20 Things to Write Rants About

Are you tired of holding your tongue when something grinds your gears?

Do you feel that fiery passion bubbling up inside, urging you to let loose and give the world a piece of your mind?

Well, buckle up, folks, because we’re about to embark on a wild ride through 20 irresistible topics that’ll have you ranting like a pro in no time!

In this ultimate guide, you’ll discover:

  • A treasure trove of subjects that’ll ignite your inner ranter
  • Techniques to craft compelling and persuasive arguments
  • The cathartic joy of unleashing your frustrations through the power of the written word

So grab your pen (or keyboard) and get ready to let those steam valves open wide, because it’s time to embrace your inner ranter and let the world know what gets under your skin!

1. The Horrors of Public Transportation

Public transportation can be an absolute nightmare, can’t it? From the moment you step onto that crowded bus or train, you’re thrust into a world of chaos and frustration.

First, there’s the issue of personal space—or rather, the complete lack thereof. You find yourself sandwiched between a sneezing toddler and a guy who apparently bathed in cologne, wondering how you ended up in this claustrophobic hell. And let’s not forget about the delightful odors that waft through the air, a nauseating cocktail of body odor, fast food, and despair.

But wait, there’s more! The schedules are about as reliable as a politician’s promise, leaving you stranded at the mercy of the transit gods. Oh, and good luck finding a seat during rush hour. You’ll have better odds of winning the lottery than snagging a spot to rest your weary legs.

2. The Scourge of Slow Walkers

Slow walkers. They’re the bane of every city dweller’s existence, aren’t they? You know the type—those leisurely strollers who seem to have all the time in the world, blissfully unaware of the seething rage building up behind them.

It’s like they’re trapped in their little bubble, oblivious to the fact that some of us have places to be and things to do. They meander along, stopping to smell the roses (or check their phones) while the rest of us are forced to perform an awkward dance of dodging and weaving just to get around them.

And heaven forbid you’re in a narrow hallway or on a crowded sidewalk. Suddenly, you’re stuck behind the human equivalent of a snail, watching in agony as precious seconds tick away. It’s enough to make you want to scream, “Move it or lose it, slowpoke!”

3. The Tyranny of Group Projects

Group projects. Two words that strike fear into the hearts of students and professionals alike. It’s like a cruel social experiment designed to test the limits of human patience and cooperation.

First, there’s the delightful task of trying to coordinate schedules with a bunch of people who have about as much in common as a cat and a goldfish. Good luck finding a time that works for everyone—you’ll have an easier time herding cats.

Then, there’s the inevitable clash of personalities. You’ve got the control freak who insists on micromanaging every aspect of the project, the slacker who contributes about as much as a potted plant, and the overachiever who makes everyone else look bad. It’s a recipe for disaster, a ticking time bomb of resentment and frustration.

And don’t even get me started on the dreaded “group presentation.” It’s like a public speaking nightmare come to life, complete with awkward transitions, technical difficulties, and that one person who won’t stop talking. Pass the antacids, please.

4. The Curse of Noisy Neighbors

Noisy neighbors. They’re the scourge of apartment living, the bane of every light sleeper’s existence. It’s like they’ve made it their personal mission to shatter your peace at every turn.

First, there’s the aspiring DJ next door who seems to think that 2 AM is the perfect time to practice their sick beats. The walls vibrate with the thump of the bass, making you feel like you’re trapped in a never-ending nightclub from hell.

Then, there’s the couple upstairs who communicate solely through shouting matches and slamming doors. Their domestic disputes become your unwilling entertainment, a real-life soap opera unfolding right above your head.

And let’s not forget about the wannabe rockstar down the hall who’s convinced that their off-key crooning is the next big thing. News flash, buddy: American Idol called, and they’re not interested.

5. The Perils of Online Dating

Online dating. It’s like a virtual minefield of awkwardness, disappointment, and the occasional (very occasional) glimmer of hope. You wade through a sea of cringe-worthy profiles, dodging red flags left and right, all in the name of finding that elusive “perfect match.”

First, there’s the art of crafting the perfect profile. You agonize over every word, trying to strike that delicate balance between witty and approachable, sexy and wholesome. But let’s be real—no one reads past the first sentence anyway.

Then, there’s the exhilarating (read: terrifying) world of messaging. You spend hours crafting the perfect opening line, only to be met with a resounding silence. Or worse, you get sucked into a never-ending cycle of small talk that makes watching paint dry seem thrilling by comparison.

And if you’re lucky enough to score an actual date? Well, buckle up, because it’s a wild ride. From the “catfisher” who looks nothing like their profile pic to the “stage-five clinger” who’s already planning your wedding, it’s a veritable freak show out there. Who needs Netflix when you’ve got the drama of online dating?

6. The Scourge of Manspreading

Ah, manspreading. The bane of every public transit rider’s existence. It’s like some men have decided that their comfort is the only thing that matters, and the rest of us are just inconvenient obstacles in their quest for legroom.

Picture this: you’re on a crowded subway, desperately trying to find a seat. And then you spot it—a glorious space, just waiting for you to claim it. But wait! What’s that? A pair of spread-eagle legs, taking up enough room for a small family? Congratulations, you’ve just encountered a manspreader in the wild.

It’s like they’ve never heard of common courtesy or spatial awareness. They lounge back, knees akimbo, oblivious to the dirty looks and passive-aggressive sighs of their fellow passengers. And heaven forbid you try to squeeze in next to them—you’ll be lucky if you escape with your dignity (and your personal space) intact.

7. The Insanity of Multi-Level Marketing

Multi-level marketing. It’s like a cult, but with overpriced essential oils and leggings. You know the drill—your old high school acquaintance suddenly reaches out, gushing about this “amazing opportunity” that’s going to change your life. Spoiler alert: it’s not.

First, there’s the endless stream of social media posts, each one more grating than the last. Your feed becomes a minefield of emojis, fake enthusiasm, and thinly veiled sales pitches. No, Karen, I don’t want to join your “boss babe tribe” or buy your magic weight loss tea.

Then, there’s the pressure to recruit your downline. Suddenly, every conversation becomes a potential sales pitch, every friendship a means to an end. You find yourself alienating your loved ones, all in the name of chasing that elusive “passive income” dream.

And let’s not forget about the “product parties.” It’s like a Tupperware party on steroids, complete with forced smiles, awkward demonstrations, and the sinking realization that you’ve just blown your entire paycheck on overpriced junk. Sign me up for the next one, said no one ever.

8. The Horrors of Airplane Travel

Airplane travel. It’s like a high-stakes game of sardines, but with less legroom and more crying babies. From the moment you step into the airport, you’re thrust into a world of chaos, frustration, and overpriced snacks.

First, there’s the joy of airport security. You strip down to your socks, praying that you remembered to wear your good underwear, while a stone-faced TSA agent rifles through your personal belongings. It’s like a twisted version of a first date, but with more X-rays and less charm.

Then, there’s the boarding process. It’s like a bizarre social experiment, watching grown adults jockey for position like they’re in some sort of high-stakes musical chairs game. And heaven forbid you’re in a later boarding group—by the time you get on the plane, the overhead bins are so full, you’ll be lucky if you can cram your bag under the seat in front of you.

And don’t even get me started on the actual flight. You’re crammed into a tiny seat, your knees practically touching your chin, while the person in front of you reclines their seat so far back, that you can count their nose hairs. The food is a sad affair of rubbery chicken and limp veggies, and the in-flight entertainment consists of a fuzzy screen playing a movie from the Mesozoic era. Are we there yet?

9. The Nightmare of Workplace Meetings

Workplace meetings: where productivity goes to die. It’s like a twisted game of “how much time can we waste today?”, complete with droning presentations and endless off-topic tangents. Call it death by PowerPoint, or call it cruel and unusual punishment – either way, it’s enough to make any sane person lose their mind.

The agenda is always laughably optimistic, packed with more bullet points than there are hours in the day. But don’t worry – by the time everyone has said their obligatory piece, you’ll be lucky if you’ve even scratched the surface. It’s like watching paint dry but with more buzzwords and less artistic merit.

And let’s talk about the attendees, shall we? There’s the long-winded rambler who just can’t seem to get to the point, the chronic interrupter who can’t let anyone else finish a sentence, and the shameless suck-up who’s always ready with a well-timed chuckle at the boss’s lame jokes. It’s like a dysfunctional family reunion but with less booze and more passive aggression.

The worst part? These meetings are almost always unnecessary. An email would have sufficed, or better yet – just trust your employees to do their damn jobs. But no, we have to gather around a table and pretend like we’re accomplishing something. It’s enough to make you want to fake your death just to get out of the next one.

10. The Absurdity of Trendy Health Fads

Trendy health fads – the bane of any rational person’s existence. It’s like a never-ending parade of pseudo-science and snake oil, each one more ridiculous than the last. From juice cleanses to activated charcoal, it seems like there’s no limit to the absurdity people will embrace in the name of “wellness”.

Let’s start with the detox teas, shall we? All it takes to undo years of poor lifestyle choices is a few cups of overpriced leaf water. Never mind the fact that your liver and kidneys are already perfectly equipped to handle toxins – no, you need this magic potion to truly cleanse your system. Just don’t read the fine print about the explosive diarrhea.

And don’t even get me started on the gluten-free craze. Unless you have celiac disease, there’s no reason to banish gluten from your life. But that hasn’t stopped people from vilifying this innocent protein like it’s the root of all evil. Suddenly, everyone and their mother is eschewing bread like it’s laced with cyanide, all in the name of “health”.

But the real kicker? These fads are almost always backed by shoddy science and celebrity endorsements. One minute, coconut oil is a miracle cure-all; the next, it’s a heart attack in a jar. It’s enough to make your head spin faster than a SoulCycle class. Can’t we just stick to eating real food and moving our bodies? Or is that too radical a concept for the #wellness crowd?

11. The Frustration of Faulty Technology

Faulty technology – the scourge of the modern age. It’s like a cruel joke played by the gods of Silicon Valley, designed to test the limits of our patience and sanity. From frozen screens to disappearing files, it’s enough to make even the most tech-savvy among us want to throw our devices out the window.

Picture this: you’re in the middle of a crucial project, fingers flying across the keyboard as you race against a looming deadline. And then, without warning, your computer decides to take an impromptu vacation. The spinning wheel of death appears, mocking your misery as you watch helplessly, praying to the tech gods for a miracle. It’s like watching your hopes and dreams flush down the virtual toilet.

And don’t even get me started on the joy of software updates. Just when you’ve finally mastered the quirks and glitches of your current system, along comes a shiny new version to throw a wrench in the works. Suddenly, all your carefully honed shortcuts are obsolete, and you’re left fumbling around like a tech-illiterate grandpa. It’s enough to make you long for the days of pen and paper.

But the real kicker? When you finally break down and call customer support, you’re met with a labyrinth of automated menus and hold music that could be used as a torture device. And when you finally reach a human being, they’re about as helpful as a screen door on a submarine. “Have you tried turning it off and on again?” Oh, gee, why didn’t I think of that? Thanks for the groundbreaking advice, genius.

12. The Pain of Procrastination

Procrastination – the thief of time and the bane of productivity. It’s like a siren song, luring us away from our responsibilities with the promise of instant gratification and endless distraction. From binge-watching Netflix to scrolling through social media, there’s no shortage of ways to avoid doing what we know we should be doing.

Picture this: you’ve got a looming deadline, a mountain of work to tackle, and a ticking clock that seems to be moving at warp speed. But instead of buckling down and getting shit done, you find yourself falling down the rabbit hole of YouTube videos and Wikipedia rabbit holes. Before you know it, hours have passed, and you’re no closer to crossing anything off your to-do list. It’s like watching your future self flip you the bird from a distance.

And the worst part? The guilt. Oh, the guilt. It’s like a constant companion, lurking in the shadows of your procrastination, ready to pounce at any moment. You try to justify your lack of productivity with flimsy excuses – “I work better under pressure,” “I’m just taking a quick break” – but deep down, you know you’re only fooling yourself. It’s a vicious cycle of self-loathing and regret, punctuated by brief moments of panic-fueled productivity.

But here’s the thing: procrastination is a choice. Sure, it’s an easy one to make in the moment, but it’s still a choice. And every time we give in to its siren call, we’re choosing short-term comfort over long-term success. So how do we break free from its clutches? By starting small, setting realistic goals, and holding ourselves accountable. And if all else fails, there’s always the tried-and-true method of bribery – promise yourself a reward for getting shit done, and watch as your motivation magically appears.

13. The Perils of Pushy Salespeople

Pushy salespeople – the scourge of the shopping experience. They’re like vultures circling their prey, ready to swoop in and attack at the first sign of weakness. From the moment you step into their domain, you’re fair game – a walking, talking wallet just waiting to be emptied.

Picture this: you’re browsing innocently, minding your own business, when suddenly you hear the dreaded words: “Can I help you find something?” It’s like a starter pistol firing off in your brain, triggering your fight-or-flight response. You try to play it cool, muttering something about “just looking,” but it’s too late – they’ve already locked onto you like a heat-seeking missile.

And then the games begin. They start with innocent questions, probing for information they can use against you. “What’s the occasion?” “What’s your budget?” “Have you seen our latest collection?” It’s like a high-stakes interrogation but with more polyester and less good cop/bad cop.

But the real kicker? The pressure tactics. They’ll stop at nothing to close the sale, from the classic “this is the last one in stock” to the cringe-inducing “I’ll give you a special deal, just for you.”

It’s like being trapped in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse but with more fake smiles and less dignity.

And heaven forbid you try to leave without buying something. Suddenly, you’re faced with a barrage of last-ditch efforts, from the guilt trip (“I thought we connected!”) to the desperate plea (“Just try it on, you can always return it!”). It’s enough to make you want to fake your death and move to a remote cabin in the woods, far away from the clutches of the retail world.

14. The Frustration of Fad Diets

Fad diets – the bane of anyone who’s ever tried to lose weight. They’re like a revolving door of false promises and dashed hopes, each one more ridiculous than the last. From the cabbage soup diet to the baby food diet (yes, that’s a real thing), it seems like there’s no limit to the absurdity people will embrace in the name of shedding a few pounds.

Let’s start with the basics: any diet that requires you to eliminate entire food groups is probably not a good idea. But that hasn’t stopped people from hopping on the bandwagon of gluten-free, dairy-free, carb-free, joy-free eating. The key to a healthy body is to deprive yourself of anything that tastes remotely good. Sign me up for a lifetime of misery and deprivation!

And then there are the “miracle” foods. One minute, it’s acai berries; the next, it’s kale. Suddenly, everyone and their mother is chomping on the trendy superfood du jour, convinced that it holds the secret to eternal youth and a six-pack. Never mind the fact that most of these foods are about as appetizing as cardboard – if it’s been featured on Dr. Oz, it must be legit, right?

But the real kicker? These diets rarely work in the long term. Sure, you might drop a few pounds in the beginning, but as soon as you go back to eating like a normal human being, the weight comes right back – and then some. It’s like your body is saying, “Hey, remember all that fun we used to have? Let’s do that again but with more stretch marks this time!”

So what’s the solution? It’s simple: eat real food, in moderation. Don’t fall for the hype of the latest fad diet – trust your body to know what it needs. And if all else fails, there’s always the tried-and-true method of exercise. Who needs a juice cleanse when you can sweat out your sins on the treadmill?

15. The Pain of Parking

Parking – the bane of every driver’s existence. It’s like a high-stakes game of musical chairs, but with more cursing and less whimsy. From circling the block for hours to squeezing into spots that would make a contortionist wince, it’s enough to make even the most zen among us lose our cool.

Picture this: you’re running late for an important meeting, your palms are sweaty, and your heart is racing. You turn the corner, praying to the parking gods for a miracle – and then you see it. A glorious, empty spot, just waiting for you to claim it. But wait – what’s that? A motorcycle, cunningly tucked into the space like a tiny, two-wheeled middle finger to your dreams? Cue the sound of your soul leaving your body.

And don’t even get me started on parallel parking. It’s like a cruel joke played by the universe, designed to test the limits of your spatial awareness and patience. You inch forward, then back, then forward again, trying to navigate the impossible geometry of the curb and the cars on either side. And all the while, you can feel the judgmental stares of the passersby, silently mocking your ineptitude. It’s enough to make you want to abandon your car and take up residence on a park bench.

But the real kicker? The cost. In some cities, parking can be more expensive than rent. You shell out a small fortune for the privilege of leaving your car in a tiny rectangle of asphalt, only to come back and find a fresh new dent or ding courtesy of your careless neighbors. It’s like paying someone to kick you in the shins – painful, expensive, and utterly pointless.

So what’s the solution? Well, short of moving to a city with decent public transportation (ha!), there’s not much you can do. But next time you find yourself circling the block for the umpteenth time, just remember: you’re not alone in your misery. We’re all in this parking hell together.

16. The Nightmare of Noisy Eaters

Noisy eaters – the scourge of any peaceful meal. They’re like human garbage disposals, chomping and slurping their way through life with reckless abandon. From the moment they sit down at the table, you know you’re in for a aural assault that would make even the most hardened soldier wince.

Picture this: you’re trying to enjoy a quiet lunch, savoring each bite of your carefully prepared meal. But then, from across the table, you hear it – the unmistakable sound of someone chewing with their mouth open. It’s like a symphony of smacking and sloshing, punctuated by the occasional grunt of satisfaction. Suddenly, your appetite has left the building, along with your will to live.

And don’t even get me started on the slurpers. You know the type – the ones who seem to compete with themselves to see how loudly they can inhale their soup or coffee. It’s like they’re trying to suck the soul out of their food, one noisy sip at a time. And heaven forbid you try to say something – they’ll just look at you with blank incomprehension as if the concept of eating quietly is utterly foreign to them.

But the real kicker? When you’re trapped in close quarters with a noisy eater, there’s no escape. Whether it’s a coworker in the next cubicle or a seatmate on a long flight, you’re stuck listening to their mastication marathon for the duration. It’s enough to make you want to invest in a set of noise-canceling headphones and never leave your house again.

So what’s the solution? Well, short of staging an intervention or investing in a soundproof bubble, there’s not much you can do. But next time you find yourself in the presence of a noisy eater, just remember: it’s not you, it’s them. And if all else fails, there’s always the tried-and-true method of passive-aggressive sighing and eye-rolling. Hey, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em (in silent judgment).

17. The Absurdity of Artisanal Everything

Artisanal everything – the bane of anyone who just wants a plain old cup of coffee or a simple sandwich. It’s like the hipster apocalypse has arrived, and we’re all doomed to drown in a sea of hand-crafted, small-batch, locally-sourced pretension.

Let’s start with the basics: when did everything become “artisanal”? Suddenly, you can’t swing a reusable tote bag without hitting a artisanal pickle shop or a hand-crafted beard oil boutique. It’s like the word has lost all meaning, becoming just another buzzword to slap on a label and jack up the price. Congratulations, you’ve just paid $20 for a jar of “artisanal” peanut butter that tastes suspiciously like Jif.

And don’t even get me started on the coffee scene. Gone are the days of a simple cup of joe – now, it’s all about the single-origin, fair-trade, cold-brewed, nitrogen-infused elixir of life. And heaven forbid you just want a plain old drip coffee – you’ll be met with a barrage of questions about your brewing method, bean preference, and astrological sign. It’s enough to make you want to swear off caffeine altogether and take up residence in a sensory deprivation tank.

But the real kicker? The smugness. Oh, the smugness. Artisanal devotees can’t seem to help but radiate an air of superiority as if their choice of hand-crafted soap or small-batch mustard makes them better than the unwashed masses. They’ll regale you with tales of their latest farmer’s market finds or their favorite micro-distillery, all while looking down their nose at your sad, mass-produced existence. It’s enough to make you want to drown your sorrows in a vat of “artisanal” moonshine.

So what’s the solution? Well, short of staging a hipster intervention or moving to a remote cabin in the woods, there’s not much you can do. But next time you find yourself in the throes of artisanal overload, just remember: it’s okay to like things that aren’t hand-crafted by bearded men in flannel. And if all else fails, there’s always the tried-and-true method of ironic eye-rolling and sarcastic air quotes. Artisanal, indeed.

18. The Pain of Public Restrooms

Public restrooms – the bane of anyone who’s ever had to answer nature’s call while out and about. They’re like a portal to a alternate dimension of filth and despair, where the laws of hygiene and common decency cease to exist. From the moment you step through the door, you know you’re in for an experience that will haunt your dreams for years to come.

Picture this: you’re out running errands, minding your own business, when suddenly your bladder decides to stage a revolt. You frantically search for a restroom, praying to the porcelain gods that you’ll find one in time. And then you see it – a dingy, nondescript door with a faded “restroom” sign hanging crookedly on the front. You push it open with trepidation, only to be assaulted by a wave of stench that would make a sewer rat gag. It’s like walking into a scene from a horror movie, but with more bodily fluids and less attractive protagonists.

And don’t even get me started on the toilet paper situation. It’s like a cruel game of Russian roulette, never knowing whether you’ll be greeted by a luxurious roll of two-ply or a single, flimsy square that disintegrates upon contact. And heaven forbid you need to use the sink – the soap dispenser is always empty, the faucet is always leaking, and the hand dryer is always broken. It’s enough to make you want to take your chances with the great outdoors and hope for the best.

But the real kicker? The other people. Public restrooms are like a magnet for the strangest, most unsavory characters imaginable. From the person who seems to be conducting a full-blown photoshoot in the mirror to the one who apparently missed the memo on how to flush, it’s a veritable freak show of poor hygiene and questionable life choices. And let’s not forget the inevitable awkward eye contact with the person in the next stall over, silently judging you for your choice of reading material (or lack thereof).

So what’s the solution? Well, short of holding it in until you get home or investing in a personal porta-potty, there’s not much you can do. But next time you find yourself braving the horrors of a public restroom, just remember: you’re not alone in your misery. We’re all in this together, one flush at a time.

19. The Frustration of Fake Pockets

Fake pockets – the bane of anyone who’s ever tried to carry something hands-free. They’re like a cruel joke played by the fashion industry, designed to test the limits of our patience and practicality. From the moment you slip on a pair of pants or a jacket, you know you’re in for a day of frustration and disappointment.

Picture this: you’re getting ready for a night out, feeling confident and stylish in your new outfit. You go to slip your phone and keys into your pockets, only to discover that they’re sewn shut. It’s like a slap in the face from the fashion gods, a taunting reminder that form always trumps function in the world of style. Suddenly, your sleek and sophisticated look is ruined by the bulky outline of your essentials, awkwardly shoved into whatever crevice you can find.

And don’t even get me started on the gender disparity. Men’s clothing is practically bursting at the seams with pockets – deep, spacious, and plentiful. But women’s clothing? It’s like a barren wasteland of decorative stitching and false promises. The powers that be have decided that women don’t need to carry anything more substantial than a lipstick and a credit card. It’s enough to make you want to stage a pocket revolution and demand equal storage for all.

But the real kicker? The impracticality of it all. In a world where we’re constantly on the go, juggling a million tasks and responsibilities, you’d think that clothing designers would prioritize function over form. But no – apparently, the only thing that matters is how cute your outfit looks on Instagram. Never mind the fact that you can’t even fit your phone in your pocket without risking a wardrobe malfunction. Fashion, you fickle beast.

So what’s the solution? Well, short of taking up sewing and adding your own pockets to everything you own, there’s not much you can do. But next time you find yourself cursing the fashion gods for their cruel and impractical ways, just remember: you’re not alone in your pocket-related misery. We’re all in this together, one fake pocket at a time.

20. The Horror of Huge Ice Cubes in Drinks

Huge ice cubes in drinks – the bane of anyone who’s ever tried to enjoy a refreshing beverage. They’re like miniature icebergs, lurking beneath the surface of your drink, waiting to ambush your unsuspecting lips with their icy, oversized embrace. From the moment you take your first sip, you know you’re in for a frustrating and potentially painful experience.

Picture this: you’re out at a fancy cocktail bar, ready to unwind after a long day. You order your favorite drink, anticipating the delicious mix of flavors and the satisfying clink of ice against glass. But when your drink arrives, you’re confronted with a sight that makes your heart sink – a single, massive ice cube, taking up more than half the glass. It’s like a cruel joke played by the mixology gods, a taunting reminder that bigger isn’t always better.

And don’t even get me started on the logistics of actually drinking the damn thing. You tilt the glass to your lips, only to be met with a face full of ice. You try to maneuver around it, contorting your mouth into unnatural positions just to get a sip of your drink. And heaven forbid you try to take a bite of the ice cube itself – it’s like playing a game of dental roulette, never knowing whether you’ll chip a tooth or just end up with a serious case of brain freeze.

But the real kicker? The dilution factor. Those massive ice cubes may look cool (pun intended), but they’re also a recipe for a watered-down drink. As they slowly melt, they release their icy payload into your carefully crafted cocktail, turning it into a sad, diluted shadow of its former self. It’s enough to make you want to swear off fancy drinks altogether and stick to good old-fashioned shots.

So what’s the solution? Well, short of bringing your own ice cube tray to the bar or convincing mixologists everywhere to embrace the virtues of crushed ice, there’s not much you can do. But next time you find yourself face-to-face with a behemoth ice cube, just remember: you’re not alone in your frustration. We’re all in this together, one oversized ice cube at a time.


So there you have it, friends – 20 things to rant about that are sure to get your blood boiling and your keyboard smoking.

From the perils of air travel to the absurdity of tiny pockets, the world is full of petty annoyances and first-world problems just waiting to be complained about.

But here’s the thing – ranting isn’t just cathartic; it’s also a way to bond with others over shared frustrations.

There’s something strangely satisfying about commiserating with a fellow sufferer, knowing that you’re not alone in your annoyance.

So go forth and rant, my friends.

Embrace your inner grouch, and let your petty grievances fly.

Who knows – you might just find a kindred spirit in the process.

And if all else fails, just remember: it could always be worse.

At least you’re not stuck in a public restroom with a noisy eater and a massive ice cube.