15 Sample Query Letter for Insubordination

Imagine this: You are a manager dealing with an employee who consistently disregards your authority and company policies.

Insubordination is a serious offense that can lead to a toxic work environment and decreased productivity. As a leader, it is crucial to address this issue promptly and professionally.

One effective way to do so is through a well-crafted query letter.

Sample Query Letter for Insubordination

In this article, we will provide you with fifteen sample query letters for insubordination.

These letters will serve as a guide to help you communicate with your employee, document the incident, and take appropriate action.

Each letter is tailored to a specific situation, from minor infractions to more severe cases of insubordination.

Sample Query Letter One

Subject: Insubordination – Failure to Follow Instructions

Dear [Employee Name],

It has come to my attention that on [date], you failed to follow the instructions given to you by your supervisor regarding [specific task or project]. As a result, the project was delayed, and the company incurred additional costs.

This behavior is unacceptable and goes against our company’s policies and expectations. As an employee, you are expected to follow the directives of your supervisors and contribute positively to the team’s efforts.

Please be advised that any further instances of insubordination will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. I strongly encourage you to reflect on your actions and take the necessary steps to improve your performance and attitude.

If you have any questions or concerns, please schedule a meeting with me to discuss them.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Sample Query Letter Two

Subject: Insubordination – Disrespectful Behavior

Dear [Employee Name],

I am writing to address the incident that occurred on [date] during the team meeting. According to reports from your colleagues and my observations, you displayed disrespectful behavior towards your supervisor when they asked you to complete a task.

Your actions, which included rolling your eyes, making dismissive comments, and refusing to acknowledge your supervisor’s request, are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. This behavior not only undermines your supervisor’s authority but also creates a hostile work environment for your fellow team members.

I expect you to take immediate action to rectify this situation. This includes apologizing to your supervisor and committing to maintaining a professional and respectful attitude in the future.

Please be aware that any further instances of insubordination or disrespectful behavior will lead to more severe consequences, including possible termination of employment.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Sample Query Letter Three

Subject: Insubordination – Refusal to Perform Assigned Tasks

Dear [Employee Name],

I have received reports that on multiple occasions, you have refused to perform tasks assigned to you by your supervisor. Specifically, on [date 1], [date 2], and [date 3], you were asked to [task 1], [task 2], and [task 3], respectively, but you declined to do so without providing a valid reason.

As an employee, it is your responsibility to complete the tasks assigned to you by your supervisor, as long as they fall within the scope of your job description and do not pose any safety or ethical concerns. Your refusal to perform these tasks is a clear example of insubordination and will not be tolerated.

I request that you provide a written explanation for your actions and attend a meeting with your supervisor and me to discuss this matter further. During this meeting, we will outline the expectations for your role and the consequences of any future instances of insubordination.

Please be advised that continued refusal to perform assigned tasks may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Sample Query Letter Four

Subject: Insubordination – Unauthorized Absence

Dear [Employee Name],

I am writing to address your unauthorized absence from work on [date]. According to our records, you did not report to work as scheduled and failed to notify your supervisor or the human resources department of your absence.

This behavior is a clear violation of our company’s attendance policy and is considered an act of insubordination. As an employee, you are expected to follow the established procedures for reporting absences and obtaining approval for time off.

Your unauthorized absence has caused significant disruption to your team’s workflow and has placed an undue burden on your colleagues who had to cover your responsibilities.

Please be advised that any further instances of unauthorized absence or failure to follow company policies will result in disciplinary action, which may include termination of employment.

I request that you provide a written explanation for your absence and attend a meeting with your supervisor and myself to discuss this matter further.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Sample Query Letter Five

Subject: Insubordination – Insubordinate Language

Dear [Employee Name],

It has been brought to my attention that during a recent interaction with your supervisor, you used inappropriate and insubordinate language. According to reports, when your supervisor asked you to complete a task, you responded with, “I don’t have to listen to you. You’re not my boss.”

This language is entirely unacceptable and will not be tolerated in our workplace. As an employee, you are expected to communicate with your supervisors and colleagues respectfully and professionally, regardless of any personal differences or disagreements.

Your behavior not only undermines your supervisor’s authority but also creates a hostile and unproductive work environment for your fellow team members.

I request that you provide a written apology to your supervisor and attend a meeting with them and myself to discuss this incident further. During this meeting, we will clarify the expectations for respectful communication and the consequences of any future instances of insubordinate language.

Please be advised that continued use of insubordinate language may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Sample Query Letter Six

Subject: Insubordination – Failure to Attend Mandatory Training

Dear [Employee Name],

I am writing to address your failure to attend the mandatory training session on [date]. This training was a critical part of our company’s efforts to ensure that all employees are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their duties effectively and safely.

Your absence from the training is considered an act of insubordination, as attendance was mandatory for all employees in your department. By failing to attend, you have not only compromised your ability to perform your job duties but have also demonstrated a disregard for the company’s policies and initiatives.

I request that you provide a written explanation for your absence and attend a meeting with your supervisor and myself to discuss this matter further. During this meeting, we will outline the importance of attending mandatory training sessions and the consequences of any future instances of non-compliance.

Please be advised that continued failure to attend mandatory training may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Sample Query Letter Seven

Subject: Insubordination – Refusal to Work Overtime

Dear [Employee Name],

I am writing to address your refusal to work overtime on [date], as requested by your supervisor. As per our company’s policies and your employment agreement, you may be required to work overtime when necessary to meet business needs.

Your refusal to work overtime when requested is considered an act of insubordination and has caused significant inconvenience to your team and the company as a whole. Your absence placed an undue burden on your colleagues, who had to work additional hours to compensate for your refusal.

I request that you provide a written explanation for your refusal to work overtime and attend a meeting with your supervisor and myself to discuss this matter further. During this meeting, we will clarify the expectations regarding overtime work and the consequences of any future instances of non-compliance.

Please be advised that continued refusal to work overtime when requested may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Sample Query Letter Eight

Subject: Insubordination – Failure to Follow Safety Protocols

Dear [Employee Name],

It has come to my attention that on [date], you failed to follow the established safety protocols while operating machinery in the warehouse. According to reports from your supervisor and colleagues, you were observed working without the required personal protective equipment (PPE) and disregarding the proper procedures for handling the equipment.

This behavior is a clear violation of our company’s safety policies and is considered an act of insubordination. As an employee, you are expected to adhere to all safety protocols and procedures to ensure your own well-being and that of your colleagues.

Your disregard for safety not only puts you at risk but also endangers the lives of those around you and exposes the company to potential liabilities.

I request that you provide a written explanation for your actions and attend a meeting with your supervisor, our safety manager, and myself to discuss this incident further. During this meeting, we will review the safety protocols and the consequences of any future instances of non-compliance.

Please be advised that continued failure to follow safety protocols may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Sample Query Letter Nine

Subject: Insubordination – Failure to Submit Reports

Dear [Employee Name],

I am writing to address your failure to submit the required weekly progress reports for the past three weeks. These reports are essential for tracking the progress of your projects and ensuring that the company’s goals and deadlines are met.

Your failure to submit these reports is considered an act of insubordination, as it demonstrates a disregard for your job responsibilities and the company’s reporting procedures. This lack of communication has made it difficult for your supervisor and other stakeholders to assess the status of your work and make informed decisions.

I request that you provide a written explanation for your failure to submit the reports and attend a meeting with your supervisor and myself to discuss this matter further. During this meeting, we will clarify the expectations regarding reporting and the consequences of any future instances of non-compliance.

Please be advised that continued failure to submit required reports may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Sample Query Letter Ten

Subject: Insubordination – Inappropriate Use of Company Resources

Dear [Employee Name],

It has been brought to my attention that you have been using company resources, specifically the company’s internet connection and printer, for personal purposes during work hours. According to our IT department’s records, you have been accessing non-work-related websites and printing documents unrelated to your job responsibilities.

This behavior is a clear violation of our company’s policies regarding the use of company resources and is considered an act of insubordination. As an employee, you are expected to use company resources solely for work-related purposes and to exercise good judgment in their use.

Your inappropriate use of company resources not only undermines productivity but also places an undue burden on our IT infrastructure and supplies.

I request that you provide a written explanation for your actions and attend a meeting with your supervisor, our IT manager, and myself to discuss this matter further. During this meeting, we will review the company’s policies on the use of company resources and the consequences of any future instances of non-compliance.

Please be advised that continued inappropriate use of company resources may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Sample Query Letter Eleven

Subject: Insubordination – Failure to Attend Scheduled Meetings

Dear [Employee Name],

I am writing to address your repeated failure to attend scheduled team meetings over the past month. These meetings are crucial for ensuring effective communication, collaboration, and alignment among team members.

Your absence from these meetings is considered an act of insubordination, as attendance is mandatory for all team members. By failing to attend, you have not only missed important information and updates but have also demonstrated a disregard for the team’s efforts and your own professional responsibilities.

I request that you provide a written explanation for your absences and attend a meeting with your supervisor and myself to discuss this matter further. During this meeting, we will clarify the expectations regarding meeting attendance and the consequences of any future instances of non-compliance.

Please be advised that continued failure to attend scheduled meetings may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Sample Query Letter Twelve

Subject: Insubordination – Refusal to Participate in Performance Evaluation

Dear [Employee Name],

I am writing to address your refusal to participate in the annual performance evaluation process. This process is a critical component of our company’s efforts to assess employee performance, provide feedback, and support professional development.

Your refusal to engage in the performance evaluation is considered an act of insubordination, as participation is mandatory for all employees. By failing to participate, you have not only missed an opportunity to receive valuable feedback and guidance but have also demonstrated a disregard for the company’s policies and practices.

I request that you provide a written explanation for your refusal to participate and attend a meeting with your supervisor, our human resources representative, and myself to discuss this matter further. During this meeting, we will clarify the importance of the performance evaluation process and the consequences of any future instances of non-compliance.

Please be advised that continued refusal to participate in the performance evaluation process may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Sample Query Letter Thirteen

Subject: Insubordination – Failure to Follow Data Security Protocols

Dear [Employee Name],

It has come to my attention that you have repeatedly failed to follow the company’s data security protocols. According to reports from our IT department, you have been storing sensitive client information on unsecured personal devices and sharing passwords with unauthorized individuals.

This behavior is a clear violation of our company’s data security policies and is considered an act of insubordination. As an employee, you are responsible for protecting the confidentiality and integrity of the company’s data and client information.

Your disregard for data security protocols not only puts the company at risk of data breaches and legal liabilities but also undermines the trust our clients place in us.

I request that you provide a written explanation for your actions and attend a meeting with your supervisor, our IT manager, our legal representative, and myself to discuss this matter further. During this meeting, we will review the company’s data security policies and the consequences of any future instances of non-compliance.

Please be advised that continued failure to follow data security protocols may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Sample Query Letter Fourteen

Subject: Insubordination – Failure to Comply with Company Dress Code

Dear [Employee Name],

I am writing to address your repeated failure to comply with the company’s dress code policy. As per our employee handbook, all employees are expected to dress in a professional manner that is appropriate for their role and the company’s image.

Despite previous verbal warnings from your supervisor, you have continued to disregard the dress code by wearing inappropriate attire, such as [specific examples of inappropriate attire].

Your failure to comply with the dress code is considered an act of insubordination and demonstrates a lack of respect for the company’s policies and professional standards. Your appearance not only reflects poorly on you as an individual but also on the company as a whole.

I request that you provide a written explanation for your non-compliance and attend a meeting with your supervisor, our human resources representative, and myself to discuss this matter further. During this meeting, we will review the company’s dress code policy and the consequences of any future instances of non-compliance.

Please be advised that continued failure to comply with the company’s dress code may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Sample Query Letter Fifteen

Subject: Insubordination – Failure to Cooperate with Internal Investigation

Dear [Employee Name],

I am writing to address your failure to cooperate with the ongoing internal investigation regarding [specific issue or incident]. As an employee, you are required to fully cooperate with any internal investigations and provide honest and accurate information when requested.

According to reports from the investigation team, you have refused to answer questions, provided misleading information, and withheld relevant documents.

Your failure to cooperate with the investigation is considered an act of insubordination and obstructs the company’s efforts to address the issue at hand. This behavior not only undermines the integrity of the investigation but also raises concerns about your commitment to the company’s values and policies.

I request that you immediately begin cooperating with the investigation team and provide any requested information or documentation. Additionally, please attend a meeting with your supervisor, our legal representative, and myself to discuss this matter further. During this meeting, we will clarify the expectations regarding cooperation with internal investigations and the consequences of any future instances of non-compliance.

Please be advised that continued failure to cooperate with the internal investigation may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]


Addressing insubordination in the workplace is crucial for maintaining a positive and productive work environment.

By utilizing these sample query letters, managers can effectively communicate with employees, document incidents, and take appropriate action to prevent future occurrences of insubordination.

Remember, each situation is unique and may require a customized approach. These sample letters should serve as a starting point, and managers should adapt them to fit the specific circumstances of their workplace.

By promptly and professionally addressing insubordination, managers can foster a culture of respect, accountability, and compliance, ultimately leading to a more successful and harmonious workplace.