15 Sample Letters of Complaint Against Supervisor

Are you feeling mistreated, disrespected, or unfairly targeted by your supervisor at work?

You’re not alone. Many employees find themselves in similar situations, unsure of how to address their concerns effectively.

That’s where a well-crafted letter of complaint comes in.

By putting your grievances in writing, you can formally communicate your issues to upper management or human resources, paving the way for a resolution.

Sample Letters of Complaint Against Supervisor

In this article, we’ll provide you with 15 sample letters of complaint against supervisors, covering a range of common workplace issues.

These templates will help you structure your letter, ensuring that your voice is heard and your concerns are addressed professionally.

Letter 1: Harassment and Discrimination

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Supervisor – Harassment and Discrimination

Dear [Human Resources Manager],

I am writing to formally complain to my supervisor, [Supervisor’s Name], for harassment and discrimination. Over the past several months, I have been subjected to numerous incidents of verbal abuse, derogatory comments, and unfair treatment based on my [protected characteristics, e.g., race, gender, religion].

On [date], [Supervisor’s Name] made an offensive remark about my [protected characteristic], stating, “[quote offensive remark].” This incident was witnessed by my colleagues, [Witness 1] and [Witness 2]. Additionally, on [date], I was unfairly denied a promotion opportunity, despite meeting all qualifications and having a stellar performance record. I believe this decision was influenced by my supervisor’s discriminatory attitudes.

I have attempted to address these issues with [Supervisor’s Name] directly, but the situation has not improved. I am now seeking the intervention of the Human Resources department to investigate this matter and take appropriate action. I believe that my supervisor’s behavior violates the company’s anti-discrimination and harassment policies, as well as state and federal laws.

Please find attached a detailed log of the incidents I have experienced, along with witness statements and supporting documentation. I am available to provide further information as needed and look forward to a prompt resolution to this matter.


[Your Name]

Letter 2: Bullying and Intimidation

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Supervisor – Bullying and Intimidation

Dear [Human Resources Manager],

I am writing to file a formal complaint against my supervisor, [Supervisor’s Name], for bullying and intimidation in the workplace. Over the past [period], I have been subjected to a hostile work environment created by my supervisor’s aggressive behavior and threatening language.

On numerous occasions, [Supervisor’s Name] has publicly berated me in front of my colleagues, using phrases such as “[quote threatening language]” and “[quote aggressive behavior].” These incidents have left me feeling humiliated, anxious, and unable to perform my job duties effectively. Additionally, my supervisor has repeatedly threatened to terminate my employment without just cause, creating a constant sense of fear and insecurity.

I have attempted to address these issues with [Supervisor’s Name] directly, but my concerns have been dismissed, and the behavior has continued. I am now seeking the assistance of the Human Resources department to intervene and address this unacceptable conduct. I believe that my supervisor’s actions violate the company’s policies on workplace bullying and create a toxic work environment.

Attached, please find a detailed account of the incidents I have experienced, along with any relevant documentation. I am available to provide further information as required and trust that swift action will be taken to resolve this matter.


[Your Name]

Letter 3: Unprofessional Conduct

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Supervisor – Unprofessional Conduct

Dear [Human Resources Manager],

I am writing to submit a formal complaint regarding the unprofessional conduct of my supervisor, [Supervisor’s Name]. Over the past [time], I have witnessed and experienced numerous instances of behavior that I believe to be inappropriate and detrimental to the work environment.

On [date], during a team meeting, [Supervisor’s Name] made several offensive jokes of a sexual nature, causing discomfort and embarrassment among team members. Additionally, my supervisor has repeatedly shared confidential information about other employees, including personal and performance-related details, with team members who do not have a legitimate need for this information.

Furthermore, [Supervisor’s Name] has consistently failed to follow company policies and procedures, setting a poor example for the team. This includes taking extended lunch breaks, arriving late to meetings, and failing to submit required reports on time.

I have attempted to address these concerns with [Supervisor’s Name] directly, but my efforts have been met with dismissal and, at times, retaliation. I am now seeking the intervention of the Human Resources department to investigate this matter and take appropriate corrective action. I believe that my supervisor’s unprofessional conduct undermines the integrity of our team and the company as a whole.

Please find attached a detailed log of the incidents I have observed, along with any relevant supporting documentation. I am available to provide further information as needed and look forward to a timely resolution to this matter.


[Your Name]

Letter 4: Favoritism and Unfair Treatment

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Supervisor – Favoritism and Unfair Treatment

Dear [Human Resources Manager],

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against my supervisor, [Supervisor’s Name], for exhibiting favoritism and engaging in unfair treatment within our team. Over the past [period], I have observed and experienced numerous instances where certain team members have received preferential treatment, while others, including myself, have been subjected to unequal standards and opportunities.

On several occasions, [Supervisor’s Name] has assigned high-profile projects and desirable tasks to a select group of employees, despite others being equally qualified and expressing interest in these opportunities. Additionally, my supervisor has consistently provided more lenient deadlines and performance expectations to these favored team members, while holding others to a higher standard.

Furthermore, I have witnessed [Supervisor’s Name] engaging in personal relationships with certain team members outside of work, which I believe has influenced their professional treatment and advancement opportunities. This has created a divisive and hostile work environment, where some employees feel undervalued and unfairly disadvantaged.

I have attempted to address these concerns with [Supervisor’s Name] directly, but my concerns have been dismissed, and the unfair treatment has continued. I am now seeking the assistance of the Human Resources department to investigate this matter and take appropriate action to ensure a fair and equitable work environment for all employees.

Attached, please find a detailed account of the incidents I have observed, along with any relevant supporting documentation. I am available to provide further information as needed and trust that this matter will be handled with the utmost professionalism and confidentiality.


[Your Name]

Letter 5: Retaliation and Wrongful Termination

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Supervisor – Retaliation and Wrongful Termination

Dear [Human Resources Manager],

I am writing to file a formal complaint against my former supervisor, [Supervisor’s Name], for retaliation and wrongful termination. On [date], I was abruptly terminated from my position, and I believe this action was taken in retaliation for my previous complaints about my supervisor’s inappropriate behavior and mismanagement.

Over the past [time period], I have raised concerns about [Supervisor’s Name]’s conduct, including instances of harassment, discrimination, and failure to follow company policies. I have communicated these issues to both my supervisor and the Human Resources department, as evidenced by my emails dated [date] and [date].

Following my most recent complaint on [date], I experienced a sudden change in my supervisor’s behavior towards me. I was subjected to increased scrutiny, unwarranted criticism, and a hostile work environment. On [date], I was called into a meeting with [Supervisor’s Name] and informed that my employment was being terminated, effective immediately, without any prior warning or justification.

I strongly believe that my termination was a direct result of my complaints against my supervisor and constitutes an act of retaliation. This action violates the company’s policies on whistleblower protection and wrongful termination, as well as state and federal laws.

I am seeking a thorough investigation into this matter by the Human Resources department and appropriate remedial action, including reinstatement to my position and protection from further retaliation. Please find attached a detailed timeline of the events leading up to my termination, along with copies of my previous complaints and relevant documentation.

I am available to provide any additional information required and look forward to a prompt resolution to this matter.


[Your Name]

Letter 6: Micromanagement and Lack of Trust

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Supervisor – Micromanagement and Lack of Trust

Dear [Human Resources Manager],

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the excessive micromanagement and lack of trust demonstrated by my supervisor, [Supervisor’s Name]. Over the past [time period], I have experienced a significant decline in my job satisfaction and productivity due to my supervisor’s overbearing management style.

Despite my proven track record of success and years of experience in my role, [Supervisor’s Name] consistently second-guesses my decisions, undermines my authority, and requires me to obtain approval for even the most minor tasks. This constant oversight has not only hindered my ability to work efficiently but has also eroded my confidence and autonomy.

Furthermore, my supervisor’s lack of trust has led to an environment where I feel micromanaged and undervalued. [Supervisor’s Name] regularly demands detailed reports on my daily activities, questions my time management, and has implemented unnecessarily rigid protocols that limit my flexibility and creativity in problem-solving.

I have attempted to address these concerns with [Supervisor’s Name] directly, expressing my need for greater autonomy and trust in my abilities. However, my efforts have been met with resistance, and the micromanagement has only intensified.

I am now seeking the intervention of the Human Resources department to mediate this situation and help foster a more productive and supportive working relationship between my supervisor and myself. I believe that with clear communication, established boundaries, and a focus on results rather than excessive oversight, we can improve the dynamics of our team and enhance overall performance.

Please find attached a detailed account of the instances of micromanagement I have experienced, along with any relevant documentation. I am available to discuss this matter further and am committed to finding a resolution that benefits both myself and the organization as a whole.


[Your Name]

Letter 7: Unprofessional Communication and Demeanor

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Supervisor – Unprofessional Communication and Demeanor

Dear [Human Resources Manager],

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint regarding the unprofessional communication and demeanor exhibited by my supervisor, [Supervisor’s Name]. Over the past [time period], I have been subjected to numerous instances of inappropriate and disrespectful behavior that have created a hostile and uncomfortable work environment.

On several occasions, [Supervisor’s Name] has used offensive language and made derogatory comments about my work performance in front of other team members. These public outbursts have included statements such as “[quote offensive language]” and “[quote derogatory comment],” which have left me feeling humiliated and demoralized.

Additionally, my supervisor consistently communicates aggressively and condescendingly, both in person and via email. [Supervisor’s Name] frequently uses all-caps, exclamation points, and accusatory language, creating an atmosphere of fear and intimidation. This unprofessional communication style has hindered open dialogue and collaboration within our team.

I have attempted to address these concerns with [Supervisor’s Name] directly, requesting a more respectful and professional approach to communication. However, my efforts have been met with dismissal and, at times, further hostility.

I am now seeking the assistance of the Human Resources department to address this unacceptable behavior and help foster a more positive and respectful work environment. I believe that my supervisor’s conduct violates the company’s policies on professional conduct and respectful workplace interactions.

Please find attached a detailed log of the incidents I have experienced, along with copies of relevant email correspondence. I am available to provide further information as needed and look forward to a prompt resolution to this matter.


[Your Name]

Letter 8: Lack of Support and Resources

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Supervisor – Lack of Support and Resources

Dear [Human Resources Manager],

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the lack of support and resources provided by my supervisor, [Supervisor’s Name]. Over the past [time period], I have consistently encountered obstacles in performing my job duties effectively due to inadequate guidance, training, and access to necessary tools and information.

Despite repeated requests for assistance and clarification, [Supervisor’s Name] has failed to provide the necessary support to ensure my success in my role. This includes withholding critical information about project requirements, denying access to essential software and databases, and failing to allocate sufficient time and resources for training and development.

As a result, I have been left to navigate complex tasks and challenges without the proper guidance and support, leading to increased stress, diminished productivity, and a higher risk of errors. This lack of support has not only impacted my performance but has also hindered the overall success of our team and projects.

I have attempted to address these concerns with [Supervisor’s Name] directly, emphasizing the importance of open communication, timely feedback, and access to necessary resources. However, my requests have been met with resistance and, at times, dismissal.

I am now seeking the intervention of the Human Resources department to assess the situation and help ensure that I am provided with the support and resources needed to perform my job duties effectively. I believe that by addressing these issues and fostering a more supportive and collaborative work environment, we can improve individual and team performance, leading to better outcomes for the organization as a whole.

Please find attached a detailed account of the instances where I have lacked the necessary support and resources, along with any relevant documentation. I am available to discuss this matter further and am committed to finding a solution that enables me to contribute to the best of my abilities.


[Your Name]

Letter 9: Inconsistent Expectations and Standards

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Supervisor – Inconsistent Expectations and Standards

Dear [Human Resources Manager],

I am writing to raise concerns regarding the inconsistent expectations and standards set by my supervisor, [Supervisor’s Name]. Over the past [time period], I have experienced a significant lack of clarity and fairness in the way performance objectives and evaluation criteria are communicated and applied within our team.

On numerous occasions, [Supervisor’s Name] has provided contradictory or vague instructions regarding project requirements, deadlines, and success metrics. This inconsistency has led to confusion and frustration among team members, as well as a higher likelihood of missed targets and suboptimal results.

Furthermore, my supervisor has demonstrated a pattern of applying different standards to different team members, showing favoritism and bias in the evaluation and recognition of individual contributions. This has created an atmosphere of inequality and resentment, undermining team morale and collaboration.

I have attempted to address these concerns with [Supervisor’s Name] directly, requesting clearer communication, consistent expectations, and fair treatment for all team members. However, my efforts have been met with resistance and, at times, dismissal of my concerns.

I am now seeking the assistance of the Human Resources department to investigate this matter and help establish a more transparent, consistent, and equitable work environment. I believe that by setting clear expectations, providing regular feedback, and applying consistent standards across the team, we can foster a more productive and harmonious workplace.

Please find attached a detailed log of the instances where I have encountered inconsistent expectations and standards, along with any relevant supporting documentation. I am available to provide further information as needed and trust that this matter will be handled with the utmost professionalism and impartiality.


[Your Name]

Letter 10: Neglect of Safety Concerns

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Supervisor – Neglect of Safety Concerns

Dear [Human Resources Manager],

I am writing to file a formal complaint regarding the neglect of safety concerns by my supervisor, [Supervisor’s Name]. Over the past [time period], I have repeatedly raised issues related to workplace safety, but my concerns have been largely ignored or dismissed, putting myself and my colleagues at risk.

On several occasions, I have brought to my supervisor’s attention potential hazards in our work area, including [list specific safety concerns, e.g., faulty equipment, inadequate protective gear, unsafe working conditions]. Despite my reports, [Supervisor’s Name] has failed to take appropriate action to address these issues promptly.

Furthermore, my supervisor has consistently prioritized productivity and cost-cutting measures over the implementation of necessary safety protocols and training. This has created an environment where employees feel pressured to take unnecessary risks and work in unsafe conditions to meet targets and deadlines.

I have attempted to escalate these concerns to [Supervisor’s Name]’s superiors, but I have been met with resistance and, at times, retaliation in the form of reduced work hours and unfavorable assignments. This has left me feeling unsupported and vulnerable in my efforts to maintain a safe work environment.

I am now seeking the immediate intervention of the Human Resources department to investigate these safety concerns and ensure that appropriate measures are taken to protect the well-being of all employees. I believe that my supervisor’s neglect of safety issues violates the company’s policies and may be in breach of state and federal regulations.

Please find attached a detailed log of the safety concerns I have raised, along with any relevant supporting documentation, including photos and witness statements. I am available to provide further information as needed and trust that swift action will be taken to address this critical matter.


[Your Name]

Letter 11: Inadequate Performance Feedback and Evaluations

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Supervisor – Inadequate Performance Feedback and Evaluations

Dear [Human Resources Manager],

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the inadequate performance feedback and evaluations provided by my supervisor, [Supervisor’s Name]. Over the past [time period], I have experienced a significant lack of constructive feedback and inconsistencies in the way my performance is assessed and communicated.

Despite numerous requests for regular check-ins and performance reviews, [Supervisor’s Name] has consistently failed to provide timely and meaningful feedback on my work. This lack of guidance has left me uncertain about my strengths, areas for improvement, and overall career development within the organization.

Furthermore, when performance evaluations have been conducted, they have often been rushed, superficial, and lacking in specific examples or actionable recommendations. This has made it challenging for me to understand how my contributions are valued and what steps I can take to enhance my performance and grow within my role.

I have attempted to address these concerns with [Supervisor’s Name] directly, emphasizing the importance of regular, constructive feedback and fair, objective evaluations. However, my efforts have been met with resistance and, at times, dismissal of the significance of these issues.

I am now seeking the assistance of the Human Resources department to review the performance evaluation process within our team and ensure that all employees receive adequate, consistent, and meaningful feedback. I believe that by establishing clear guidelines for performance assessments, providing training for supervisors, and promoting a culture of continuous feedback, we can foster a more supportive and development-oriented work environment.

Please find attached a detailed account of the instances where I have experienced inadequate performance feedback and evaluations, along with any relevant documentation. I am available to discuss this matter further and am committed to working collaboratively to improve the performance management practices within our organization.


[Your Name]

Letter 12: Breach of Confidentiality

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Supervisor – Breach of Confidentiality

Dear [Human Resources Manager],

I am writing to file a formal complaint regarding a breach of confidentiality by my supervisor, [Supervisor’s Name]. On [date], I discovered that the sensitive information I had shared with my supervisor in confidence had been disclosed to unauthorized parties, causing significant personal and professional harm.

During a private meeting with [Supervisor’s Name] on [date], I discussed a highly sensitive matter related to [brief description of the confidential issue, e.g., a personal health concern, a family emergency, a workplace conflict]. I explicitly requested that this information remain confidential and not be shared with anyone else without my consent.

However, on [date], I learned that [Supervisor’s Name] had shared the details of our conversation with [list the individuals or groups who were informed], who had no legitimate need to know about the matter. This breach of trust has not only violated my privacy but has also led to [describe the consequences of the breach, e.g., damage to reputation, strained work relationships, personal distress].

I have attempted to address this issue with [Supervisor’s Name] directly, expressing my deep disappointment and the impact of their actions. However, my concerns have been met with minimal acknowledgment and no clear plan for remediation.

I am now seeking the immediate intervention of the Human Resources department to investigate this breach of confidentiality and take appropriate disciplinary action. I believe that my supervisor’s conduct violates the company’s policies on employee privacy and confidentiality, as well as ethical standards of professionalism and trust.

Please find attached a detailed account of the events surrounding the breach, along with any relevant supporting documentation. I am available to provide further information as needed and trust that this matter will be handled with the utmost sensitivity and urgency.


[Your Name]

Letter 13: Failure to Address Workplace Conflicts

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Supervisor – Failure to Address Workplace Conflicts

Dear [Human Resources Manager],

I am writing to express my concerns regarding my supervisor, [Supervisor’s Name]’s failure to effectively address and resolve workplace conflicts within our team. Over the past [time period], I have witnessed and experienced numerous instances of interpersonal disputes and tension that have gone unresolved, creating a toxic and unproductive work environment.

On several occasions, I have brought to my supervisor’s attention conflicts between team members, including [brief description of the conflicts, e.g., personality clashes, disagreements over work responsibilities, and instances of disrespectful behavior]. Despite my reports, [Supervisor’s Name] has consistently failed to intervene in a timely and impartial manner, allowing the conflicts to escalate and fester.

Furthermore, when attempts have been made to address these issues, my supervisor has demonstrated a lack of conflict resolution skills and has, at times, shown bias or favoritism towards certain team members. This has led to a breakdown in trust and collaboration within the team, hindering our ability to work effectively together.

I have attempted to address these concerns with [Supervisor’s Name] directly, suggesting mediation, team-building exercises, and clear guidelines for respectful communication. However, my efforts have been met with resistance and a lack of proactive leadership in fostering a harmonious work environment.

I am now seeking the assistance of the Human Resources department to intervene in these ongoing workplace conflicts and provide the necessary support and resources to resolve them. I believe that by conducting an impartial investigation, facilitating open dialogue, and implementing conflict resolution strategies, we can restore a positive and collaborative team dynamic.

Please find attached a detailed log of the workplace conflicts I have observed and experienced, along with any relevant supporting documentation. I am available to provide further information as needed and am committed to working towards a resolution that benefits the well-being and productivity of our entire team.


[Your Name]

Letter 14: Inadequate Onboarding and Training

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Supervisor – Inadequate Onboarding and Training

Dear [Human Resources Manager],

I am writing to raise concerns regarding the inadequate onboarding and training provided by my supervisor, [Supervisor’s Name], upon joining the team. As a new employee, I have experienced significant challenges in adapting to my role and responsibilities due to the lack of proper guidance and support during my initial period with the company.

From my first day on the job, I have encountered a lack of structured onboarding procedures and insufficient training materials. Despite expressing my need for a comprehensive introduction to the company’s policies, processes, and tools, [Supervisor’s Name] has failed to allocate sufficient time and resources to ensure a smooth transition into my role.

Furthermore, when I have sought clarification or assistance with specific tasks or projects, my supervisor has been largely unresponsive or has provided only cursory guidance. This has led to confusion, delays, and a steep learning curve that has hindered my ability to contribute effectively to the team.

I have attempted to address these concerns with [Supervisor’s Name] directly, requesting additional training sessions, access to relevant documentation, and more regular check-ins to discuss my progress and any challenges I encounter. However, my efforts have been met with minimal support and, at times, an expectation to learn on my own without adequate resources.

I am now seeking the intervention of the Human Resources department to review the onboarding and training practices within our team and ensure that all new employees receive the necessary support to succeed in their roles. I believe that by establishing a comprehensive onboarding program, providing access to training materials and resources, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and development, we can improve employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention.

Please find attached a detailed account of the instances where I have experienced inadequate onboarding and training, along with any relevant documentation. I am available to discuss this matter further and am committed to working collaboratively to enhance the employee experience for myself and future team members.


[Your Name]

Letter 15: Unreasonable Workload and Expectations

Subject: Formal Complaint Against Supervisor – Unreasonable Workload and Expectations

Dear [Human Resources Manager],

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the unreasonable workload and expectations placed upon me by my supervisor, [Supervisor’s Name]. Over the past [time period], I have consistently been assigned an overwhelming volume of tasks and responsibilities, often with unrealistic deadlines and insufficient resources, leading to severe stress and burnout.

Despite repeatedly communicating my capacity constraints and the need for prioritization, [Supervisor’s Name] has continued to assign me additional projects and duties without considering the feasibility of completing them within the given timeframes. This has resulted in regularly working long hours, including evenings and weekends, to meet these demands.

Furthermore, my supervisor has set expectations that are often unclear, contradictory, or subject to last-minute changes, making it challenging to plan and execute my work effectively. This lack of clarity and consistency has led to rework, missed deadlines, and a constant state of anxiety about meeting ever-shifting targets.

I have attempted to address these concerns with [Supervisor’s Name] directly, proposing solutions such as delegating tasks, adjusting timelines, and providing additional support or resources. However, my efforts have been met with resistance and, at times, an unwillingness to acknowledge the impact of the unreasonable workload on my well-being and job performance.

I am now seeking the assistance of the Human Resources department to review the workload distribution and expectation-setting practices within our team. I believe that by conducting a thorough assessment of job responsibilities, establishing realistic performance targets, and ensuring adequate staffing and resources, we can create a more sustainable and supportive work environment.

Please find attached a detailed log of the instances where I have experienced unreasonable workload and expectations, along with any relevant supporting documentation. I am available to provide further information as needed and am committed to finding a resolution that promotes the health, productivity, and job satisfaction of all team members.

Sincerely, [Your Name]


A well-written letter of complaint against a supervisor can be a powerful tool for addressing workplace issues and advocating for a better work environment.

By clearly and professionally communicating your concerns, you can bring attention to problems that may have gone unnoticed or unresolved, and initiate a process for positive change.

The 15 sample letters provided in this article demonstrate how to effectively structure and present complaints related to various topics, such as harassment, discrimination, bullying, favoritism, retaliation, micromanagement, unprofessional conduct, lack of support, safety concerns, inadequate feedback, breach of confidentiality, unresolved conflicts, insufficient onboarding, and unreasonable workload.

When drafting your letter of complaint, be sure to include specific examples, dates, and any relevant documentation to support your claims.

Remain factual and objective in your language, and express your willingness to work collaboratively towards a resolution.

Remember, submitting a letter of complaint is a serious step that should not be taken lightly.

It is essential to familiarize yourself with your company’s grievance policies and procedures and to be prepared for potential outcomes, both positive and negative.

By speaking up and advocating for yourself and your colleagues, you can contribute to creating a more equitable, respectful, and supportive workplace.

Your voice matters, and a well-crafted letter of complaint can be the first step toward achieving the positive changes you seek in your professional life.