15 Sample Letters of Complaint Against Co-worker

Workplace conflicts can be a significant source of stress and anxiety, especially when they involve a problematic co-worker.

Whether it’s a case of harassment, insubordination, or simply unprofessional behavior, addressing these issues promptly and effectively is crucial for maintaining a healthy and productive work environment.

Sample Letters of Complaint Against Co-worker

One way to tackle such problems is by writing a formal letter of complaint to your supervisor or human resources department.

In this article, we will explore 15 sample letters of complaint against a co-worker, covering a wide range of scenarios and providing guidance on how to structure your complaint effectively.

Letter 1: Harassment and Inappropriate Behavior

Subject: Formal Complaint Against John Doe – Harassment and Inappropriate Behavior

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to formally complain about my co-worker, John Doe, for his ongoing harassment and inappropriate behavior towards me. Over the past several months, John has repeatedly made offensive comments and jokes of a sexual nature, creating a hostile work environment. Despite my attempts to address the issue with him directly, his behavior has not improved.

On [date], John made a particularly vulgar comment about my appearance in front of several other colleagues. This incident left me feeling humiliated and uncomfortable, and I believe it constitutes a violation of our company’s anti-harassment policy.

I request that immediate action be taken to address this situation and ensure that John’s behavior is corrected. I am willing to provide further details and discuss this matter in person at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your attention to this serious issue.


[Your Name]

Letter 2: Insubordination and Refusal to Follow Instructions

Subject: Complaint Against Sarah Smith – Insubordination and Refusal to Follow Instructions

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to express my concern regarding the behavior of my co-worker, Sarah Smith. Over the past few weeks, Sarah has consistently demonstrated a pattern of insubordination and refusal to follow instructions, which has negatively impacted our team’s productivity and morale.

On multiple occasions, Sarah has openly challenged my authority and refused to complete assigned tasks, citing her disagreement with the project’s direction. This behavior has not only caused delays in our work but has also undermined my leadership and created tension within the team.

I have attempted to address these issues with Sarah directly, but her attitude and actions have not improved. I believe that her insubordination is detrimental to our team’s success and the overall work environment.

I kindly request your intervention in this matter to ensure that Sarah’s behavior is addressed and corrected. I am available to discuss this issue further and provide additional details as needed.

Thank you for your attention to this pressing concern.


[Your Name]

Letter 3: Unprofessional Conduct and Disruptive Behavior

Subject: Complaint Regarding Michael Johnson – Unprofessional Conduct and Disruptive Behavior

Dear [Human Resources Department],

I am writing to raise a serious concern about the unprofessional conduct and disruptive behavior of my co-worker, Michael Johnson. Michael’s actions have created a toxic work environment and have negatively impacted the productivity and well-being of our entire team.

On several occasions, Michael has engaged in loud, aggressive outbursts during team meetings, belittling and insulting other team members. His behavior has left many of us feeling intimidated and reluctant to share our ideas or collaborate effectively.

Furthermore, Michael consistently fails to meet deadlines and follow established protocols, causing delays and confusion in our projects. His lack of professionalism and disregard for team dynamics have become a significant obstacle to our success.

I have made attempts to address these issues with Michael directly, but his behavior has not improved. I believe that immediate action is necessary to rectify this situation and restore a positive and productive work environment.

I respectfully request that the Human Resources Department investigate this matter and take appropriate measures to address Michael’s unprofessional conduct and disruptive behavior.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this important issue.


[Your Name]

Letter 4: Bullying and Intimidation

Subject: Formal Complaint Against David Brown – Bullying and Intimidation

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to file a formal complaint against my co-worker, David Brown, for his persistent bullying and intimidation towards me. Over the past several weeks, David has engaged in a pattern of behavior that has created a hostile and uncomfortable work environment.

On multiple occasions, David has made threatening comments and gestures towards me, both in private and in front of other colleagues. He has also spread rumors and made false accusations about my work performance, damaging my reputation and causing me significant stress and anxiety.

I have tried to address these issues with David directly, but his behavior has only escalated. I feel that his actions constitute bullying and harassment, and I am no longer comfortable working in such a toxic environment.

I request that immediate action be taken to investigate this matter and ensure that David’s behavior is addressed and corrected. I am willing to provide further details and specific examples of his bullying and intimidation.

Thank you for your attention to this serious issue and for your support in creating a safe and respectful work environment.


[Your Name]

Letter 5: Discrimination and Prejudiced Comments

Subject: Complaint Against Emily Davis – Discrimination and Prejudiced Comments

Dear [Human Resources Department],

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the discriminatory and prejudiced comments made by my co-worker, Emily Davis. On several occasions, I have witnessed Emily making offensive remarks about individuals based on their race, gender, and sexual orientation.

These comments are not only inappropriate and hurtful but also violate our company’s policies on diversity and inclusion. Emily’s behavior has created an uncomfortable and hostile work environment for myself and other colleagues who have been subjected to her discriminatory remarks.

I have attempted to address this issue with Emily directly, explaining the impact of her words and the importance of respect in the workplace. However, her behavior has not changed, and I feel that further action is necessary.

I request that the Human Resources Department investigate this matter promptly and take appropriate disciplinary action to ensure that Emily’s discriminatory behavior is addressed and corrected. I am available to provide specific examples and details of the incidents in question.

Thank you for your attention to this serious issue and for your commitment to maintaining a diverse, inclusive, and respectful work environment.


[Your Name]

Letter 6: Theft and Misuse of Company Resources

Subject: Complaint Against Andrew Wilson – Theft and Misuse of Company Resources

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to report a serious concern regarding the behavior of my co-worker, Andrew Wilson. Over the past month, I have observed Andrew engaging in the theft and misuse of company resources, which I believe is a violation of our company’s policies and ethical standards.

On several occasions, I have witnessed Andrew taking office supplies, such as printer ink and paper, for personal use. Additionally, he has been using the company’s internet and email for personal matters during work hours, including online shopping and social media browsing.

I have approached Andrew about these issues, reminding him of our company’s policies regarding the use of resources. However, his behavior has not changed, and I feel that it is my responsibility to bring this matter to your attention.

I request that you investigate this situation and take appropriate action to address Andrew’s theft and misuse of company resources. I am willing to provide further details and evidence to support my complaint.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter and for your commitment to maintaining the integrity of our workplace.


[Your Name]

Letter 7: Chronic Tardiness and Absenteeism

Subject: Complaint Regarding Samantha Thompson – Chronic Tardiness and Absenteeism

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to express my concern about the chronic tardiness and absenteeism of my co-worker, Samantha Thompson. Over the past several months, Samantha has consistently arrived late to work and has taken excessive unauthorized absences, which have negatively impacted our team’s productivity and morale.

Samantha’s tardiness and absenteeism have caused significant delays in our projects and have placed an unfair burden on the rest of the team, who must compensate for her lack of reliability. Her behavior has also led to missed deadlines and decreased the quality of our work.

I have approached Samantha about these issues, offering support and reminding her of the importance of punctuality and attendance. However, her behavior has not improved, and I believe that further action is necessary.

I kindly request that you address this matter with Samantha and take appropriate measures to ensure that her tardiness and absenteeism are corrected. I am available to provide additional details and specific examples of how her behavior has impacted our team.

Thank you for your attention to this important issue and for your support in maintaining a reliable and productive work environment.


[Your Name]

Letter 8: Gossip and Spreading Rumors

Subject: Complaint Against Rachel Johnson – Gossip and Spreading Rumors

Dear [Human Resources Department],

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against my co-worker, Rachel Johnson, for her persistent gossip and spreading of rumors in the workplace. Rachel’s behavior has created a toxic and hostile work environment, causing distress and damaging the morale of our team.

On multiple occasions, I have overheard Rachel engaging in gossip about other colleagues, and sharing personal and sensitive information without their consent. She has also been spreading false rumors about individuals’ work performance and personal lives, which has led to tension and mistrust among team members.

I have tried to address this issue with Rachel directly, explaining the harmful effects of her actions and the importance of maintaining a professional and respectful work environment. However, her behavior has not changed, and I feel that further intervention is necessary.

I request that the Human Resources Department investigate this matter and take appropriate disciplinary action to address Rachel’s gossip and rumor-spreading. I am willing to provide specific examples and details of the incidents in question.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this serious issue and for your commitment to maintaining a positive and respectful workplace.


[Your Name]

Letter 9: Inappropriate Use of Social Media

Subject: Complaint Regarding Mark Davis – Inappropriate Use of Social Media

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to express my concern about the inappropriate use of social media by my co-worker, Mark Davis. Mark’s online behavior has the potential to harm our company’s reputation and create a hostile work environment.

On several occasions, I have noticed that Mark has posted offensive and controversial content on his personal social media accounts, which are publicly accessible and list our company as his employer. These posts include derogatory comments about clients, competitors, and even fellow employees.

I have approached Mark about the impact of his social media activity, reminding him of our company’s social media policy and the importance of maintaining a professional online presence. However, his behavior has not changed, and I believe that further action is necessary.

I kindly request that you address this matter with Mark and take appropriate measures to ensure that his social media activity aligns with our company’s values and policies. I am available to provide specific examples of the concerning posts.

Thank you for your attention to this important issue and for your support in protecting our company’s reputation and maintaining a respectful work environment.


[Your Name]

Letter 10: Failure to Follow Safety Protocols

Subject: Complaint Against Steven Wilson – Failure to Follow Safety Protocols

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to report a serious concern regarding the behavior of my co-worker, Steven Wilson. Steven has consistently failed to follow the established safety protocols in our workplace, putting himself and others at risk of injury.

On multiple occasions, I have observed Steven disregarding safety guidelines, such as not wearing the required personal protective equipment (PPE) and ignoring warning signs and hazard notifications. His actions have created dangerous situations and have the potential to cause accidents and injuries.

I have approached Steven about these issues, reminding him of the importance of adhering to safety protocols and the consequences of non-compliance. However, his behavior has not improved, and I feel that it is my responsibility to bring this matter to your attention.

I request that you investigate this situation and take appropriate action to address Steven’s failure to follow safety protocols. I am willing to provide further details and specific examples of the incidents in question.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this critical matter and for your commitment to maintaining a safe work environment for all employees.


[Your Name]

Letter 11: Inappropriate Attire and Unprofessional Appearance

Subject: Complaint Regarding Jessica Thompson – Inappropriate Attire and Unprofessional Appearance

Dear [Human Resources Department],

I am writing to express my concern about the inappropriate attire and unprofessional appearance of my co-worker, Jessica Thompson. Jessica’s choice of clothing and overall presentation has been consistently inappropriate for our professional work environment.

On several occasions, Jessica has worn clothing that is overly revealing, provocative, or casual, such as low-cut tops, short skirts, and flip-flops. Her appearance has been a source of distraction and discomfort for other employees and has the potential to negatively impact our company’s image when interacting with clients or visitors.

I have approached Jessica about these issues, reminding her of our company’s dress code policy and the importance of maintaining a professional appearance. However, her attire and presentation have not improved, and I believe that further intervention is necessary.

I kindly request that the Human Resources Department address this matter with Jessica and take appropriate measures to ensure that her attire and appearance align with our company’s professional standards. I am available to provide specific examples of the concerning incidents.

Thank you for your attention to this important issue and for your support in maintaining a professional and respectful work environment.


[Your Name]

Letter 12: Failure to Meet Deadlines and Poor Work Quality

Subject: Complaint Against Robert Johnson – Failure to Meet Deadlines and Poor Work Quality

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to express my concern about the performance of my co-worker, Robert Johnson. Over the past several months, Robert has consistently failed to meet project deadlines and has produced work of subpar quality, negatively impacting our team’s productivity and success.

On multiple occasions, Robert has missed critical milestones and has not completed his assigned tasks within the agreed-upon timelines. This has caused significant delays in our projects and has placed an additional burden on other team members who have had to compensate for his lack of timeliness.

Furthermore, the quality of Robert’s work has been consistently below our team’s standards. His deliverables often contain errors, lack attention to detail, and require extensive revisions, which has led to decreased efficiency and client satisfaction.

I have approached Robert about these issues, offering support and guidance on improving his time management and work quality. However, his performance has not improved, and I believe that further action is necessary.

I kindly request that you address this matter with Robert and take appropriate measures to ensure that his performance aligns with our team’s expectations and standards. I am available to provide specific examples and details of the projects and tasks affected by his poor performance.

Thank you for your attention to this important issue and for your support in maintaining a high-performing and successful team.


[Your Name]

Letter 13: Inappropriate Language and Offensive Jokes

Subject: Complaint Against Michelle Davis – Inappropriate Language and Offensive Jokes

Dear [Human Resources Department],

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against my co-worker, Michelle Davis, for her persistent use of inappropriate language and offensive jokes in the workplace. Michelle’s behavior has created an uncomfortable and hostile work environment, causing distress and offense to myself and other colleagues.

On several occasions, I have overheard Michelle using profanity, crude language, and making jokes that are sexist, racist, or otherwise offensive. Her comments and attempts at humor are not only unprofessional but also violate our company’s policies on respectful conduct and anti-harassment.

I have approached Michelle about these issues, explaining the impact of her words and the importance of maintaining a respectful and inclusive work environment. However, her behavior has not changed, and I feel that further intervention is necessary.

I request that the Human Resources Department investigate this matter and take appropriate disciplinary action to address Michelle’s inappropriate language and offensive jokes. I am willing to provide specific examples and details of the incidents in question.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this serious issue and for your commitment to maintaining a respectful and inclusive workplace for all employees.


[Your Name]

Letter 14: Lack of Cooperation and Teamwork

Subject: Complaint Regarding Christopher Wilson – Lack of Cooperation and Teamwork

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to express my concern about the lack of cooperation and teamwork demonstrated by my co-worker, Christopher Wilson. Christopher’s behavior has been detrimental to our team’s cohesion and has hindered our ability to collaborate effectively on projects.

On multiple occasions, Christopher has refused to participate in team meetings, share information, or contribute to group efforts. He consistently works in isolation, disregarding the input and expertise of other team members, which has led to duplication of efforts and missed opportunities for synergy.

Furthermore, Christopher’s lack of communication and unwillingness to support his colleagues have created an atmosphere of tension and mistrust within the team. His behavior has made it difficult for us to work together efficiently and has negatively impacted the quality of our deliverables.

I have approached Christopher about these issues, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and teamwork in achieving our shared goals. However, his behavior has not improved, and I believe that further action is necessary.

I kindly request that you address this matter with Christopher and take appropriate measures to ensure that he actively participates in team efforts and contributes to a collaborative work environment. I am available to provide specific examples of projects and instances where his lack of cooperation has been problematic.

Thank you for your attention to this important issue and for your support in fostering a cohesive and productive team.


[Your Name]

Letter 15: Breach of Confidentiality

Subject: Complaint Against Amanda Thompson – Breach of Confidentiality

Dear [Human Resources Department],

I am writing to report a serious concern regarding the actions of my co-worker, Amanda Thompson. Amanda has breached confidentiality by sharing sensitive company information with unauthorized individuals, putting our organization’s reputation and competitive advantage at risk.

On several occasions, I have witnessed Amanda discussing confidential client data, upcoming product launches, and internal company strategies with individuals outside of our organization. These conversations have taken place in public settings, such as elevators and coffee shops, where the information could be easily overheard by others.

I have approached Amanda about the importance of maintaining confidentiality and the potential consequences of her actions. However, her behavior has not changed, and I feel that it is my responsibility to bring this matter to your attention.

I request that the Human Resources Department investigate this situation and take appropriate disciplinary action to address Amanda’s breach of confidentiality. I am willing to provide further details and specific examples of the incidents in question.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this critical matter and for your commitment to protecting our company’s sensitive information and reputation.


[Your Name]


Writing a letter of complaint against a co-worker is a serious matter that requires careful consideration and a professional approach.

By using these 15 sample letters as a guide, you can effectively communicate your concerns, provide relevant details, and request appropriate action from your supervisor or human resources department.

Remember to remain objective, factual, and focused on the specific behaviors or incidents that have prompted your complaint.

By addressing workplace issues promptly and professionally, you contribute to creating a more positive, respectful, and productive work environment for yourself and your colleagues.