15 Sample Query Letters for Misconduct

Misconduct in the workplace is a serious issue that can have far-reaching consequences for both the individual and the organization.

Whether it’s harassment, discrimination, or any other form of unethical behavior, it’s crucial to address these matters promptly and professionally.

Sample Query Letter for Misconduct

One effective way to do so is through a well-crafted query letter.

In this article, we’ll explore 15 sample query letters that can help you navigate various misconduct scenarios with tact and finesse.

Sample Letter One

Subject: Inappropriate Behavior During Team Meeting

Dear Michael,

I am writing to address the concerning behavior you displayed during our team meeting on Thursday, June 8th. Your aggressive tone and the use of profanity made several team members uncomfortable and disrupted the productive flow of the meeting.

As a valued member of our team, we expect you to maintain a professional demeanor and treat your colleagues with respect. Your actions during the meeting were unacceptable and do not align with our company’s values and code of conduct.

Please schedule a meeting with me at your earliest convenience to discuss this matter further. I want to provide you with an opportunity to share your perspective and work together to find a resolution.


Sarah Johnson

Team Leader

Sample Letter Two

Subject: Violation of Company’s Social Media Policy

Dear Emily,

It has come to our attention that you have been using your personal social media accounts to share confidential company information and make disparaging remarks about your colleagues. This behavior is in direct violation of our company’s social media policy, which you acknowledged and signed upon your employment.

We take the protection of our confidential information and the respectful treatment of our employees very seriously. Your actions have not only compromised the trust of your fellow team members but also put the company’s reputation at risk.

Please be advised that further instances of such behavior will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. We strongly recommend that you review our social media policy and adhere to its guidelines moving forward.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or the human resources department.


David Thompson

Human Resources Manager

Sample Letter Three

Subject: Attendance and Punctuality Concerns

Dear John,

I am reaching out to address the recurring issues with your attendance and punctuality. Over the past month, you have been consistently late to work and have had several unexcused absences. This pattern of behavior has caused significant disruptions to our team’s workflow and has placed an additional burden on your colleagues.

As outlined in our company’s attendance policy, we expect all employees to arrive at work on time and provide advance notice for any planned absences. Your current attendance record falls short of these expectations and requires immediate improvement.

Please be aware that continued lateness and unexcused absences may lead to disciplinary action, including the possibility of termination. I would like to schedule a meeting with you to discuss any challenges you may be facing and explore potential solutions to ensure your success in meeting our attendance standards.

Please let me know your availability for a meeting in the coming week.


Amanda Rodriguez


Sample Letter Four

Subject: Inappropriate Use of Company Resources

Dear Mark,

It has been brought to my attention that you have been using company resources, specifically your work computer and internet access, for personal activities during business hours. Reports indicate that you have been spending a significant amount of time browsing non-work-related websites and engaging in online shopping.

The use of company resources for personal purposes is strictly prohibited and is a misuse of company time and assets. This behavior not only decreases your productivity but also sets a poor example for your colleagues.

Effective immediately, please refrain from using company resources for any non-work-related activities. If you require internet access for personal reasons during your break times, please use your personal devices and data plans.

Further instances of misusing company resources will result in disciplinary action, which may include termination of employment. If you have any questions or concerns, please schedule a meeting with me to discuss them.


Jennifer Lee

Department Manager

Sample Letter Five

Subject: Unprofessional Conduct During Client Meeting

Dear Sarah,

I am writing to express my concerns regarding your behavior during the client meeting on Wednesday, June 12th. Several attendees reported that you were disengaged, constantly checking your phone, and made inappropriate comments about the client’s business practices.

Your conduct during the meeting was highly unprofessional and did not represent our company in a positive light. As a client-facing employee, you must maintain a respectful and attentive demeanor, regardless of your personal opinions.

This incident has caused significant damage to our relationship with the client and has raised doubts about your ability to represent our company effectively. I would like to meet with you to discuss this matter further and outline the steps we need to take to rebuild trust with the client and ensure that such incidents do not occur in the future.

Please schedule a meeting with me at your earliest availability. In the meantime, I recommend that you review our company’s code of conduct and reflect on how you can improve your professional interactions.


Robert Davis

Account Manager

Sample Letter Six

Subject: Violation of Company’s Confidentiality Agreement

Dear Michael,

It has come to our attention that you have shared confidential company information with a competitor. This action is a direct violation of the confidentiality agreement you signed upon your employment with our organization.

The disclosure of sensitive information to external parties puts our company at a significant disadvantage and undermines the trust we have placed in you as an employee. This breach of confidentiality is a serious offense and will not be tolerated.

Effective immediately, your employment with our company is terminated. You are required to return all company property, including any documents or files containing confidential information, by the end of the day.

Please be aware that we will take all necessary legal action to protect our company’s interests and mitigate any damages caused by your actions. If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to our legal department.


Lisa Thompson

Human Resources Director

Sample Letter Seven

Subject: Inappropriate Behavior Towards Colleagues

Dear John,

Several of your colleagues have reported instances of inappropriate behavior, including making offensive jokes and using derogatory language in the workplace. This conduct is unacceptable and creates a hostile work environment that goes against our company’s values of respect and inclusivity.

We take these allegations very seriously and have launched an investigation into the matter. During this time, you will be placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation.

Please be advised that if the allegations are substantiated, disciplinary action will be taken, which may include termination of employment. We encourage you to reflect on your behavior and take steps to ensure that your interactions with colleagues are respectful and professional.

If you have any questions or information that may assist in the investigation, please contact the human resources department.


Emily Davis

Human Resources Manager

Sample Letter Eight

Subject: Failure to Follow Safety Protocols

Dear Mark,

It has been brought to my attention that you have repeatedly failed to follow the safety protocols established for your department. Specifically, you have been observed working without the required personal protective equipment and disregarding the proper procedures for handling hazardous materials.

The safety protocols are in place to protect you, your colleagues, and the company from potential accidents and injuries. By disregarding these protocols, you are putting yourself and others at risk and exposing the company to potential liabilities.

Effective immediately, you are required to attend a mandatory safety training session to refresh your understanding of the protocols and the importance of adherence. Failure to comply with safety standards following this training will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Please confirm your attendance for the safety training session scheduled for Monday, June 22nd, at 9:00 AM.


David Johnson

Safety Manager

Sample Letter Nine

Subject: Unauthorized Absence from Work

Dear Emily,

I am writing to address your unauthorized absence from work on Tuesday, June 9th. You failed to report to work as scheduled and did not provide any notification or explanation for your absence.

As outlined in our company’s attendance policy, all employees are required to notify their supervisor or the human resources department in case of an unexpected absence. Failure to do so is considered an unauthorized absence and is subject to disciplinary action.

This incident marks your second unauthorized absence this quarter, which is a cause for concern. Continued absenteeism without proper notification may result in further disciplinary measures, including the possibility of termination.

Please schedule a meeting with me to discuss the reasons for your absence and to review our attendance expectations moving forward. You must maintain reliable attendance to support the smooth operation of our department.


Sarah Thompson

Department Supervisor

Sample Letter Ten

Subject: Insubordination and Refusal to Follow Instructions

Dear John,

I am reaching out to address the incident that occurred on Friday, June 11th, where you refused to follow the direct instructions given by your supervisor regarding the completion of an assigned project. Your supervisor reported that you not only disregarded their guidance but also responded in a confrontational and disrespectful manner.

Insubordination and refusal to follow reasonable instructions from your supervisor are serious offenses that undermine the authority and effectiveness of our management team. Your behavior on Friday was unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

Please be advised that further instances of insubordination will result in disciplinary action, which may include termination of employment. We expect all employees to maintain a respectful and cooperative attitude towards their supervisors and colleagues.

I would like to schedule a meeting with you and your supervisor to discuss this incident further and establish clear expectations for your future conduct. Please let me know your availability for a meeting in the coming week.


Michael Davis

Department Manager

Sample Letter Eleven

Subject: Violation of Company’s Drug and Alcohol Policy

Dear Sarah,

I am writing to address a concerning report regarding your behavior at the company-sponsored event on Saturday, June 12th. Several attendees witnessed you consuming excessive amounts of alcohol and engaging in disruptive behavior, which is a violation of our company’s drug and alcohol policy.

As a representative of our organization, you must maintain professional conduct at all times, even during off-site events. Your actions at the event not only reflected poorly on yourself but also on the company as a whole.

Please be advised that any further violations of our drug and alcohol policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. We strongly encourage you to seek support if you are struggling with substance abuse issues and remind you of the confidential resources available through our employee assistance program.

I would like to schedule a meeting with you to discuss this incident further and outline the expectations for your future conduct at company events. Please let me know your availability in the coming week.


Jennifer Thompson

Human Resources Manager

Sample Letter Twelve

Subject: Violation of Company’s Dress Code Policy

Dear Mark,

I am reaching out to address your repeated violations of our company’s dress code policy. Over the past several weeks, you have been observed wearing clothing that does not adhere to the professional standards outlined in the policy.

As a member of our team, you must present yourself in a manner that aligns with our company’s image and values. The dress code policy is in place to ensure that all employees maintain a professional appearance and create a positive impression on our clients and visitors.

Please take immediate steps to review the dress code policy and ensure that your attire moving forward complies with the guidelines. Continued violations of the policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the dress code policy, please schedule a meeting with me or the human resources department to discuss them.


Robert Davis

Department Supervisor

Sample Letter Thirteen

Subject: Inappropriate Use of Company Email

Dear Emily,

It has come to our attention that you have been using your company email account to send personal messages and engage in non-work-related discussions with colleagues. Additionally, some of the content of these emails has been deemed inappropriate and offensive.

The use of company email is intended for business purposes only and should not be used for personal communication or the distribution of inappropriate content. Your actions violate our company’s email policy and code of conduct.

Effective immediately, please refrain from using your company email for any non-work-related purposes and ensure that the content of your emails remains professional and respectful. Further misuse of company email will result in disciplinary action, which may include termination of employment.

Please review our company’s email policy and code of conduct to ensure that you fully understand the expectations for appropriate email use. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the IT department or human resources.


Lisa Johnson

IT Manager

Sample Letter Fourteen

Subject: Unauthorized Disclosure of Client Information

Dear John,

It has been brought to our attention that you have shared confidential client information with an unauthorized third party. This disclosure is a direct violation of our company’s confidentiality policy and the non-disclosure agreement you signed upon your employment.

The protection of our client’s information is of utmost importance, and any breach of confidentiality is taken very seriously. Your actions have not only compromised the trust of our clients but also put the company at risk of legal and reputational damage.

Effective immediately, your access to all client information has been revoked, and an investigation into the extent of the disclosure has been launched. Please be advised that disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, will be taken based on the findings of the investigation.

We remind you of your ongoing obligations under the non-disclosure agreement, even after the termination of your employment. Any further unauthorized disclosure of confidential information will result in legal action.

Please schedule a meeting with the human resources department to discuss this matter further.


David Thompson

Legal Department

Sample Letter Fifteen

Subject: Harassment and Discrimination Complaint

Dear Sarah,

We have received a formal complaint alleging that you have engaged in harassing and discriminatory behavior towards a colleague. The complaint details instances of inappropriate comments, unwanted advances, and disparate treatment based on the individual’s protected characteristics.

We take allegations of harassment and discrimination very seriously, as such behavior is strictly prohibited by our company’s policies and goes against our values of respect and inclusivity. We have launched an investigation into the complaint, and during this time, you will be placed on administrative leave pending the outcome.

Please be advised that if the allegations are substantiated, disciplinary action will be taken, which may include termination of employment. We encourage you to fully cooperate with the investigation and provide any information that may assist in resolving this matter.

If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to the human resources department. We remind you that retaliation against the complainant or any individuals involved in the investigation is strictly prohibited and will result in further disciplinary action.


Michael Johnson

Human Resources Director


Addressing misconduct in the workplace requires a clear, direct, and professional approach.

By using these sample query letters as a guide, you can effectively communicate concerns, outline expectations, and take appropriate action to maintain a safe, respectful, and productive work environment.

Remember, the goal is not to punish but to correct behavior, foster accountability, and protect the well-being of all employees and the organization as a whole.