15 Sample Letters of Authorization to Pick Up Passport

Passports are essential documents for international travel, but sometimes, you may need someone else to pick up your passport on your behalf.

In such cases, a letter of authorization is crucial to ensure a smooth and hassle-free process.

Sample Letters of Authorization to Pick Up Passport

In this article, we have compiled 15 sample letters of authorization to pick up a passport, catering to various scenarios and relationships between the authorizer and the authorized person.

These templates will serve as a valuable resource when you need to draft your authorization letter, saving you time and ensuring that you include all the necessary information.

Letter One: Authorization for a Family Member

Subject: Authorization to Pick Up Passport

Dear Passport Office,

I, Sarah Johnson, hereby authorize my husband, Michael Johnson, to pick up my passport on my behalf. His contact number is (123) 456-7890, and his email address is michael.johnson@email.com.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


Sarah Johnson

Letter Two: Authorization for a Friend

Subject: Authorization Letter for Passport Pickup

To Whom It May Concern,

I, David Brown, authorize my friend, Jessica Smith, to collect my passport from your office. Her contact details are as follows: Phone number – (987) 654-3210, Email address – jessica.smith@email.com.

Please extend your cooperation in this regard.

Best regards,

David Brown

Letter Three: Authorization for a Colleague

Subject: Passport Pickup Authorization

Dear Sir/Madam,

This letter serves as an authorization for my colleague, Mark Wilson, to pick up my passport on my behalf. His contact information is as follows: Phone number – (555) 123-4567, Email address – mark.wilson@company.com.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Emily Davis

Letter Four: Authorization for a Spouse

Subject: Authorization Letter for Passport Collection

To the Passport Office,

I, Robert Thompson, hereby authorize my wife, Laura Thompson, to collect my passport from your office. Her contact details are: Phone number – (111) 222-3333, Email address – laura.thompson@email.com.

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,

Robert Thompson

Letter Five: Authorization for a Parent

Subject: Authorization to Collect Passport

Dear Passport Office,

I, Olivia Anderson, authorize my father, William Anderson, to pick up my passport on my behalf. His contact information is as follows: Phone number – (444) 555-6666, Email address – william.anderson@email.com.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Olivia Anderson

Letter Six: Authorization for a Sibling

Subject: Passport Pickup Authorization Letter

To Whom It May Concern,

I, James Wilson, hereby authorize my sister, Sophia Wilson, to collect my passport from your office. Her contact details are: Phone number – (777) 888-9999, Email address – sophia.wilson@email.com.

Please assist her in this matter.

Best regards,

James Wilson

Letter Seven: Authorization for a Travel Agent

Subject: Authorization Letter for Passport Collection

Dear Sir/Madam,

This letter serves as an authorization for my travel agent, John Smith from ABC Travel Agency, to pick up my passport on my behalf. His contact information is as follows: Phone number – (222) 333-4444, Email address – john.smith@abctravel.com.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Emma Johnson

Letter Eight: Authorization for a Legal Representative

Subject: Passport Pickup Authorization

To the Passport Office,

I, Daniel Brown, hereby authorize my attorney, Michael Davis from XYZ Law Firm, to collect my passport from your office. His contact details are: Phone number – (555) 666-7777, Email address – michael.davis@xyzlaw.com.

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,

Daniel Brown

Letter Nine: Authorization for a Courier Service

Subject: Authorization Letter for Passport Collection

Dear Passport Office,

I, Olivia Thompson, authorize ABC Courier Service to pick up my passport on my behalf. The courier’s contact information is as follows: Phone number – (888) 999-0000, Email address – info@abccourier.com.

Please extend your cooperation in this regard.


Olivia Thompson

Letter Ten: Authorization for a Power of Attorney

Subject: Passport Pickup Authorization Letter

To Whom It May Concern,

I, William Anderson, hereby authorize my power of attorney, Sarah Johnson, to collect my passport from your office. Her contact details are: Phone number – (111) 222-3333, Email address – sarah.johnson@email.com.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Best regards,

William Anderson

Letter Eleven: Authorization for a Caregiver

Subject: Authorization to Collect Passport

Dear Sir/Madam,

This letter serves as authorization for my caregiver, Emily Davis, to pick up my passport on my behalf. Her contact information is as follows: Phone number – (444) 555-6666, Email address – emily.davis@email.com.

Please assist her in this matter.


Robert Thompson

Letter Twelve: Authorization for a Grandparent

Subject: Passport Pickup Authorization

To the Passport Office,

I, Sophia Wilson, hereby authorize my grandfather, James Wilson, to collect my passport from your office. His contact details are: Phone number – (777) 888-9999, Email address – james.wilson@email.com.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,

Sophia Wilson

Letter Thirteen: Authorization for a Trusted Friend

Subject: Authorization Letter for Passport Collection

Dear Passport Office,

I, Michael Johnson, authorize my trusted friend, Jessica Smith, to pick up my passport on my behalf. Her contact information is as follows: Phone number – (222) 333-4444, Email address – jessica.smith@email.com.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Michael Johnson

Letter Fourteen: Authorization for a Neighbor

Subject: Passport Pickup Authorization Letter

To Whom It May Concern,

I, Laura Thompson, hereby authorize my neighbor, David Brown, to collect my passport from your office. His contact details are: Phone number – (555) 666-7777, Email address – david.brown@email.com.

Please extend your cooperation in this regard.

Best regards,

Laura Thompson

Letter Fifteen: Authorization for a Family Friend

Subject: Authorization to Collect Passport

Dear Sir/Madam,

This letter serves as an authorization for my family friend, Mark Wilson, to pick up my passport on my behalf. His contact information is as follows: Phone number – (888) 999-0000, Email address – mark.wilson@email.com.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


Emma Johnson


These 15 sample letters of authorization to pick up a passport cover a wide range of scenarios and relationships, providing you with a solid foundation to create your authorization letter.

By using these templates as a guide and adapting them to your specific situation, you can ensure that your letter is clear, concise, and includes all the necessary information to facilitate a smooth passport pickup process.