15 Sample Query Letter for Fighting in the Office

Workplace conflicts are an unfortunate reality that many professionals face at some point in their careers. ]

When tensions escalate and lead to physical altercations, the consequences can be severe, ranging from disciplinary action to legal repercussions.

Sample Query Letter for Fighting in the Office

In such situations, it is crucial to address the issue promptly and professionally through a well-crafted query letter.

This article presents fifteen sample query letters that can serve as templates for employees who find themselves in the unfortunate position of having to report a fight in the office.

Query Letter One

Subject: Urgent: Workplace Altercation

Dear Human Resources Department,

I am writing to report an incident that occurred in the office today, June 15th, 2024, at approximately 2:30 PM. Two of my coworkers, John Doe and Jane Smith, engaged in a heated argument that quickly escalated into a physical altercation. The fight took place in the break room and resulted in broken furniture and minor injuries to both parties.

As a witness to this incident, I felt compelled to bring it to your attention immediately. I believe that such behavior is unacceptable in the workplace and goes against our company’s code of conduct. I kindly request that the Human Resources Department investigate this matter and take appropriate action to ensure that such incidents do not occur in the future.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I am available to provide further information or assistance as needed.


[Your Name]

Query Letter Two

Subject: Report of Physical Altercation in the Office

Dear Manager,

I am writing to inform you of a disturbing incident that took place in our office on June 15th, 2024, at around 11:00 AM. Two of my colleagues, Michael Johnson and Emily Davis, were involved in a verbal dispute that quickly turned physical. The altercation began in the conference room and spilled out into the hallway, disrupting the entire floor.

As an eyewitness to this event, I feel it is my responsibility to bring it to your attention. Such behavior is not only unprofessional but also creates a hostile work environment for all employees. I urge you to take swift action to address this issue and prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

Please let me know if you require any additional information or if there is anything I can do to assist in resolving this matter.


[Your Name]

Query Letter Three

Subject: Physical Confrontation Between Coworkers

Dear Supervisor,

I am writing to report a serious incident that occurred in the office today, June 15th, 2024, at approximately 3:45 PM. Two of my fellow employees, Robert Wilson and Sarah Thompson, engaged in a physical confrontation near the water cooler. The fight appeared to stem from a long-standing disagreement between the two individuals.

As a concerned coworker who witnessed this altercation, I believe it is essential to bring this matter to your attention. Such behavior is not only inappropriate but also creates an unsafe and hostile work environment for everyone in the office. I respectfully request that you investigate this incident and take the necessary steps to address the situation and prevent future occurrences.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require further information.


[Your Name]

Query Letter Four

Subject: Reporting a Physical Altercation Between Colleagues

Dear Human Resources Manager,

I am writing to inform you of a disturbing incident that occurred in our office on June 15th, 2024, at approximately 10:30 AM. Two of my colleagues, David Brown and Lisa Wilson, were involved in a heated argument that escalated into a physical fight. The altercation took place in David’s cubicle and resulted in damaged office equipment and minor injuries to both parties.

As a witness to this incident, I feel compelled to bring it to your attention. Such behavior is unacceptable and goes against our company’s values and code of conduct. I kindly request that the Human Resources Department investigate this matter thoroughly and take appropriate disciplinary action to ensure that such incidents do not occur in the future.

Please let me know if you require any additional information or assistance in resolving this matter.


[Your Name]

Query Letter Five

Subject: Urgent: Physical Fight in the Office

Dear Supervisor,

I am writing to report a serious incident that took place in our office today, June 15th, 2024, at around 2:15 PM. Two of my coworkers, James Davis and Jessica Thompson, engaged in a physical fight in the break room. The altercation appeared to be the result of a disagreement over a project they were working on together.

As an eyewitness to this incident, I believe it is my responsibility to bring it to your attention immediately. Such behavior is not only unprofessional but also creates an unsafe working environment for all employees. I urge you to take swift action to address this issue and prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information or assistance in resolving this matter.


[Your Name]

Query Letter Six

Subject: Report of Physical Confrontation Between Employees

Dear Human Resources Department,

I am writing to inform you of a disturbing incident that occurred in our office on June 15th, 2024, at approximately 9:45 AM. Two of my colleagues, Christopher Johnson and Amanda Smith, were involved in a verbal dispute that quickly turned physical. The altercation began near the copy machine and continued into the hallway, causing a significant disruption to the workplace.

As a witness to this event, I feel I must bring it to your attention. Such behavior is not only inappropriate but also creates a hostile work environment for all employees. I kindly request that the Human Resources Department investigate this matter and take the necessary steps to address the situation and prevent future occurrences.

Please let me know if you require any additional information or if there is anything I can do to assist in resolving this matter.


[Your Name]

Query Letter Seven

Subject: Physical Altercation in the Office

Dear Manager,

I am writing to report a serious incident that occurred in the office today, June 15th, 2024, at approximately 1:30 PM. Two of my fellow employees, Brian Wilson and Samantha Davis, engaged in a physical fight in the conference room. The altercation appeared to stem from a disagreement over a client project.

As a concerned coworker who witnessed this incident, I believe it is essential to bring this matter to your attention. Such behavior is unacceptable and goes against our company’s code of conduct. I respectfully request that you investigate this incident and take appropriate disciplinary action to ensure that such incidents do not occur in the future.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require further information.


[Your Name]

Query Letter Eight

Subject: Reporting a Physical Fight Between Coworkers

Dear Supervisor,

I am writing to inform you of a disturbing incident that took place in our office on June 15th, 2024, at around 11:15 AM. Two of my colleagues, Andrew Brown and Emily Johnson, were involved in a heated argument that escalated into a physical altercation. The fight occurred in the break room and resulted in broken furniture and minor injuries to both parties.

As a witness to this incident, I feel compelled to bring it to your attention. Such behavior is not only unprofessional but also creates an unsafe working environment for everyone in the office. I kindly request that you investigate this matter thoroughly and take the necessary steps to address the situation and prevent future occurrences.

Please let me know if you require any additional information or assistance in resolving this matter.


[Your Name]

Query Letter Nine

Subject: Urgent: Physical Altercation Between Employees

Dear Human Resources Manager,

I am writing to report a serious incident that occurred in the office today, June 15th, 2024, at approximately 3:00 PM. Two of my coworkers, Daniel Thompson and Olivia Wilson, engaged in a physical fight near the reception area. The altercation appeared to be the result of a personal dispute that had been brewing for some time.

As an eyewitness to this incident, I believe it is my responsibility to bring it to your attention immediately. Such behavior is not only unacceptable but also creates a hostile work environment for all employees. I urge you to take swift action to address this issue and prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information or assistance in resolving this matter.


[Your Name]

Query Letter Ten

Subject: Report of Physical Confrontation in the Office

Dear Manager,

I am writing to inform you of a disturbing incident that occurred in our office on June 15th, 2024, at approximately 10:00 AM. Two of my colleagues, Matthew Davis and Sophia Johnson, were involved in a verbal dispute that quickly turned physical. The altercation began in Matthew’s office and spilled out into the hallway, causing a significant disruption to the workplace.

As a witness to this event, I feel I must bring it to your attention. Such behavior is not only inappropriate but also creates an unsafe work environment for all employees. I kindly request that you investigate this matter and take the necessary steps to address the situation and prevent future occurrences.

Please let me know if you require any additional information or if there is anything I can do to assist in resolving this matter.


[Your Name]

Query Letter Eleven

Subject: Physical Fight Between Coworkers

Dear Supervisor,

I am writing to report a serious incident that took place in our office today, June 15th, 2024, at around 2:45 PM. Two of my fellow employees, Joshua Wilson and Emma Brown, engaged in a physical confrontation in the conference room. The fight appeared to stem from a disagreement over a project deadline.

As a concerned coworker who witnessed this incident, I believe it is essential to bring this matter to your attention. Such behavior is unacceptable and goes against our company’s values and code of conduct. I respectfully request that you investigate this incident and take appropriate disciplinary action to ensure that such incidents do not occur in the future.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require further information.


[Your Name]

Query Letter Twelve

Subject: Reporting a Physical Altercation Between Colleagues

Dear Human Resources Department,

I am writing to inform you of a disturbing incident that occurred in our office on June 15th, 2024, at approximately 9:30 AM. Two of my colleagues, Ethan Johnson and Ava Davis, were involved in a heated argument that escalated into a physical fight. The altercation took place near the water cooler and resulted in minor injuries to both parties.

As a witness to this incident, I feel compelled to bring it to your attention. Such behavior is not only unprofessional but also creates a hostile work environment for everyone in the office. I kindly request that the Human Resources Department investigate this matter thoroughly and take the necessary steps to address the situation and prevent future occurrences.

Please let me know if you require any additional information or assistance in resolving this matter.


[Your Name]

Query Letter Thirteen

Subject: Urgent: Physical Confrontation Between Employees

Dear Manager,

I am writing to report a serious incident that occurred in the office today, June 15th, 2024, at approximately 1:15 PM. Two of my coworkers, William Thompson and Isabella Wilson, engaged in a physical fight in the break room. The altercation appeared to be the result of a long-standing personal conflict.

As an eyewitness to this incident, I believe it is my responsibility to bring it to your attention immediately. Such behavior is not only unacceptable but also creates an unsafe working environment for all employees. I urge you to take swift action to address this issue and prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information or assistance in resolving this matter.


[Your Name]

Query Letter Fourteen

Subject: Report of Physical Fight in the Office

Dear Supervisor,

I am writing to inform you of a disturbing incident that took place in our office on June 15th, 2024, at around 10:45 AM. Two of my colleagues, Benjamin Davis and Charlotte Johnson, were involved in a verbal dispute that quickly turned physical. The altercation began in Charlotte’s cubicle and continued into the hallway, causing a significant disruption to the workplace.

As a witness to this event, I feel I have to bring it to your attention. Such behavior is not only inappropriate but also creates a hostile work environment for all employees. I kindly request that you investigate this matter and take the necessary steps to address the situation and prevent future occurrences.

Please let me know if you require any additional information or if there is anything I can do to assist in resolving this matter.


[Your Name]

Query Letter Fifteen

Subject: Physical Altercation Between Coworkers

Dear Human Resources Manager,

I am writing to report a serious incident that occurred in the office today, June 15th, 2024, at approximately 3:30 PM. Two of my fellow employees, Alexander Wilson and Scarlett Brown, engaged in a physical confrontation in the conference room. The fight appeared to stem from a disagreement over a client presentation.

As a concerned coworker who witnessed this incident, I believe it is essential to bring this matter to your attention. Such behavior is unacceptable and goes against our company’s code of conduct. I respectfully request that you investigate this incident and take appropriate disciplinary action to ensure that such incidents do not occur in the future.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require further information.


[Your Name]


Physical altercations in the workplace are a serious matter that should be addressed promptly and professionally.

By using these sample query letters as a guide, employees can effectively communicate the incident to their supervisors or human resources department, ensuring that appropriate action is taken to maintain a safe and respectful work environment.

Remember, a well-crafted query letter is the first step in resolving workplace conflicts and preventing future occurrences.