions, as they may not meet our quality standards, customer preferences, or business requirements. The substituted products are not suitable for our intended use and cannot be sold or utilized effectively.

We are rejecting the entire shipment and request that you arrange for the immediate collection of the unauthorized substitutions. Please issue a full refund for the order and provide us with a revised timeline for the delivery of the exact products specified in our original purchase order.

We expect our suppliers to adhere to the product specifications provided in our orders and obtain prior approval for any necessary substitutions. Please review your order fulfillment processes to prevent unauthorized substitutions in the future.

Please confirm the receipt of this letter and provide us with the necessary details for the collection of the rejected goods. We look forward to a prompt resolution of this issue.


[Your Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Eleven: Counterfeit or Infringing Goods

Subject: Rejection of Goods – Order #24680

Dear [Supplier Name],

We are writing to inform you that we are rejecting the shipment of [Product Name] (Order #24680) received on [Date] due to the presence of counterfeit or infringing goods.

Upon inspection, we discovered that a portion of the goods delivered appear to be counterfeit or infringe upon the intellectual property rights of third parties. The specific details of the counterfeit or infringing goods are as follows: [Infringement Details].

We take intellectual property rights and the authenticity of the products we sell very seriously. We cannot accept or distribute goods that violate the rights of others or deceive our customers with counterfeit items.

Please arrange for the immediate collection of the rejected goods and issue a full refund for the order. We also request that you conduct a thorough investigation into the source of these counterfeit or infringing goods and take appropriate measures to prevent their inclusion in future shipments.

We expect our suppliers to respect intellectual property rights and maintain strict controls to ensure the authenticity and legality of the goods they provide. We trust that you will address this issue promptly and implement the necessary safeguards to avoid similar occurrences in the future.

Please confirm the receipt of this letter and provide us with the details for the collection of the rejected goods. We appreciate your immediate attention to this serious matter.


[Your Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Twelve: Incomplete or Missing Components

Subject: Rejection of Goods – Order #80808

Dear [Supplier Name],

We have received the shipment of [Product Name] (Order #80808) on [Date]. However, upon inspection, we discovered that the goods delivered are incomplete or missing essential components.

Our purchase order specified the required components and accessories for each unit of [Product Name], including [Component 1], [Component 2], and [Component 3]. The shipment received has either missing or incomplete components, rendering the goods unusable and unsalable.

We cannot accept incomplete or partially assembled products, as they do not meet our quality standards and cannot be sold to our customers as intended. The missing components also prevent us from efficiently processing and utilizing the goods in our business operations.

We are rejecting the entire shipment and request that you arrange for the immediate collection of the incomplete or missing goods. Please issue a full refund for the order and provide us with a revised timeline for the delivery of complete and properly assembled products as per our original purchase order.

We expect our suppliers to ensure that all necessary components and accessories are included with each product before shipping. Please review your quality control and packaging processes to prevent the delivery of incomplete or missing goods in the future.

Please confirm the receipt of this letter and provide us with the necessary details for the collection of the rejected goods. We look forward to a prompt resolution of this issue.


[Your Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Thirteen: Non-Compliance with Environmental Regulations

Subject: Rejection of Goods – Order #13579

Dear [Supplier Name],

We regret to inform you that we are rejecting the shipment of [Product Name] (Order #13579) received on [Date] due to non-compliance with the required environmental regulations.

Upon inspection, we discovered that the goods do not meet the necessary environmental certifications and standards specified in our purchase order and our company’s environmental policy. The specific environmental non-compliances we identified include [Environmental Issue 1], [Environmental Issue 2], and [Environmental Issue 3].

As a company committed to environmental sustainability and responsible business practices, we cannot accept goods that do not comply with the relevant environmental regulations and standards. The non-compliant goods pose risks to the environment and do not align with our values and commitments.

Please arrange for the immediate collection of the rejected goods and issue a full refund for the order. We also request that you provide us with a detailed explanation of the steps you will take to ensure that future shipments comply with all the necessary environmental regulations and certifications.

We expect our suppliers to prioritize environmental compliance and adopt sustainable practices in their operations. We trust that you will address this issue promptly and implement the necessary measures to prevent similar occurrences in the future.

Please confirm the receipt of this letter and provide us with the details for the collection of the rejected goods. We appreciate your immediate attention to this important matter.


[Your Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Fourteen: Unsatisfactory Product Performance

Subject: Rejection of Goods – Order #24680

Dear [Supplier Name],

We are writing to inform you that we are rejecting the shipment of [Product Name] (Order #24680) received on [Date] due to unsatisfactory product performance.

Upon testing and evaluation, we found that the goods delivered do not meet the expected performance standards and specifications outlined in our purchase order. The specific performance issues we identified include [Performance Issue 1], [Performance Issue 2], and [Performance Issue 3]. These issues significantly impact the functionality and usability of the products.

We rely on our suppliers to provide goods that meet or exceed our performance expectations to ensure customer satisfaction and maintain our brand reputation. The subpar performance of the delivered goods renders them unsuitable for our intended use and falls short of our quality standards.

Please arrange for the prompt collection of the rejected goods and issue a full refund for the order. We also request that you conduct a thorough investigation into the cause of these performance issues and provide us with a detailed report on the corrective actions you will take to prevent similar occurrences in future shipments.

We value our business relationship and expect our suppliers to prioritize product quality and performance. We trust that you will address this issue promptly and implement the necessary improvements to ensure that future deliveries meet our performance standards.

Please confirm the receipt of this letter and provide us with the details for the collection of the rejected goods. We appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Fifteen: Incorrect Documentation or Certifications

Subject: Rejection of Goods – Order #80808

Dear [Supplier Name],

We have received the shipment of [Product Name] (Order #80808) on [Date]. However, upon inspection, we discovered that the accompanying documentation and certifications are incorrect or missing.

Our purchase order specified the required documentation and certifications, including [Document 1], [Document 2], and [Certification]. The shipment received either has incorrect or incomplete documentation or lacks the necessary certifications altogether.

Accurate and complete documentation and certifications are essential for ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, facilitating smooth customs clearance, and maintaining proper records for our business operations. The absence or inaccuracy of these documents prevents us from accepting and utilizing the goods as intended.

We are rejecting the entire shipment and request that you arrange for the immediate collection of the goods with incorrect or missing documentation. Please issue a full refund for the order and provide us with a revised timeline for the delivery of goods accompanied by the correct and complete documentation and certifications.

We expect our suppliers to pay close attention to the documentation requirements provided in our orders and ensure that all necessary paperwork is accurate and included with each shipment. Please review your documentation processes to prevent similar issues in the future.

Please confirm the receipt of this letter and provide us with the necessary details for the collection of the rejected goods. We look forward to a prompt resolution of this issue.


[Your Name]

[Company Name]


Rejecting goods is a necessary step when the delivered products fail to meet the agreed-upon specifications, quality standards, or legal requirements.

By using these sample letters as a guide, businesses can effectively communicate their reasons for rejection and propose appropriate resolutions to their suppliers.

When rejecting goods, it is crucial to be specific about the issues identified and provide supporting evidence, such as photographs or test results, whenever possible.

This helps suppliers understand the grounds for rejection and take the necessary corrective actions.

It is also essential to maintain a professional and courteous tone throughout the letter, even when expressing dissatisfaction. The goal is to resolve the issue efficiently while preserving a positive business relationship with the supplier.

Businesses should prioritize clear communication, attention to detail, and adherence to established quality standards and legal requirements when dealing with the rejection of goods.

By addressing issues promptly and proposing fair solutions, companies can minimize the impact on their operations and maintain a reliable supply chain.

Remember, the rejection of goods is not only about protecting the interests of the business but also about ensuring that customers receive products that meet their expectations and satisfy their needs.

By effectively managing the rejection process, businesses can uphold their commitment to quality, compliance, and customer satisfaction.