15 Sample Letters of Rejection of Salary Increase

Requesting a salary increase can be a nerve-wracking experience, filled with hope and anticipation. However, not every request for a raise is met with approval.

Employers may have various reasons for denying a salary increase, ranging from budget constraints to performance issues.

Sample Letters of Rejection of Salary Increase

In this article, we will explore 15 sample letters that demonstrate how employers can effectively communicate the rejection of a salary increase request while maintaining a positive employee relationship.

Letter One: Budget Constraints

Subject: Salary Increase Request – Decision

Dear [Employee Name],

Thank you for your request for a salary increase dated [Date]. We appreciate your commitment to our organization and the valuable contributions you have made to our team.

After careful consideration and a thorough review of our current financial situation, we regret to inform you that we are unable to approve your request for a salary increase at this time. Our company is currently facing budget constraints due to [Reason], which limits our ability to provide raises to our employees.

Please understand that this decision is not a reflection of your performance or the quality of your work. We highly value your dedication and the impact you have made within our organization. However, we must prioritize the financial stability of the company during these challenging times.

We will continue to monitor our financial situation closely and reevaluate the possibility of salary adjustments in the future. In the meantime, we encourage you to take advantage of the professional development opportunities and benefits offered by our company to support your growth and job satisfaction.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your supervisor or the Human Resources department. We appreciate your understanding and continued commitment to our organization.


[Employer Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Two: Performance Concerns

Subject: Salary Increase Request – Outcome

Dear [Employee Name],

We have received your request for a salary increase dated [Date]. We appreciate your initiative in seeking to discuss your compensation and career growth within our organization.

However, after evaluating your recent performance and considering the feedback from your supervisor, we have determined that a salary increase is not warranted at this time. While you have shown some progress in certain areas, there are still significant performance concerns that need to be addressed before a raise can be considered.

Specifically, your supervisor has noted the following areas for improvement:

  1. [Performance Issue 1]
  2. [Performance Issue 2]
  3. [Performance Issue 3]

We believe that focusing on these areas and demonstrating consistent improvement is essential for your professional growth and potential future salary adjustments. Your supervisor will work closely with you to develop a performance improvement plan and provide the necessary support and resources to help you succeed.

We encourage you to take this feedback constructively and use it as an opportunity to enhance your skills and contribute more effectively to our team. We value your commitment to our organization and believe that by addressing these performance concerns, you will position yourself for future growth and advancement opportunities.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please schedule a meeting with your supervisor. We are committed to supporting your development and success within our company.


[Employer Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Three: Timing of Request

Subject: Salary Increase Request – Response

Dear [Employee Name],

Thank you for submitting your request for a salary increase on [Date]. We appreciate your desire to discuss your compensation and the value you bring to our organization.

However, we regret to inform you that we are unable to approve your request at this time due to the timing of your submission. Our company follows a structured performance review and salary adjustment cycle, which typically takes place [Frequency] on [Month/Date].

To ensure fairness and consistency across our organization, salary increase requests are reviewed and considered during this designated period. This allows us to assess the performance and contributions of all employees comprehensively and make well-informed decisions regarding compensation adjustments.

We encourage you to continue your excellent work and actively participate in the upcoming performance review process. During this review, you will have the opportunity to discuss your accomplishments, goals, and expectations with your supervisor. Your performance and contributions will be thoroughly evaluated, and any potential salary adjustments will be considered in alignment with our company’s policies and guidelines.

Please note that this decision does not diminish our appreciation for your dedication and hard work. We value your contributions to our team and are committed to supporting your professional growth and development within our organization.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your supervisor or the Human Resources department. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to your continued success with our company.


[Employer Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Four: Lack of Market Alignment

Subject: Salary Increase Request – Decision

Dear [Employee Name],

We have carefully reviewed your request for a salary increase dated [Date]. We appreciate your initiative in advocating for your compensation and the contributions you have made to our organization.

After conducting a thorough market analysis and comparing your current salary to industry benchmarks, we have determined that your compensation is already in line with the market rates for your position and level of experience. Our company strives to maintain fair and competitive compensation practices, and we regularly review our salary structures to ensure they align with industry standards.

While we understand your desire for a salary increase, we believe that your current compensation package is commensurate with your role, responsibilities, and performance. We are committed to providing our employees with fair and equitable pay, and we have found that your salary is consistent with the market rates for similar positions in our industry and geographic location.

Please be assured that this decision does not diminish the value we place on your work and contributions to our team. We appreciate your dedication and the impact you have made within our organization. We will continue to monitor market trends and review our compensation practices regularly to ensure they remain competitive and fair.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your career growth and development opportunities within our company, please don’t hesitate to schedule a meeting with your supervisor. We are committed to supporting your professional advancement and helping you achieve your goals.

Thank you for your understanding and continued commitment to our organization.


[Employer Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Five: Insufficient Justification

Subject: Salary Increase Request – Outcome

Dear [Employee Name],

We have received your request for a salary increase dated [Date]. We appreciate your initiative in seeking to discuss your compensation and the value you bring to our organization.

However, after reviewing your request and the supporting documentation provided, we have determined that there is insufficient justification for a salary increase at this time. While we appreciate your contributions to our team, the information presented does not demonstrate a significant change in your role, responsibilities, or performance that warrants a salary adjustment.

To consider a salary increase, we typically require evidence of the following:

  1. Substantial growth in job duties or responsibilities
  2. Consistent and exceptional performance that surpasses expectations
  3. Acquisition of new skills or certifications directly relevant to your role
  4. Significant contributions to the company’s goals and objectives

In your request, we did not find sufficient evidence of these factors. We encourage you to continue developing your skills, taking on additional responsibilities, and consistently delivering high-quality work. As you progress in your role and demonstrate increased value to the organization, you may have a stronger case for a salary adjustment in the future.

If you have additional information or examples that you believe support your request for a salary increase, please share them with your supervisor. We are open to further discussions and will review any new evidence provided.

Please know that this decision does not diminish our appreciation for your work and dedication to our company. We value your contributions and are committed to supporting your professional growth and development.

If you have any questions or would like guidance on how to strengthen your case for a future salary increase, please schedule a meeting with your supervisor or the Human Resources department.

Thank you for your understanding and continued commitment to our organization.


[Employer Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Six: Company-Wide Salary Freeze

Subject: Salary Increase Request – Update

Dear [Employee Name],

Thank you for your request for a salary increase dated [Date]. We appreciate your commitment to our organization and the valuable contributions you have made to our team.

However, we regret to inform you that we are unable to approve your request at this time due to a company-wide salary freeze. In light of the current economic conditions and the challenges faced by our industry, our company has implemented a temporary salary freeze for all employees, regardless of their position or performance.

This decision was not made lightly, and we understand the impact it may have on our valued team members. The salary freeze is a necessary measure to ensure the financial stability and long-term sustainability of our organization during these uncertain times.

Please be assured that this decision is not a reflection of your individual performance or the quality of your work. We highly value your dedication and the significant contributions you have made to our company. However, we must prioritize the overall well-being of the organization and make difficult decisions to navigate through this challenging period.

We will continue to monitor the economic situation closely and will reevaluate the salary freeze as circumstances improve. In the meantime, we remain committed to supporting your professional development and providing opportunities for growth within our organization.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your supervisor or the Human Resources department. We appreciate your understanding and continued dedication to our company during this time.


[Employer Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Seven: Internal Pay Equity Considerations

Subject: Salary Increase Request – Decision

Dear [Employee Name],

We have carefully reviewed your request for a salary increase dated [Date]. We appreciate your initiative in advocating for your compensation and the value you bring to our organization.

After considering your request and conducting an internal pay equity analysis, we have determined that granting your salary increase at this time would create significant pay disparities among employees in similar roles and with comparable experience levels. Maintaining internal pay equity is crucial for our organization to ensure fairness, morale, and legal compliance.

We strive to establish and maintain a consistent and equitable compensation structure across our company. This involves regularly reviewing and comparing the salaries of employees in similar positions, taking into account factors such as job responsibilities, experience, performance, and market rates.

While we acknowledge your contributions and the value you bring to our team, we must also consider the broader impact of individual salary adjustments on the overall pay equity within our organization. Granting a salary increase that deviates significantly from the established pay ranges for your role could lead to unintended consequences and create a sense of unfairness among your colleagues.

Please be assured that this decision is not a reflection of your performance or the quality of your work. We highly value your dedication and the impact you have made within our organization. We will continue to monitor market trends, assess our compensation practices, and make adjustments as needed to ensure fair and competitive pay for all our employees.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your career growth and development opportunities within our company, please don’t hesitate to schedule a meeting with your supervisor or the Human Resources department. We are committed to supporting your professional advancement and helping you achieve your goals.

Thank you for your understanding and continued commitment to our organization.


[Employer Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Eight: Probationary Period

Subject: Salary Increase Request – Outcome

Dear [Employee Name],

We have received your request for a salary increase dated [Date]. We appreciate your enthusiasm and the contributions you have made to our organization since joining our team.

However, we regret to inform you that we are unable to approve your request for a salary increase at this time due to your current probationary status. As per our company policy, new employees are required to complete a probationary period of [Duration] before being eligible for salary adjustments.

The probationary period is designed to provide both you and the company an opportunity to assess your suitability for the role, your performance, and your alignment with our organizational culture. During this time, we closely monitor your progress, provide necessary training and support, and evaluate your potential for long-term success within our company.

We encourage you to continue your good work and focus on learning, growing, and contributing to our team during your probationary period. Your supervisor will provide regular feedback and guidance to help you succeed in your role and meet the expectations set forth for your position.

Upon successful completion of your probationary period, your performance will be formally reviewed, and your eligibility for a salary increase will be assessed based on your achievements, contributions, and the company’s compensation policies.

Please know that this decision does not reflect negatively on your work or potential. We value your enthusiasm and the fresh perspective you bring to our team. We are committed to supporting your growth and development within our organization.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your supervisor or the Human Resources department. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to your continued success with our company.


[Employer Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Nine: Lateral Move or Job Change

Subject: Salary Increase Request – Decision

Dear [Employee Name],

Thank you for your request for a salary increase dated [Date]. We appreciate your initiative in advocating for your compensation and the value you bring to our organization.

However, we regret to inform you that we are unable to approve your request for a salary increase at this time due to your recent lateral move or job change within the company. As discussed during the transition process, your new role or department operates within a different salary structure and budget compared to your previous position.

When employees make lateral moves or change jobs within our organization, their salaries are typically adjusted to align with the pay ranges and compensation policies of their new roles. This ensures internal pay equity and consistency across departments and positions with similar responsibilities and requirements.

Please be assured that your salary was carefully reviewed and determined based on the market rates, your qualifications, and the scope of your new role. We believe that your current compensation package is fair and competitive within the context of your new position and the industry standards.

We value your flexibility and willingness to take on new challenges within our organization. Your lateral move or job change is a testament to your versatility and the diverse skills you bring to our team. We are confident that this new opportunity will provide you with valuable experiences and contribute to your professional growth.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your career development and future opportunities within our company, please don’t hesitate to schedule a meeting with your supervisor or the Human Resources department. We are committed to supporting your success and helping you achieve your goals.

Thank you for your understanding and continued dedication to our organization.


[Employer Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Ten: Contractual Limitations

Subject: Salary Increase Request – Outcome

Dear [Employee Name],

We have received your request for a salary increase dated [Date]. We appreciate your dedication and the contributions you have made to our organization.

However, we regret to inform you that we are unable to approve your request for a salary increase at this time due to the contractual limitations outlined in your employment agreement. When you were hired, the terms of your contract specified a fixed salary for a designated period, which is still in effect.

As per the terms of your employment contract, your salary was predetermined and agreed upon by both parties for the duration of the contract period. This contractual agreement ensures clarity, stability, and predictability for both you and the company regarding your compensation.

We understand your desire for a salary adjustment, but we are obligated to adhere to the legally binding terms of your employment contract. Any changes to the agreed-upon salary would require a formal contract amendment, which is not feasible at this time.

Please be assured that this decision is not a reflection of your performance or the value you bring to our organization. We highly appreciate your contributions and the impact you have made within our team. However, we must respect the contractual commitments made by both parties.

As your contract approaches its expiration or renewal date, we will have the opportunity to review your compensation and discuss any potential adjustments based on your performance, market rates, and the company’s financial position.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your employment contract or future opportunities within our organization, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your supervisor or the Human Resources department. We are committed to supporting your professional growth and success.

Thank you for your understanding and continued dedication to our company.


[Employer Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Eleven: Performance Improvement Plan

Subject: Salary Increase Request – Decision

Dear [Employee Name],

We have carefully reviewed your request for a salary increase dated [Date]. We appreciate your initiative in seeking to discuss your compensation and career growth within our organization.

However, we regret to inform you that we are unable to approve your request for a salary increase at this time due to your current performance improvement plan (PIP). As discussed with your supervisor, there are specific areas of improvement that need to be addressed before a salary adjustment can be considered.

The performance improvement plan was implemented to provide you with clear goals, support, and guidance to help you meet the expected standards of your role. The plan outlines the specific areas where improvement is required, such as [Area 1], [Area 2], and [Area 3].

We believe that successfully completing the performance improvement plan and demonstrating consistent progress in these areas is crucial for your professional growth and potential future salary adjustments. Your supervisor will continue to work closely with you, providing regular feedback, resources, and support to help you achieve the objectives set forth in the plan.

We encourage you to focus on the development opportunities provided by the performance improvement plan and view it as a chance to enhance your skills, increase your value to the organization, and position yourself for future success.

Please be assured that this decision does not diminish our belief in your potential. We are committed to supporting your growth and development within our company. As you successfully complete the performance improvement plan and demonstrate sustained improvement, we will reevaluate your eligibility for a salary increase.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the performance improvement plan or the support available to you, please schedule a meeting with your supervisor or the Human Resources department. We are here to assist you in your professional journey.

Thank you for your understanding and continued dedication to your growth and success within our organization.


[Employer Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Twelve: Pending Disciplinary Action

Subject: Salary Increase Request – Outcome

Dear [Employee Name],

We have received your request for a salary increase dated [Date]. We appreciate your initiative in seeking to discuss your compensation within our organization.

However, we regret to inform you that we are unable to consider your request for a salary increase at this time due to pending disciplinary action. As you are aware, there are ongoing concerns regarding your conduct and adherence to company policies and standards.

The disciplinary process is currently underway to address the specific incidents and behaviors that have been brought to our attention. These issues, such as [Issue 1], [Issue 2], and [Issue 3], have raised serious concerns about your professionalism and alignment with our company’s values and expectations.

Until the disciplinary process is concluded, and a resolution is reached, we are unable to evaluate your eligibility for a salary increase. The outcome of the disciplinary action will have a significant impact on any decisions regarding your compensation and future within our organization.

We encourage you to take this matter seriously and actively participate in the disciplinary process. You must understand the gravity of the situation and take the necessary steps to address the concerns raised. Your cooperation and commitment to improving your conduct will be taken into consideration as we determine the appropriate course of action.

Please be assured that the disciplinary process will be conducted fairly and objectively, providing you with the opportunity to present your perspective and any relevant information. We are committed to maintaining a safe, respectful, and professional work environment for all our employees.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the disciplinary process or the expectations for your conduct, please schedule a meeting with your supervisor or the Human Resources department. We are here to provide guidance and support during this challenging time.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work through this matter.


[Employer Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Thirteen: Pending Investigation

Subject: Salary Increase Request – Decision

Dear [Employee Name],

We have carefully considered your request for a salary increase dated [Date]. We appreciate your dedication and the contributions you have made to our organization.

However, we regret to inform you that we are unable to make a determination on your request for a salary increase at this time due to a pending investigation. As you may be aware, there are ongoing concerns and allegations that have been brought to our attention regarding [Issue/Incident].

To ensure a fair and unbiased process, we have initiated an investigation to gather all relevant information, review evidence, and determine the appropriate course of action. The outcome of this investigation will have a significant impact on any decisions related to your employment, including your eligibility for a salary increase.

Please understand that the investigation is being conducted with the utmost professionalism, objectivity, and confidentiality. We are committed to providing a thorough and impartial review of the situation to ensure the integrity of our workplace and the well-being of all our employees.

During the investigation process, we kindly request your cooperation and patience. We understand that this may be a stressful and uncertain time, but we assure you that we are working diligently to resolve the matter as quickly as possible while ensuring a comprehensive and fair assessment.

Once the investigation is concluded, we will communicate the findings and any resulting actions to you. At that time, we will also reevaluate your request for a salary increase in light of the investigation’s outcome and any other relevant factors.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the investigation or your employment status, please reach out to the designated Human Resources representative handling this matter. They will be able to provide you with appropriate guidance and support while maintaining the confidentiality of the investigation.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this process.


[Employer Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Fourteen: Pending Organizational Changes

Subject: Salary Increase Request – Update

Dear [Employee Name],

Thank you for your request for a salary increase dated [Date]. We appreciate your commitment to our organization and the valuable contributions you have made to our team.

However, we regret to inform you that we are unable to provide a definitive response to your request at this time due to pending organizational changes. As you may be aware, our company is currently undergoing significant restructuring and strategic realignment.

These organizational changes involve a comprehensive review of our workforce, department structures, and compensation policies. The outcome of this process will have a direct impact on our ability to make decisions regarding salary adjustments and other employment-related matters.

Please be assured that your request for a salary increase will be considered as part of the overall evaluation process. Once the organizational changes have been finalized and implemented, we will have a clearer understanding of our financial position, revised compensation structures, and the opportunities available for employee growth and development.

We understand that this period of uncertainty can be unsettling, and we appreciate your patience and understanding during this time of transition. We are committed to keeping you informed of any updates or decisions that may impact your role and compensation within the organization.

In the meantime, we encourage you to continue your excellent work and remain focused on your goals and objectives. Your contributions and dedication to our company are highly valued, and we are committed to supporting your professional growth and success.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the pending organizational changes or your employment status, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your supervisor or the Human Resources department. We are here to provide guidance and support during this transformative period.

Thank you for your understanding and continued commitment to our organization.


[Employer Name]

[Company Name]

Letter Fifteen: Pending Market Evaluation

Subject: Salary Increase Request – Decision

Dear [Employee Name],

We have carefully reviewed your request for a salary increase dated [Date]. We appreciate your initiative in advocating for your compensation and the value you bring to our organization.

However, we regret to inform you that we are unable to provide a definitive response to your request at this time due to a pending market evaluation. Our company is currently conducting a comprehensive analysis of industry benchmarks, market trends, and competitive salary data to ensure that our compensation practices remain fair, competitive, and aligned with the current market conditions.

This market evaluation process involves gathering and analyzing extensive data from reliable sources, including salary surveys, industry reports, and competitor analysis. The insights gained from this evaluation will help us make informed decisions regarding our overall compensation strategy and any potential adjustments to employee salaries.

Please be assured that your request for a salary increase will be considered in light of the findings from the market evaluation. Once the analysis is complete, and we have a clearer understanding of the competitive landscape, we will be in a better position to assess your compensation and determine any appropriate adjustments.

We understand that waiting for the outcome of the market evaluation may be inconvenient, but we believe that this process is essential to ensure that our compensation practices remain fair, competitive, and sustainable in the long run. We are committed to making data-driven decisions that align with industry standards and best practices.

In the meantime, we encourage you to continue your excellent work and maintain your commitment to your role and responsibilities. Your contributions and dedication to our organization are highly valued, and we appreciate your patience and understanding during this evaluation period.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the market evaluation process or your compensation, please don’t hesitate to schedule a meeting with your supervisor or the Human Resources department. We are here to provide guidance and support as we navigate this important process.

Thank you for your understanding and continued commitment to our organization.


[Employer Name]

[Company Name]


Rejecting a request for a salary increase is a sensitive matter that requires careful consideration and clear communication.

By using these sample letters as a guide, employers can effectively convey the reasons behind the decision while maintaining a positive and supportive relationship with their employees.

It is essential to approach salary increase rejections with empathy, transparency, and a focus on the employee’s growth and development within the organization.

By providing constructive feedback, outlining the factors that influenced the decision, and offering guidance on how the employees can position themselves for future opportunities, employers can mitigate the potential negative impact of the rejection.

Remember, the goal is not to discourage or demotivate employees but rather to provide them with a clear understanding of the circumstances and the steps they can take to enhance their value and eligibility for future salary adjustments.

When crafting a salary increase rejection letter, be sure to personalize the content to the specific employee and situation, maintaining a professional and respectful tone throughout.

Offer to discuss the decision further and provide resources or support to help the employee continue their professional growth within the company.

By handling salary increase rejections with care, compassion, and a commitment to open communication, employers can foster a positive work environment where employees feel valued, supported, and motivated to excel in their roles.