20 Things to Write in a Bridal Shower Card

It’s such an honor to be invited to a friend or loved one’s bridal shower.

Celebrating the bride-to-be as she prepares for this exciting new chapter is a joyful occasion filled with love, laughter, and maybe a few (happy) tears.

As a cherished guest, one of your duties is to bring a thoughtful card conveying your heartfelt wishes to the beautiful bride.

But what exactly should you write?

Never fear – we’ve covered you with 20 meaningful messages perfect for filling that precious blank space.

Questions To Consider as You Pen Your Bridal Shower Card

How can you make your card personal and special? What marriage advice can you share?

Perhaps recall a funny memory or touching story featuring the bride or happy couple.

We have ideas and inspiration for every showering situation, from sentimental to lighthearted, long to short and sweet.

1. Share a special memory featuring the bride

An excellent way to make your card more meaningful is to recount a favorite memory you share with the bride-to-be. Maybe it’s the hilarious tale of how you met in college. Or the time you got lost on an epic road trip adventure together. Perhaps it’s a sentimental story of how she supported you through a difficult moment.

Adding this personal touch shows the bride how much your relationship means to you. It highlights the special connection you share and your history together. This trip down memory lane is sure to make her smile, laugh, or possibly shed a happy tear on her day of celebration.

When sharing a memory, focus on the positives and funny moments. Steer clear of any potentially embarrassing stories – save those for the bachelorette party! Keep it classy and from the heart.

2. Compliment the bride’s best qualities

Every bride deserves to feel like the most beautiful, amazing woman in the world on her shower day. What better way to reinforce that than by shining a spotlight on all of her wonderful qualities in your card?

Let her know how much you admire her kindness, intelligence, wit, creativity, or any other traits that make her special. Describe how her warm smile lights up every room she enters. Praise her ability to balance a successful career with her social life and passions. Gush about what an incredible friend she is, always there to lend an ear or a helping hand.

Be as specific as possible, citing examples that highlight what makes her unique. Avoid generic comments that could apply to anyone – make it personal to the bride and your connection with her. The key is to make her feel loved, appreciated, and like the true queen, she is on this day dedicated to showering her with affection.

3. Offer heartfelt congratulations

One simple yet essential sentiment to convey in your bridal shower card is “Congratulations!” After all, that’s what this pre-wedding celebration is all about – congratulating the future Mrs. on this exciting milestone as she prepares to say “I do.”

Let the bride-to-be know how thrilled you are for her as she embarks on this incredible new chapter. Emphasize that you couldn’t be happier to watch her take this next step with the love of her life. Mention how glad you are to be included in this special occasion to shower her with love and celebrate her upcoming union.

There are many heartfelt, creative ways to say congrats. A straightforward “congratulations on your wedding!” is perfectly lovely. Or try something like “Wishing you all the joy in the world as you begin this amazing adventure together!” The wording can be adjusted based on your relationship with the bride and the overall vibe you want to convey (sentimental, gushy, playful, etc), but the key is to make sure she feels the sincerity of your good wishes.

4. Share your favorite love quote

If you’re feeling stuck on what to write, including a sweet and sentimental love quote is a great way to fill up your card with romantic inspiration. After all, many of the world’s greatest poets and thinkers have shared their thoughts about the meaning and magic of love – why not let their beautiful words help you express your feelings?

Choose a quote that reflects the bride’s personality or reminds you of her relationship with her future spouse. Options range from sweet (“Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you.” – Loretta Young) to deeply philosophical (“Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” – Aristotle) to silly (“Love is sharing your popcorn.” – Charles Schulz).

Add your well wishes before or after the quote to give it more of a personal touch rather than just writing the quote and signing your name. Something simple like “Wishing you both a lifetime of perfect movie nights complete with shared popcorn! Love you so much!” ties it all together nicely.

5. Give marriage advice

As a bride embarks on this new chapter with her soon-to-be spouse, a bit of wise marital advice is always appreciated. What gems of wisdom can you share with the happy couple to help them build a strong, happy, and healthy union?

If you’re married, reflect on your own experiences and lessons you’ve learned. What has helped you navigate challenges and keep your relationship solid? If you’re single, perhaps share tips passed down from your happily married parents, grandparents, or married friends whose relationships you admire.

Some key advice often includes learning to compromise, making time for date nights, keeping communication open and honest, and being quick to apologize after a disagreement. Reminding the bride to protect their couple’s time even after having kids is valuable. And of course, encouraging her to never stop laughing together.

The advice doesn’t have to be super serious – feel free to share more lighthearted tips too, like never going to bed angry or remembering that you’re always on the same team (Team Mrs. & Mrs./Mr.!). Just keep your words of wisdom grounded in love.

6. Highlight your excitement for the wedding

In addition to being thrilled for the bride in general, make sure to mention how excited you are to watch her tie the knot! Let her know you can’t wait to see her walk down the aisle, that you’re already tearing up picturing her daddy-daughter dance, or that you’re stoked to break it down on the dance floor all night in her honor.

If the bride is a close friend or family member, play up the emotional aspect of how surreal and special it will be to witness her exchanging vows with her soulmate. Describe how you imagine you’ll feel watching this person you’ve known for so long stepping into this wonderful new role as a wife. Let her know how much it means to you to be able to share in their milestone day.

Don’t be afraid to gush a bit about how you imagine her as a stunning bride in her dress or about how dreamy their venue looks from the photos she’s shared. Avoid mentioning any planning mishaps or stressors she may have encountered – keep it positive and focus on the celebration to come!

7. Thank her for including you in the celebration

From the engagement party to the bridal shower to the bachelorette to the wedding itself, being included in a loved one’s marriage festivities is such an honor. The bride-to-be has hand-selected you to be by her side as she celebrates this momentous occasion, and that alone is worth acknowledging.

In your card, be sure to thank the bride for inviting you to share in her pre-wedding joy and excitement. Let her know how touched you are to be considered an important part of her inner circle and big day. Mention that you’re honored to shower her with love, gifts, and support as she prepares to say, “I do.”

If you’ve been asked to play a special role in the wedding like being a bridesmaid or doing a reading, express your appreciation for being entrusted with that responsibility. Avoid mentioning if you were initially surprised or confused not to be asked to be at the wedding party – the bridal shower card isn’t the place to express those feelings. Just focus on the celebrating at hand!

8. Tell her she’ll be an amazing wife

While being a bride is certainly exciting, becoming a wife is where the real adventure begins! Let the guest of honor know that you have no doubt she’ll be an incredible spouse and life partner.

Mention the qualities you believe will make her an amazing wife, like her generous spirit, unwavering loyalty, ability to make everything more fun, stellar communication skills, or a knack for compromise. Note how lucky her future husband or wife is to get to do life by her side.

If she’s a friend you’ve known since childhood, feel free to mention that you always knew she’d make a wonderful wife one day. Reminisce about your early days playing house and how you knew it would be her happily ever after down the road when real love came along.

Focus on the bride as an individual rather than mentioning specific traits about her partner (ie: “She’s going to be Bob’s rock!”), as those can sometimes come across as backhanded compliments. Keep it bride-centric and complimentary of the woman of the hour!

9. Share your wishes for the couple’s future together

The bridal shower is all about celebrating the couple’s love and the incredible adventure they’re about to embark on together. Convey your best wishes for their marriage and the amazing life you hope they’ll build side by side in the many years to come.

Let the bride know that you wish her and her future spouse a lifetime of love, laughter, joy, and amazing memories. That you hope they’ll continue to be each other’s best friends, biggest fans, and unwavering support systems. And that you have no doubt their marriage will serve as an inspiration to all those around them.

Feel free to get specific about milestones you imagine for their future, but keep it to major life events most couples hope for rather than presumptuous plans. Saying something like, “I can’t wait to watch your love grow even stronger as you build your dream home, welcome children, and travel the world together” works well. But steer clear of mentions like,”I can’t wait to be an auntie when you have a baby girl in 2 years!” Let them decide their timeline!

10. Mention what a cute couple they are

If there’s ever a time to be a little extra gushy, the bridal shower is it! Feel free to lay on the sappiness as you tell the bride-to-be how incredibly adorable she and her future spouse are together.

Let her know that her partner is her perfect match. Mention the first time you saw them together and just knew it was something magical. Gush about how they light up in each other’s presence or how they seem to communicate in their secret language of inside jokes and loving looks. Note their amazing chemistry and how you want a love just like theirs one day.

Don’t be afraid to get a bit cheesy. Something like, “You two fit together like puzzle pieces – each of you is wonderful on your own, but together you create a perfect, beautiful picture,” may be a bit over the top, but the bride will likely still appreciate the sentiment. We all enjoy a nice cheesy love-fest from time to time!

11. Write a bride-to-be “vow”

We all know the wedding day is when the bride and groom exchange their sacred vows, but the bridal shower can serve as the perfect opportunity for you to make a meaningful promise to the bride-to-be as she prepares for this next chapter too.

In your card, write out a little vow outlining the support, love, and friendship you pledge to provide as she embarks on this marital journey. Promise to be by her side through thick and thin. To cheer her on during victories and lift her up during challenges. To serve as her sounding board, comic relief, and partner-in-crime (or wine) whenever she needs you.

Get as creative, specific, and true-to-your-bond as you’d like with your vow. If you’re crafty, design a fun little certificate outlining your pledge that she can hang up as a sweet memento (in addition to your heartfelt card, of course!). And while a vow renewal down the road isn’t necessary, checking in on that commitment of love and support for big milestones is never a bad idea.

12. Offer to lend a hand with planning

Anyone who’s ever taken on the tremendous undertaking of planning a wedding knows it’s a full-time job on top of your actual full-time job and other life responsibilities. Juggling endless vendor emails and meetings, making hundreds of tiny decisions, managing the wedding party, plus attending all the fun events leading up to the big day can be overwhelming, to say the least.

In your bridal shower card, let the bride know that you’re there if she needs anything – an extra hand assembling favors, someone to stuff envelopes, a buddy to accompany her to a fitting, or simply a sympathetic ear when the stress gets to be too much. If you have any special skills like graphic design for the invites or baking talents for DIY desserts, mention those too!

Be careful not to be pushy with your offer to help – you don’t want to add any pressure or imply that she looks like she’s drowning and needs to be saved. Keep it casual and friendly so that she feels comfortable reaching out if she does indeed want to utilize your generous offer.

13. Acknowledge those who couldn’t attend

Many bridal showers have small guest lists made up of the bride’s closest family members and friends. But inevitably, there will likely be a few special someones who can’t make it due to distance, work/family obligations, or other circumstances.

In your card, feel free to acknowledge those “shower in spirit only” loved ones. Let the bride know that while you’re sorry Great Aunt Theresa couldn’t fly in for the party, you know she’s there celebrating in her heart. Or that you’re bummed her childhood bestie had a work trip she couldn’t get out of, but you’ll raise a glass in her honor.

Keep the mention short and sweet. A simple, “Wish Jessica could have been here to celebrate with you today, but we all know she’s your biggest cheerleader near or far!” is perfect. And certainly don’t call out anyone who should be there but flaked for a less-than-ideal reason. Today is about celebrating the bride, not dwelling on disappointments!

14. Share your favorite love story about the couple

If you’re privy to any sweet “falling in love” stories about the bride and her soon-to-be spouse, consider sharing one in your card. Maybe you were there when they first met and can recount the instant sparks that flew. Perhaps you’ve heard them tell their “when we knew this was it” tales. Or it could be your perception of watching their love story unfold.

Describe that time the bride gushed to you for hours after their first date and you could just tell this was something special. Recall how they seemed to fit together instantly like two pieces of a puzzle. Mention the moment you saw the groom look at the bride and realize he was a goner. Let them in on the fact that you always secretly knew they were endgame.

If you’re married or in a relationship yourself, feel free to add a line about how you hope to have a love story just as beautiful as theirs one day. Or how they’ve become your benchmark for #relationshipgoals. Focusing on the beauty of their love is a perfect way to make the bride feel celebrated.

15. Mention how proud you are of her

It’s safe to say you’re bursting with pride and admiration for the glowing bride-to-be – let her know it! Tell her how incredibly proud you are of the woman she is and the amazing things she’s accomplished that have led her to this beautiful bridal shower moment.

Recount what a strong, independent, successful, kind, driven (insert her best qualities here) person she is and how amazing it’s been to watch her grow through all her life milestones leading up to this one. Let her know that you have no doubt this next chapter will be her best one yet because she’s one heck of a catch and has so much to offer as a wife and partner.

If you’ve known the bride for many years or have watched her overcome any major obstacles, feel free to mention how inspiring it’s been to witness her journey. Just make sure to keep the focus on her and not veer off into any unrelated personal stories. The goal is to make her feel uplifted, celebrated, and so dang proud of the rockstar she is!

16. Slip in a gift card or check

Let’s be real – while the bridal shower is obviously about showering the bride-to-be with love, there’s usually a whole lot of gift showering going on too. Adhering to the couple’s registry and bringing a thoughtful present is a must, but feel free to slip a little extra somethin’ somethin’ in your card too.

Including a small gift card to the couple’s favorite restaurant, a local home goods store, or a popular wedding planning website is a lovely gesture that’s sure to be appreciated. Or if you’re feeling extra generous, a check in an amount you’re comfortable with is always a welcome wedding planning surprise.

There’s no need to break the bank, but a small financial token to put towards a fun date night, kitchen must-have, or general wedding expenses is a great way to support the bride during this busy season. Just make sure you’re not inadvertently showing anyone up or making others feel bad if they didn’t do the same. The bridal shower is about blanketing the bride in love, not competition!

17. Remind her to soak up every moment

Wedding planning has a way of taking over your entire life and brain space for the duration of your engagement. There are so many details to decide, logistics to coordinate, and checklists to tackle that it’s easy to get swept up in a flurry of tulle and forget to pause and enjoy this special season.

In your card, gently remind the bride to take a moment to slow down and soak up the magic of being a bride-to-be. Encourage her to relish the fun of opening shower gifts and playing cheesy games with her best gals. To really be present in every celebratory occasion, from the engagement party to the bachelorette to the wedding morning mimosas with her squad.

Remind her that everything will come together beautifully in the end, even if the planning process feels a bit chaotic at times. And let her know that you’ll be right there by her side to toast every memorable moment (and keep her sane when the seating chart makes her want to scream into a pillow).

18. Include a favorite quote or verse

If there’s a quote or verse you think captures the spirit of the occasion or the couple’s love perfectly, include it in your bridal shower card! These words of wisdom from relationship experts, philosophers, poets, and other prolific wordsmiths are sure to add that extra special touch.

Options include classic adorable lines like, “Love is patient, love is kind,” and gentler reminders to choose each other every day like, “Love is not about how many days, months, or years you have been together. Love is about how much you love each other every single day,” and straight up swoon-worthy romantic notions like, “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”

And of course, feel free to pluck any other beautiful words you come across from a movie, TV show, song, poem, book, or even your own heart. Just make sure the quote is appropriate for the occasion and that you properly credit the source if it’s not your creation. A simple, “Love is a friendship set to music. – Joseph Campbell” attribution works perfectly.

19. Express thanks for her friendship

A bridal shower is the perfect time to reflect on how grateful you are to have the bride as a cherished friend in your life. Let her know how much you value the bond you share and how knowing her has made your world infinitely brighter.

Recall the many ups and downs you’ve been through together. The late-night gab sessions and the ugly crying over pints of Ben & Jerry’s. The road trips and the girl’s nights and all the big milestones in between. Tell her how much you admire her strength, her kindness, her humor, and so many other wonderful traits she possesses.

Say thank you for the years of friendship, support, advice, and endless laughter she’s given you. Let her know there’s no one else you’d rather stand beside as she prepares to walk down the aisle. And most importantly, remind her that she’s stuck with you for life because you’ll always be her person, her cheerleader, and her friend.

20. Close with heartfelt well wishes and excitement

As you wrap up your bridal shower card, reiterate your love and excitement for the bride-to-be one more time. Let her know that this is just the beginning of an incredible, love-filled adventure and that you can’t wait to watch her love story unfold.

Remind her to soak up every ounce of joy on her wedding day, to take in all the little moments and imprint them in her heart. Encourage her to pause and feel the love surrounding her from family and friends who are ALL there to celebrate the amazing person she is.

Close with a line about how you’re so thrilled and honored to watch her marry her best friend. You know their love will only grow deeper and more beautiful with each passing year. And that you’ll be cheering them on every step of the way as they embark on this incredible new chapter hand in hand and heart to heart.

Wrapping Up the Bridal Shower Card Wishes

As you sign, seal, and deliver your card to the beautiful bride-to-be, know that your heartfelt words will be cherished for years to come.

This thoughtful note is a wonderful way to shower her with love and support as she prepares to say “I do” and start an exciting new chapter.

Whether you’ve opted for a sentimental memory, a bit of witty wisdom, some well wishes, or all of the above – she’s sure to feel incredibly celebrated and supported with your bridal shower card message.

Taking the time to put pen to paper and tell her how much she means to you is truly the greatest gift of all.

So raise your glass (or your pen) and toast to the bride! Here’s to a fabulous shower, a magical wedding, and a lifetime of love and happiness ahead.

Cheers to the future Mrs. and the amazing things to come!